Husbandry and Pathology of Bearded Vultures in Swiss Zoos that Participate in the Alpine Reintroduction Project.

European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), Third scientific meeting, May 31th - June 4th, 2000, PARIS, France.

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Fünf schweizerische Tiergärten tragen in der einen oder anderen Weise zum Projekt zur Wiederansiedlung des Bartgeiers in den Alpen bei. Die Geier werden unter Bedingungen gehalten, die der schweizerischen Tierschutzgesetzgebung und den Empfehlungen der Fachkommission Artenschutz entsprechen. Während es in allen Zoos zur Eiablage und in vier Zoos zum Schlupf von Küken kam, konnte nur ein Zoo die Jungtiere erfolgreich aufziehen und Vögel zur Wiederansiedlung oder zur Zucht in anderen Einrichtungen an das Projekt abgeben. Im weiteren enthält der Beitrag Informationen über Fütterung, Lebenserwartung und FortpflanFortpflanzungsbiologie sowie einen Überblick über die Sektionsbefunde bei Bartgeiern in schweizerischen Zoos.



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Freitag, 13 Mai 2016 15:44

CONWAY, W. G. (1973)

How to exhibit a bullfrog: a bed-time story for zoo men.

Int. Zoo Yearbook 13: 221-226.

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Mittwoch, 18 April 2018 11:30

WIESNER, H. (1984)

Notizen zur Haltung von Mhorr-Gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr).

Z. Kölner Zoo 27 (3): 110-113.


Die in den vergangenen zwei Jahren gemachten Erfahrungen bei der Haltung, Fütterung, mutterloser Aufzucht und Immobilisation von Mhorr-Gazellen im Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn werden beschrieben.



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Aktivitätsbudgets von Rothschildgiraffen (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi  Lydekker, 1903) in der „Zoom Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen“.

Activity budgets of Rothschild's Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi  Lydekker, 1903) in the “Zoom Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen”-

Der Zoologische Garten 84, 1–2: 61–74


Vom 01.06. bis zum 04.09.2014 wurde eine Zuchtgruppe von Rothschildgiraffen (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) bestehend aus einem Bullen, vier Kühen und fünf Jungbullen in der ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen beobachtet und von sechs Fokustieren (Zuchtbulle, drei Kühe, zwei Jungbullen) ein Aktivitätsbudget erstellt, wobei der prozentuale Anteil folgender Aktivitäten an der Beobachtungszeit Berücksichtigung fand: Nahrungsaufnahme (die Tiere erhielten vorwiegend Laub, Äste und Luzerneheu ad libitum), Wiederkäuen, Lokomotion, inter- und intrasexuelle Interaktionen, Beobachten der Umgebung sowie Stereotypien. Darüber hinaus konnte das Aktivitätsbudget einer Kuh vor und nach der Geburt ihres Kalbes verglichen werden. Die Aktivitätsbudgets der fünf Fokustiere variierten erheblich; dies ist im Wesentlichen auf Alter und Geschlecht der Tiere zurückzuführen. Durchschnittlich verbrachten die Fokustiere 48% des Tages mit der Nahrungsaufnahme (78% dieser Zeit wurden auf das Fressen von frischem Laub verwendet), 24% mit Wiederkäuen, 10% mit Lokomotion, 9% mit dem Beobachten der Umgebung und 6% mit Interaktionen. Stereotypien wurden nur bei den Kühen beobachtet und zwar Pacing bei drei von vier Kühen, Zungenspiele bei zwei Kühen. Nach der Geburt ihres Kalbes verbrachte eine Kuh mehr Zeit mit der Nahrungsaufnahme und Lokomotion, jedoch weniger Zeit mit dem Beobachten der Umgebung als vor der Geburt. Wahrscheinlich waren auch die oralen Stereotypien reduziert.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:32

DMOCH, R. (2009)

EEP Husbandry Guidelines for Bush Dogs (Speothos venaticus).

5  Seiten. Hrsg. Zoo Frankfurt für EAZA, Amsterdam.



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Husbandry Guidelines for the Pygmy Hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis).

103 Seiten. Zoo Basel.


In 2001, the first edition of the AZA Husbandry Manual for the Pygmy Hippopotamus was published and edited subsequently. It was written by Dr. Steve D. Thompson, SSP Coordinator and Regional Studbook Keeper for this species, and his research assistant, Sadie Ryan.
Basel zoo is responsible for the European Endangered species Programme (EEP) for the Pygmy Hippopotamus. In 2003, the EEP coordinator and the SSP coordinator decided to produce joint EAZA and AZA husbandry guidelines for the pygmy hippopotamus and use the AZA husbandry manual as a basis to be elaborated upon by the members of the pygmy hippo EEP species committee and other co-workers. In this way, the experiences of a wide variety of collaborators of various zoos and with differing points of view have been made available in these guidelines and we wish to thank all the contributors for their valuable work and commitment. Special thanks go to the members of the EEP species committee as well as Lucilia Tiberio from Lisbon zoo and Alastair Macdonald from the University of Edinburgh for volunteering to write chapters of these guidelines and to Darren McGarry from Edinburgh zoo for a dding valuable ideas and comments to various sections.
These guidelines emphasise the practical aspects of keeping pygmy hippos. Since very little is known about the biology and life history of pygmy hippos in the wild, this manual is based mainly on personal observations and experiences of the respective collaborators made in many different zoos.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 17:31

VERSTEEGE, K. (2012)

EAZA Husbandry Guidelines for the White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).

Safaripark Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek.

76 Seiten, 22 Abbildungen, Tabellen.


One of the main goals of modern zoos worldwide is conservation (WAZA, 2010). According to the IUCN red list 37% of all evaluated species are threatened (17.291 threatened species) (IUCN, 2010a). To keep the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) from extinction and to maintain a healthy, sustainable captive population, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) started an European Endangered Species Program (EEP) (Versteege, 2010a; EAZA, 2009a). The numbers of white rhinos are increasing and therefore the white rhino is stated as near threatened since 2002 by the IUCN (IUCN, 2010b). Nowadays 527 white rhinos in captivity are registered on ISIS worldwide, with 247 of them in European zoos. (ISIS, 2010) The first registration of a white rhino kept in an European zoo was in 1950 (Versteege, 2010a).

One of the tasks of an EEP is to develop husbandry guidelines to stimulate best husbandry and facilitate experience and knowledge throughout the EEP institutions. In these guidelines information is given on the best practice. The best practice serves multiple goals, i.e. higher welfare resulting in better reproduction successes and exchange of animals between EAZA institutions being more practical. Both goals enhance conservation efforts. This way it is hoped that the breeding program can meet its goals to get a sustainable ex situ population. Proper animal husbandry is needed for good population management and helps conservation of the white rhinoceros. (EAZA, 2009b)

Through a thesis assignment performed by Martijn van der Sijde and Wiebe Boomsma, students at the University of Applied Sciences ‘Van Hall Larenstein’, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, from April 2010 till October 2010, a draft husbandry manual has been published using the experience and knowledge of several keepers, curators and veterinarians working in different EEP institutions.
All experts who were contacted (listed in table 1) received an extensive questionnaire which they were asked to fill in and which has formed the backbone of Section 2 of the draft husbandry guidelines.

All information for Section 1 of the husbandry guidelines (the biology and field data) was collected through a literature study.
For the white rhino husbandry in zoos (Section 2), the filled in questionnaires of the twelve experts in table 1 were integrated together with information from the AZA Rhinoceros Husbandry Resource Manual (Fouraker and Wagener, 1996) and the EAZA draft EEP African Rhinoceroses Husbandry Guidelines for Rhinoceroses (Göltenboth et al., 2001). The process of the design is shown in a survey research model in figure 1.

The literature consists of scientific articles and books. Recent research has been preferred over older research, although older articles were used when no recent articles were available.

All answers from the twelve colleagues were incorporated to show all possible options for the management of the white rhinos. In the editing process (TAG decision), possible differences of opinion were weighed against each other, which resulted in the final husbandry guidelines for the white rhinos. The guidelines will nevertheless always remain a “living document”. There is no perfect way to take care of the white rhinos, there will always be room for discussion and adaptation.

The last phase of the production of the husbandry guidelines consisted of a review by several rhino keepers. They looked at the guidelines in a practical way to make sure that the information was reliable and could be put into practise. Their comments and advices have been implemented in the guidelines.



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Haltungsstandards zur Pflege von Tapiren in Menschenhand (deutsche Version der AZA- Tapir Husbandry Guidelines).

Übersetzung, Gestaltung & Druck: André Herzig & Tomas Sickert (Redaktion "Arbeitsplatz Zoo")

17 Seiten



Als Taxon gesehen sind Tapire in Menschenhand unter der Voraussetzung verhältnismäßig einfach zu halten und zu züchten, daß gute praktische Kenntnisse über ihre Biologie und ihr Verhalten vorliegen. Besonders fehlende Kenntnisse sind für viele der medizinischen und verhaltensbezogenen Probleme verantwortlich, welche in Menschenhand gehaltene Tapire haben. Bei der Erstellung von Haltungsrichtlinien für Tapire müssen die einzelnen Besonderheiten im Verhalten, in der Verträglichkeit, im Klima und im Grad der Interaktionen mit dem Pfleger beachtet werden. Da es immer große Unterschiede zwischen den Zoos geben wird, soll diese Auflistung von Haltungsstandards als Grundlage für jedes Programm eines erfolgreichen und tiergerechten Tapirmanagements benutzt werden.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:07

HONIGS, S. (2011)

Management Guidelines for the Welfare of Zoo animals - Gundi (Ctenodactylus gundi, C. vali and C. spec.).

PDF. Aquazoo/Löbbecke-Museum Düsseldorf.



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Establishment of Lesser Mouse Deer (Tragulus javanicus) Colony for Use as a New Laboratory Animal and/or Companion Animal.

1. Behaviour; 2. Hematological Characteristics; 3. Reproductive Physiology; 4. Rumen Microbiology in Relation to Feed Digestibility; and 5. Metabolic Avtivities.

JIRCAS Journal 4: 79-88.


Five females and 5 males of the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) captured from the jungles of Selangor and Pahang, Malaysia were introduced into the Rumen Microbiology Laboratory, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. The behavior of the lesser mouse deer was different from that of domestic ruminants and was more similar to that of dog and cat. Hematological studies showed that the blood composition of the lesser mouse deer was different from that of other domestic ruminants. In many erythrocytes, 1 or occasionally 2 unique pits were observed. The wild lesser mouse deer and offsprings reproduced well in the laboratory. The mouse deer reached sexual maturity at about 4 to 5 months of age and adult size at 5 months. The earliest sexual maturity was observed at 166 days for the male and 125 days for the female. Estimated gestation period was 134 +/- 2 days, which was much shorter than previously reported. The rumen flora and fauna of the lesser mouse deer were unique and differed from those of other ruminants. For example, the presence of fairly large bacteria, similar to Oval and Oscillospira as well as natural occurrence of mono-fauna of protozoa and protozoa-free conditions in this animal was observed. A new species of protozoa, Isotricha jalaludinii, was detected. Our observations under laboratory conditions suggest that the lesser mouse deer may be suitable as a small laboratory animal for studies in domestic ruminants and/ or as companion animal.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx