Samstag, 01 Mai 2021 16:05

IRVEN, P. (2010)

Wild Caprines in British Zoos.

International Zoo News 57 / 6 (No 383)


The caprines represent a very diverse range of species. They are popular zoo species which are relatively easy to cater for in captivity once their basic husbandry has been established. Although once popular and widespread in U. K. collections, they have enjoyed an even greater popularity in many other European zoos, a situation which continues today. During the late 1980s an 1990s there was a drop in their popularity in Britain and a reduction in keeping wild caprine species. In recent times, however, there seems to have been a turn-around and a renewed interest in keeping them, which has resulted in three species - Rocky Mountain goat, Japanese serow and Mishmi takin - producing their first U. K. breeding during 2006 alone. The realisation that many caprine species are becoming endangered and would benefit from captive-breeding programmes has accelerated that interest. Britain in particular seems to be moving towards a wider variety of species than has been the case historically. There are still a few collections holding Barbary sheep: It is unlikely that this species will become as commonly seen or as widespread in British collections as it once was, but we could see a move towards keeping subspecific groups instead, in accordance with recent EAZA recommendarions.


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EAZA Regional Collection Plan Caprinae Taxon Advisory Group.

November 2020. First edition.
EAZA Executive Office: Amsterdam.


Der Plan enthält eine Einleitung, eine Zusammenfassung der Beschlüsse des durchgeführten Workshops und Informationen sowie Empfehlungen zu den einzelnen Wildformen der Caprinae.


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Genetic evidence for the origin of the agrimi goat (Capra aegagrus cretica).

Journal of Zoology, London 256: 369–377.


The agrimi goat Capra aegagrus cretica is unique to Crete and its offshore islands. It has been identfied as a sub-species of the wild bezoar goat Capra aegagrus aegagrus Erxleben, 1777, which it closely resembles in horn  shape, body form and coloration. This classification has been disputed by some researchers who claim that the agrimi are feral goats, derived from early domestic stock brought to the island by the first Neolithic settlers. In order to clarify this issue, DNA analyses (cytochromeband D loop sequences) were carried out on tissue of live and skeletonized agrimi and compared to sequences of wild and domestic caprines. Results conclusively show the agrimi to be a feral animal, that clades with domestic goats (Capra hircus) rather than with wild Asiatic bezoar. This study demonstrates that morphometric criteria do not necessarily reflect genetic affinities, and that the taxonomic classification of agrimi should be revised.


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Samstag, 21 April 2018 13:59

CASTELLÓ, J. R. (2016)

Bovids of the World Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Relatives.

Foreword by Brent Huffman & Colin Groves.

664 Seiten, 337 farbige Abbildungen, 313 Verbreitungskarten.
Princeton Press. ISBN-13: 9781400880652


Bovids are a diverse group of ruminant mammals that have hooves and unbranched hollow horns. Bovids of the World is the first comprehensive field guide to cover all 279 bovid species, including antelopes, gazelles, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, and goats. From the hartebeest of Africa and the takin of Asia to the muskox of North America, bovids are among the world's most spectacular animals and this stunningly illustrated and easy-to-use field guide is an ideal way to learn more about them.

The guide covers all species and subspecies of bovids described to date. It features more than 300 superb full-color plates depicting every kind of bovid, as well as detailed facing-page species accounts that describe key identification features, horn morphology, distribution, subspeciation, habitat, and conservation status in the wild. This book also shows where to observe each species and includes helpful distribution maps.

Suitable for anyone with an interest in natural history, Bovids of the World is a remarkable and attractive reference, showcasing the range and beauty of these important mammals.

  • The first comprehensive field guide to all 279 bovid species
  • 337 full-color plates, with more than 1,500 photographs
  • Detailed species accounts describe key identification features, distribution, subspeciation, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and conservation status
  • Fully updated and revised taxonomy, with common and scientific names
  • Easy-to-read distribution maps



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 06:35

MATSCHEI, Ch. (2012)

Böcke, Takine und Moschusochsen.

366 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen.
Filander Verlag, Erlangen. ISBN 978-3-930831-86-9.


Die vorliegende Monographie stellt eine umfangreiche Zusammenstellung zum Thema der Böcke, Takine und Moschusochsen dar. Neben Beiträgen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik sind alle Arten und Unterarten in ihrer Verbreitung, ihren Naturbeständen, ihrer Morphologie und Anatomie, ihrer Ethologie und auch der Reproduktionsbiologie umfassend beschrieben. Zudem sind sämtliche Formen erstmals durch Abbildungen miteinander vergleichbar.

Neben den einzelnen Monographien gibt der Autor einen Überblick zur Haltung in Tiergärten, der natürlichen und künstlichen Aufzucht in Menschenobhut, stellt ausgewählte Erkrankungen vor und befasst sich mit der Domestikationsgeschichte der Wildziegen und Wildschafe.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:23


Wild Sheep and Goats and their Relatives - Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Caprinae.

IUCN, Gland. ISBN 2-8317-0353-0. 390 Seiten, zahlreiche Verbreitungskarten.


Die Veröffentlichung fasst das ganze bekannte Wissen über den Gefährdungs- und Schutzstatus  aller Schaf- und Ziegenverwandetn weltweit zusammen. Sie enthält Berichte über 70 länder verfasst von 111 Autoren.

Volltext (PDF)

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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx