Dienstag, 21 März 2023 16:02

BOEV, Z. (2022)

The last Bos primigenius survived in Bulgaria (Cetartiodactyla: Bovidae).

Lynx, n. s. (Praha) 52: 139–142. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). DOI: 10.37520/lynx.2021.010


A horn-core of Bos primigenius excavated from the depth of 537.3–537.4 m in the late medieval
deposits of the second half of the 17th century to the 1st half of the 18th century AD is reported. This
record suggests that the aurochs survived in the Central Balkans a century later than the reported known
date (1627) from northern Poland.


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Mittwoch, 22 Februar 2023 10:32

MEIJAARD, E. & CHUA, M. A. H. (2017)

Is the northern chevrotain, Tragulus williamsoni Kloss, 1916, a synonym or one of the least-documented mammal species in Asia?

Raffles Bull. Zoology 65: 506–514.


The northern chevrotain, Tragulus williamsoni Kloss, 1916, was described, and for nearly a century remained known, from only one specimen. This had been collected from Meh Lem in northern Thailand in 1916. Following a taxonomic revision of the genus Tragulus, its taxonomic status was regarded as uncertain. New information from a Tragulus specimen from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China, stored in the Kunming Institute of Zoology, corroborates the status of T. williamsoni as a distinct taxon based on skull measurements. The conservation implications of this finding include the urgent need to determine conclusively the taxonomic status of T. williamsoni, and its distribution and conservation status.


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Is the northern chevrotain, Tragulus williamsoni Kloss, 1916, a synonym or one of the least-documented mammal species in Asia?

Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65: 506-514.


The northern chevrotain, Tragulus williamsoni Kloss, 1916, was described, and for nearly a century
remained known, from only one specimen. This had been collected from Meh Lem in northern Thailand in 1916.
Following a taxonomic revision of the genus Tragulus, its taxonomic status was regarded as uncertain. New
information from a Tragulus specimen from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China, stored in the Kunming
Institute of Zoology, corroborates the status of T. williamsoni as a distinct taxon based on skull measurements. The
conservation implications of this finding include the urgent need to determine conclusively the taxonomic status
of T. williamsoni, and its distribution and conservation status.


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Dienstag, 21 Februar 2023 17:55

LOW, C. H. S., WAI, C. K & LIM, K. K. P (2009)

The Identity of Mousedeer (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Tragulidae) observed at Lower Peirce Fotest, Singapore.

NATURE IN SINGAPORE 2009 2: 467–473.

Volltext (PDF)


The napu and the kanchil are usually distinguished from each other by the number of white stripes on their throat and
neck. However, in rare cases, this does not hold true at least for the kanchil. When coat colour and dark mid-ventral
stripe are taken into consideration, the mousedeer from Lower Peirce, thought to be a napu, Tragulus napu, should be a
kanchil, Tragulus kanchil fulviventer. Therefore, there is no recent record of wild napu on Singapore Island.


Freigegeben in L

Reproduction in the round-eared elephant shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus) in the southern Karoo, South Africa.

Journal of Zology 240(2): 233-243. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-7998.1996.tb05282.x


Reproduction in round-eared elephant shrews occurred throughout the year. Male round-eared elephant shrews were spermatogenically active, with spermatozoa stored in the cauda epididymes, throughout the year. Pregnant females occurred in all months except March and May and there was a decline in the occurrence of pregnancies during early winter (March-July). This tendency towards seasonality of pregnancies was mirrored by the appearance of juveniles, with 77% of all young animals caught between September and February. Bone calcium concentrations were significantly lower during the dry winter than during summer. From October onwards (the beginning of the wet season), bone calcium concentrations increased, reaching high levels in December which were maintained until April. This increase in bone calcium concentrations coincided with the rainy season and with an increase in the intake of herbage, and during this period 60% of all pregnancies occurred. We conclude that the ability of the round-eared elephant shrew to vary its diet may allow some individuals to breed throughout the year. The reduction in the occurrence of pregnancies in early winter probably ensures that few births occur when bone calcium concentrations are low.


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Kupferrote Springaffen (Plecturocebus cupreus)

Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 65(2): 49-62.

Volltext (PDF)


Wir berichten über Ergebnisse von Freilandstudien an Kupferroten Springaffen (Plecturocebus cupreus) an der Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco (EBQB), einer Forschungsstation im nordöstlichen peruanischen Amazonastiefland. Diese Springaffen können aufgrund ihrer Nahrungszusammensetzung als frugivor-faunivor charakterisiert werden. Sie leben in Familiengruppen von 2-6 Mitgliedern. Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Elternpaar sind gekennzeichnet durch einen größeren Beitrag des Weibchens zur sozialen Fellpflege und zur Aufrechterhaltung der räumlichen Nähe. Männchen sind hingegen die hauptsächlichen oder einzigen Träger der Jungtiere. Nach den bisherigen genetischen Befunden sind die Kupferroten Springaffen monogam, d. h. Jungtiere stammen von Männchen eines Paares ab, Vaterschaften außerhalb des Paares wurden nicht gefunden. Außerdem übernehmen sie bei Begegnungen mit potentiellen Raubfeinden und mit Nachbargruppen aktiver als die Weibchen. Springaffen zeigen eine ungewöhnliche Assoziation mit Mistkäfern. Wir enden mit einem Ausblick auf offene Fragestellungen.


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Fukomys mechowii (Rodentia: Bathyergidae).

Mammalian Species 53 (1011): 145-159. https://doi.org/10.1093/mspecies/seab014


Fukomys mechowii (Peters, 1881), the giant mole-rat or Mechow’s mole-rat, is a cooperatively breeding, tooth-digging, subterranean rodent. It is the largest representative of the genus Fukomys, which is part of the African mole-rat family Bathyergidae. It is found in mesic shrubland, savannah habitats, and agricultural lands in central Africa, its range extending through Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia. Fukomys mechowii is hunted for its meat in rural areas but its population is considered to be stable. It is rarely housed in captivity and is listed as “Least Concern” (LC) on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.


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Samstag, 14 Januar 2023 14:21

KRÄH, S. (2021)

Das Tierporträt: Tüpfelstreifen-Grasmaus.

Eliomys 2021/3: 22-24.


The typical striped grass mouse (Lemniscomys striatus) which has a distribution from West to Central Africa, is characterized by its stripes on its back consisting of individual dots. Behaviour and husbandry of this rodent species are described. They are pronounced ground dwellers and herbivores which is why they should be offered green forage ebery day. Brfeeding is not considered easy as it is naturally linked to the rainy season. This can be simulated in the husbandry by adding more green forage and increasing humidity.


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Samstag, 31 Dezember 2022 10:18

OLBRICHT, G. & SLIWA, A. (2014)

Elephant shrews (sengis) - neither rodent nor shrew: A historical perspective.

Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 30(2): 18-30. ISSN 0067-9208.


We provide an overview of the family Macroscelididae, commonly known as elephant shrews or sengis, starting with their fossil history in the mid-Cretaceous period to their phylogenetic placement in the supercohort Afrotheria. The currently accepted taxonomy of modern macroscelids, with four genera and 18 species, is presented. A summary of their current conservation status in the wild, according to the 2012 Red List of Threatened Species, is also provided. This is followed by an overview of past and present research relevant to: i) the history of sengis in captivity, ii) the establishment of breeding colonies, iii) their role and value in zoological collections and, iv) their contribution to research into longevity, reproductive biology and postnatal development of small mammals.


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Freitag, 30 Dezember 2022 15:08

ALLOUCH, G. (2016)

Anatomical Study of the Water Cells Area in the Dromedary Camels Rumen (Camelus dromedarius).

Nova JMedBiolSci. 5(1): 1-4. DOI: 10.20286/nova-jmbs-050183

Volltext (PDF)


Introduction: The aim of this study was to establish a description of the water cells area in dromedary camels.
Methods: Ten clinically healthy dromedaries of both sexes and different age, 4-9 years old were used in this study. The rumen was cut and opened, the contents were emptied of the rumen, then washed by running tap water to remove the ingestion. They were preserved in 10% formalin for 3-4 days to study object.
Results: This study has shown that the water cells area was consisted of many of the primary, secondary and partially folds confining the longitudinal, transversely cells.
Conclusions: The longitudinal and transverse cell forms the water cells which was considered chambers in which water was stored in camel's stomach.


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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx