Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:59

VERMEER, J. (2006)

EEP Husbandry Guidelines for Squirrel Monkeys (genus Saimiri).

57 Seiten. La Vallée des Singes, Romagne.


Squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) are attractive primates that are popular in zoos. However, recent surveys showed that breeding of the genus in European zoos is often poor and that a close cooperation between zoos will be necessary to prevent the extinction of the genus in the near future. For this reason, breeding programs have been established for both species that are being kept in European zoos.

In order to help zoos to improve the husbandry of squirrel monkeys, husbandry guidelines have been compiled. The guidelines are based on information from the literature, results of earlier surveys and personal experiences. These guidelines should be seen as a living document that will need regular updates whenever there are new developments in the husbandry.

One problem with the consulted publications is that it has not always been clear which species was used for the study, and we do know that there are interspecific differences in behaviour and hormonal responses. However, as there is little evidence that the husbandry require ments for the two species of squirrel monkeys kept in European zoos are very different, the guidelines can be used for both of them.

In order to further improve our knowledge on the husbandry of squirrel monkeys, zoos should continue to exchange information on their experiences. I sincerely hope that these guidelines will have a positive effect on the well-being and reproductive outcome of squirrel monkeys in captivity



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 13:01

FRITZ, H. I. (1971)

Maintenance of the Common opossum in captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook 11 : 46–49
DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-1090.1971.tb01843.x



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:39

GESCHKE, K. (2001)

Veterinärmedizinische Aspekte der Zucht des Großen Tümmlers (Tursiops truncatus) in Menschenhand.

Veterinary aspects of the breeding of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) under human care.

Dr. med. vet. Dissertation

151 Seiten.

Tierärztliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians–Universität München
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kraft
Zoo Duisburg


Die Reproduktionsergebnisse von Großen Tümmlern in fünf europäischen Delphinarien seit dem Zeitpunkt ihres Bestehens wurden aus einem veterinärmedizinischen Blickwinkel untersucht. Alle Aufzeichnungen über Jungtiere und deren Aufzucht bis zu einem Alter von einem Jahr wurden ausgewertet. Das Verhalten der Tiere und ihre Haltungsbedingungen prä- und postpartal wurden - vor allem in Hinblick auf einen potentiellen Indikator für den Gesundheitszustand des Kalbes - untersucht. Die Daten von drei Geburten mitsamt ihrer Geburtsvorbereitungen in einem Delphinarium und zwei weitere Geburten in einem anderen Delphinarium wurden von der Autorin persönlich mit aufgenommen und vor allem auf die Gestationsdiagnostik, eine genaue Geburtsterminierung, Geburtshilfe, sowie Untersuchung-•und Behandlungsmethoden der Neugeborenen hin analysiert. Wegen der Schwierigkeiten, den Gesundheitszustand eines Delphinkalbes adspektorisch objektiv zu erfassen, dienen Verhaltensbeobachtungen des Mutter- und Jungtierpaares - mit der Dokumentation von physiologischen Daten der Jungtiere - als Grundlage für diese Arbeit.
Die Gestationsdiagnose konnte bei den letzten Geburten von vier der untersuchten Delphinarien mit Hilfe von gepaarten Serumprogesteronanalysen gestellt werden. Bei drei der Delphinarien wurden zusätzliche Ultraschalluntersuchungen im Verlauf der Trächtigkeit durchgeführt. ln vier der Delphinarien folgten auf die Feststellung einer Gestation diverse Vorbereitungen wie die Trennung des Muttertieres von der Gruppe. Schutznetze und Matten vor den Beckenwänden des Aufzuchtbeckens, erhöhte Hygienemaßnahmen und die Einrichtung einer 24-Stunden-Observation zur Erfassung der Verhaltensweisen und der physiologischen Daten des Kalbes.

Weder die Atem- noch die Saugwerte der Kälber zeigten signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den überlebenden und gestorbenen Tieren. Keiner der physiologischen Parameter konnte als objektiv für die Beurteilung des Gesundheitsstatus der Jungtiere herangezogen werden. Vermutlich sind die Muttertiere in der Lage, den Zustand eines geschwächten und erkrankten Kalbes soweit zu verschleiern, daß seine Atem- und Saugparameter nicht seinem gesundheitlichen Zustand entsprechen. Allerdings zeigten zwei Kälber beim 'Anrüsten' an die Milchdrüsen ihrer Muttertiere deutliche Unterschiede, und das Saugverhalten der überlebenden Jungtiere zeigte ähnliche Verlaufsmuster, im Gegensatz zu dem Tier, das während der Beobachtung starb.

Diagnostik und Therapie bei den Kälbern unter einem Jahr wurden nur in zwei Delphinarien durchgeführt. 

Nach der Auswertung der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit und der eingesehenen Literatur, kann der Zugriff auf Mutter• und Jungtier und die Untersuchung und Behandlung des Neugeborenen schon bei den ersten Anzeichen von abweichendem Verhalten empfohlen werden.


The breeding results of bottlenose dolphins in five European dolphinaria have been analysed from a veterinary point of view since the time of their existence. The records of all neonates and their rearing to one year of age were evaluated. Behaviour, management and handling before and after partus were investigated, mainly in search of useful prognostic indicators for the health status of the neonates. Parallel to the dolphinaria's own data collection, the data of three births together with the birth preparations in one dolphinarium and two more births in another dolphinarium have been documented by the author, with special attention to the pregnancy diagnoses, prediction of the time of birth, veterinary interventions before, during and after the partus and the methods used for diagnosis and treatment in the neonates.
Because of the difficulties to objectively evaluate the health status of a dolphin calf, behaviour observations of the mother and calf pair and the documentation of physiological data of the neonate served as a basis for this work.

Pregnancy diagnoses could be safely established for the more recent births with the help of paired serum progesteron analyses in four of the dolphinaria and could be improved through additional ultrasound examinations in the course of the gestation in three of the dolphinaria. After the confirmation of the pregnancy, four dolphinaria started with multiple preparations like the separation of the mother from the group, covering of the walls with protective nets and foam mats for the safety of the calf in the breeding pool, intensified hygiene measures and the establishment of a 24-hour-observation for the documentation of the behaviour and the collection of physiological data of the calves.

Neither the breathing nor the suckling data of the calves showed significant differences between the surviving and dying animals. None of the physiological parameters could be used as an objective indicator for the assessment of the health status of the neonates. It seems that the mother can disguise the weakening conditions of a sick calf to the point that its physiological data do not correlate with his medical state. However, two calves showed clear differences in their percentages of stimulating the mammary glands (called 'bumping') followed by suckling, and the surviving neonates had similar patterns in their suckling patterns, in contrast to the animal that died during the observation.

Diagnoses and therapies of calves under one year of age were only conducted in two dolphinaria. But after the analysis of the results of this study and the literature, it can be recommended to capture the calf and start the examination and therapy as soon as behaviour changes are observed.


Freigegeben in G

First observations on the courtship, mating, and nest visit behaviour of the Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) at the Cologne Zoo.


The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the social and in particular reproductive behaviour of the Critically Endangered Philippine crocodile. Crocodylus mindorensis has been a focus for international conservation breeding measures for about two decades. Since little scientific data have been gathered on the biology and ecology of the species so far, its breeding remains a challenge.

In order to identify behavioural patterns that trigger courtship behaviour, and to determine when sociopositive interactions increase and the animals are ready for reproduction, a pair of two adult C. mindorensis at Cologne Zoo was systematically observed between August 2011 and July 2012 for a total of 583 hours. Observations took place using all occurrences recording and scan sampling, focusing on pre-, post- and actual mating behaviour. We present a detailed documentation of copulations with behaviours such as growling, roaring, and bubbling. Bubbling in both sexes was observed prior to copulations and decreased with the end of the mating season, supporting the assumption that it can be referred to as courtship behaviour. Behaviours that indicate the approach of the breeding season, such as approaches to the dividing slide, bubbling and nest building, could be distinguished. Our findings should help to improve breeding efforts under captive husbandry conditions and thus contribute to the conservation breeding of this highly endangered and difficult to keep crocodilian species.

jzar - Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 2(4): 123-129.

Freigegeben in S
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:53

SCHÜRER, U. (2002a)

Geburt und Aufzucht eines Gelbrückenduckers Cephalophus silvicultor (Afzelius, 1815) im Zoologischen Garten Wuppertal.

Zool. Garten (N. F.) 71 (3): 154-160. Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena. ISSN: 0044-5169

Voller Text



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:50

SCHÜRER, U. (2002)

Zwillinge bei Kalifornischen Seelöwen (Zalophus californianus) im Zoologischen Garten Wuppertal.

Zool. Garten (N. F.) 71 (2): 101-103. Urban & Fischer Verlag Jena. ISSN: 0044-5169

Voller Text



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Erfahrungsbericht über die Haltung und deutsche Erstzucht der Borneo-Flussschildkröte (Orlitia borneensis Gray, 1873) im Zoo Dresden.

Der Zoologische Garten (N.F.) 82 (1-2): 8-25. ISSN 0044-5169.


Dresden Zoo bred successfully the Malaysian giant turtle (Orlitia borneensis) in summer 2012. This was the first successful breeding of this species in Germany.

Little is known about biology and behaviour of this large river turtle and keeping and especially breeding of this endangered species in captivity is a rarity. In order to create optimal breeding conditions Dresden Zoo rebuilt an enclosure for the turtles in 2010. An area with soil and sand was built for the expected egg deposition. After arranged matings one female dug a nest on this area and buried her eggs. Nine eggs were secured and transferred into an incubator in a box filled with a 1:1 mixture of vermiculite and water. The average temperature was 29 °C. After problems with the temperature regulation the damaged incubator had to be replaced. Because of an estimated incubation period of 3–4 months, one egg was opened on day 127 of incubation. A live hatchling with a big yolk sac was fetched. Because of the non-reabsorbed yolk sac the hatchling was further incubated. On day 154 of incubation all eggs were manually opened and the hatchlings were fetched. All of these hatchlings showed a non-reabsorbed yolk sac and were incubated onwards in a box with wet paper towel until the yolk sac was completely reabsorbed. After that the hatchlings were housed solitarily in a box with water of approximately 4 cm height and a small land area. Two days after housing food was offered for the first time. All hatchlings accepted the offered food consisting of herbal as well as of animal products and later turtle pellets and self-made turtle jelly.

Though little is known about breeding this species, the breeding success of Dresden Zoo demonstrates a possible approach to this topic. But there are still things to optimize. For example the manual hatching is something that should be avoided in future. Fertilization and hatching rate of 100% are promising and up to date eight out of nine hatchlings are still alive.

Freigegeben in B
Samstag, 16 August 2014 15:35

DATHE, F. (2012)

Haltung und Vermehrung von Blauen Stachelleguanen, Sceloporus cyanogenys Cope, 1885) im Tierpark Berlin.

Milu, Berlin 13 (6): 842-847


16.08.2014 - 482

Freigegeben in D
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 12:35

DATHE, F. (2010)

Haltung und Fortpflanzung von Gelbkopfschildkröten, Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1824) im Tierpark Berlin.

Milu, Berlin 13 (1): 51-66.


Der Artikel berichtet über die Haltungsgeschichte der Gelbkopfschildkröten im Tierpark Berlin, ihre Haltungsbedingungen, die Eiablagen seit 2006 und die Jungenaufzucht ab 2008. Es werden detaillierte biometrische Daten über das Jungtierwachstum gegeben.



Freigegeben in D
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:40

BRIGHT, H. (1926)

The breeding of Grayson's dove. 

Avicultural Magazine (4th series) 4: 223-224.

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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx