Biology and ecology of Circellium bacchus (Fabricius 1781) (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae), a South African dung beetle of conservation concern

Tropical Zoology 19: 185-207, 2006


The dung beetle Circellium bacchus (Fabricius 1781) was once widespread in southern Africa but is now restricted to a few isolated fragments in the south of the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa, with the largest population present in the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP). The beetles’ activity is governed by precipitation and temperature; 18-26 ºC and high relative humidity favour activity. The beetles are generalist dung feeders and breeders but have clear preferences for elephant dung for feeding, and buffalo dung for breeding.

Fecundity is the lowest recorded for a dung beetle, with a maximum of two but on average only one progeny produced per year. The species is unique amongst ball-rolling (telecoprid) dung beetles in that females initiate, form and roll brood balls, something carried out exclusively by males in other species. The beetles are habitat specialists preferring dense undisturbed vegetation to more open, disturbed vegetation. The species should be considered rare because of its narrow geographical range, restricted biotope specificity and biological attributes. Furthermore, it complies with most of the characteristics that increase its likelihood of endangerment or extinction and qualifies as “vulnerable” according to IUCN criteria of threatened species.

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Samstag, 06 Januar 2018 16:51

SOTELO, G., MORÁN, P. & POSADA, D. (2008)

Genetic Identification of the Northeastern Atlantic Spiny Spider Crab as Maja brachydactyla.

Journal of Crustacean Biology, Volume 28, Issue 1, 1 January 2008, Pages 76–81,


The northeastern Atlantic spiny spider crab occurs from the British Islands to Senegal, where it is an important fishery resource. From morphological characters this crab has recently been proposed as a distinct species, Maja brachydactyla, although for commercial purposes it is still considered the same species as its Mediterranean congener M. squinado. We have studied variation at two mitochondrial genes in several crab populations from the Atlantic (putatively M. brachydactyla) and Mediterranean (M. squinado and M. crispata) basins, in order to clarify the taxonomic status of this crab in the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean regions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each of these three taxa forms a distinct and well-defined clade. While the divergence within each taxon was 0% for 16S and 0-0.3% for COI, divergence between taxa was 0.6-2.5% for 16S and 5.3-8.7% for COI; values that are in the range of the differences observed between other crustacean species. These results confirm the genetic distinctiveness of each taxa and support their designation as different species. Therefore, the Atlantic spider crab should be referred as M. brachydactyla, a fact that should be taken into account for conservation and commercial purposes.

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Samstag, 06 Januar 2018 10:42

OKUNO, J. & TAKEDA, M. (1992)

Distinction between Two Hinge-beaked Shrimps Rhynchocinetes durbanensis Gordon and R. uritai Kubo (Family Rhynchocinetidae).

Revue Française d'Aquariologie et Herpétologie 19: 85–90.


Rhynchocinetes durbanensis Gordon reliably known only from South Africa is reported on the basis of specimens from the Philippines. This species has been sometimes recorded under the incorrect identification as R. uritai Kubo, to which the general color pattern is strongly similar, but some morphological characters and detailed color pattern are different from those of R. uritai from Japanese waters.

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Freitag, 05 Januar 2018 16:34

LUKHAUP, C. & PEKNY, R. (2017)

Süsswassergarnelen - Pflege-Einmaleins für filigrame Schönheiten.

64 Seiten. Durchgehend farbig illustriert.
Gräfe & Unzer Verlag, München. ISBN-13: 9783833855115.


Es muss nicht immer nur Fisch sein! Denn mittlerweile sind in unseren Süßwasser-Aquarien äußerst interessante Krabbeltiere unterwegs: die Garnelen. Die Popularität dieser wirbellosen Tiere nimmt stetig zu, ihre Vielfalt ist riesengroß. Es macht Spaß, zuzuschauen, wie die Garnelen das Aquarium durchstreifen, nach Futter suchen und sich damit aus dem Staub machen - schreitend oder mit ordentlichem Tempo durchs Becken schwimmend. Im GU Tierratgeber Süßwasser-Garnelen erklären die Garnelen-Experten Chris Lukhaup und Reinhard Pekny, was für ein artgerechtes Garnelen-Leben unverzichtbar ist: vom richtigen Aquarium inklusive Technik und Ausstattung über die Ernährung bis hin zur Pflege. In 24 ausführlichen Porträts werden die beliebtesten Garnelenarten vorgestellt. Dazu gibt es Tipps zur Vergesellschaftung von Garnelen mit Fischen und Krebsen. Der Verhaltensdolmetscher erklärt darüber hinaus typische Verhaltensweisen der Garnelen. Und mit SOS - was tun? ist Hilfe im Notfall garantiert.

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Systematics of the Damon variegatus group of African whip spiders (Chelicerata: Amblypygi): Evidence from behaviour, morphology and DNA.

Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 5 (2005): 203–236.


The African whip spider, Damon variegatus, exhibits a broad, discontinuous distribution from the Congo, through western Tanzania and Zimbabwe, to South Africa and Namibia. Variation in size, number of antenniform leg segments, and colouration, taken together with a discontinuous distribution, suggest that allopatric populations of D. variegatus may be reproductively isolated, and more than one species may be involved. Furthermore, many morphological characters of D. variegatus appear to be plesiomorphic if compared to closely related species, suggesting that D. variegatus might be paraphyletic, regardless of whether it is a single panmictic species or a group of partly or entirely reproductively isolated populations. This contribution attempts to determine whether D. variegatus is monophyletic and comprises more than one species, by investigating three sources of evidence: behaviour, morphology and DNA. Mating behaviour is observed and mate-recognition trials conducted between males and females from several populations of D. variegatus and related species of Damon. The morphology of spermatophores obtained during these matings is studied and a matrix of somatic and genitalic characters produced. These morphological data are analysed separately and in combination with DNA sequences from loci of three genes in the nuclear genome (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA and Histone H3) and three genes in the mitochondrial genome (12S rDNA, 16S rDNA and Cytochrome Oxidase I). Neither the comparative behavioural evidence gathered nor the spermatophore morphology conclusively suggest that D. variegatus comprises more than one species. However, the molecular data, analysed separately and in combination with the morphological data, reveal that D. variegatus is monophyletic and that the population of D. variegatus to the west of the Kalahari sand system (Namibia and southern Angola) is specifically distinct from those to the east. This new species is described as Damon sylviae, the diagnosis of D. variegatus s. str. is revised, and a key to the species of the D. variegatus group is provided.

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Montag, 25 Dezember 2017 18:41

NISHI, E. & NISHIHIRA, M. (1996)

Age-estimation of the Christmas Tree Worm Spirobranchus giganteus (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) Living Buried in the Coral Skeleton from the Coral-growth Band of the Host Coral.

Fisheries Science 62(3), 400-403.


The tubicolous polychaete, Spirobranchus giganteus lives buried in coral skeletons. Its age and longevity were estimated indirectly from the annual coral-growth rings of the host coral counted on soft X-rays radiographs. Since the polychaete tube grows 0.2 to 1 mm per year in orifice diameter, some had lived more than 10 years, and a few had lived more than 40 years. The application of soft X-rays for age determination of coral associated polychaete is useful for determining the correct age.

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Sonntag, 24 Dezember 2017 08:32

AYLING, T. & PARISH, S. (2008)

Amazing Facts about Australian Marine Life.

80 Seiten, mit zahlreichen Farbfotos.
Steve Paris Publishing Pty. Ltd., Archerfield, Qld.; ISBN-13 978174193300-0.


This book is packed full of information and you'll be amazed at how much you learn about Australia's marine life by dipping into the remarkable facts presented. Some of the extraordinary creatures in this book may be new to you. Some of them you will no doubt recognise, but may not have considered animals! All of them will surprise you with their curious physiology and incredibly complicated and diverse behaviour.

Within these pages you will find colourful corals (using a range of survival strategies to out-compete their neighbours), killer sea stars, cunning cephalopods and a host of wonderful invertebrates (including the ancestors of all vertebrates). Perhaps what you learn from this book will delight you so much that you'll want to delve deeper into the amazing lives of Australia's marine creatures.

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Freitag, 22 Dezember 2017 16:53

KÜHN, O. (1964)

Grundriss der allgemeinen Zoologie.

2. Auflage. 309 Seiten 245 Abbildungen
Verlag Georg Thieme, Stuttgart.

Spätere Auflagen wurden von Rüdiger Wehner und Ernst Heidorn überarbeitet. die 25. Auflage (2013) umfasst 792 Seiten und farbige 1200 Abbildungen. ISBN: 9783133674256

Beschreibung zur 25. Auflage:

Dieses bewährte Standardwerk der Zoologie umfasst alle Teildisziplinen der Zoologie, die Sie für Ihr Biologie-Studium benötigen:

- Molekular- und Zellbiologie
- Genetik
- Physiologie
- Neurobiologie
- Verhaltensbiologie
- Ökologie
- Evolutionsbiologie

Ein ausführliches Systematik-Kapitel stellt außerdem die Vielfalt der tierischen Organismen auf dem aktuellen Wissensstand moderner Systematik vor.

Diese integrierende Gesamtdarstellung der Zoologie, in enger Zusammenarbeit von den Autoren verfasst, stellt die grundlegenden Fragestellungen und wesentlichen Konzepte der Zoologie in ausgewogener Tiefe und einheitlichem Stil dar.
Generationen von Studierenden haben mit diesem Buch fundierte Kenntnisse der Zoologie erworben und ihre Begeisterung für das Fach entdeckt.

Die jetzt vorliegende, 25. Auflage ist inhaltlich erneut erweitert und komplett aktualisiert und folgt dabei dem bewährten Konzept:

- Eine großzügige farbige Bebilderung veranschaulicht die Inhalte und lässt sie sich gut merken.
- Zusatztexte zu historischen Entwicklungen, Forschungsbeispielen und anderen Themen machen die Lektüre spannend und abwechslungsreich.
- Das ausführliche Glossar erleichtert Ihnen das Nachschlagen wichtiger zoologischer Fachbegriffe.

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Freitag, 22 Dezember 2017 14:59


Systematische Zoologie.

2. Auflage. 398 Seiten, 160 Abbildungen.
Verlag Eugen Ulmae. ISBN-13: 978-3-8252-4239-8.


Systematische Zoologie kurz gefasst: Das basics-Lehrbuch für Biologiestudenten und alle, die sich für die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Zoologie interessieren. Das Basiswissen kompakt über: - Biologische Vielfalt - Stand der Debatte über die Evolution des Tierreichs - Alternative phylogenetische Hypothesen - Koevolution zwischen Morphologie - Physiologie - Ethologie - Ökologie Dabei wird die Vielfalt der Baupläne nicht nur beschrieben, sondern es werden die Konzepte erklärt und auf die dynamische Entwicklung der Erkenntnisse hingewiesen. - Merksätze, Definitionen und Boxen erleichtern das Lernen, Prüfungsfragen fördern das Verständnis - ideal für die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Haupt- und Nebenfach.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:24

HENKEL, F.-W. & SCHMIDT, W. (2010)

Taschenatlas Wirbellose für das Terrarium. 180 Gliederfüßer und Schnecken im Porträt.

192 S., 182 Farbfotos, kart.; Verlag Ulmer, Stuttgart. ISBN 978-3-8001-5156-1.


Kompaktes Nachschlagewerk mit 180 Porträts von Stab-, Gespenst- und Heuschrecken, Grillen, Gottesanbeterinnen, Käfern, Wanzen, Schaben, Schmetterlingen, Termiten und Ameisen, Spinnentieren wie Vogelspinnen, Skorpionen und anderen, Hundert-, Tausend- oder Schnurfüßern, Schnecken und Krebstieren. Enthält die wichtigsten Informationen zu Aussehen, Haltungsanforderungen und Nachzucht.



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