Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:17

WOODS, C. A. (1973)

Erethizon dorsatum.

Mammalian Species 29; 6 Seiten, 2 Abb.
Hrsg.: American Society of Mammalogists

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Ammospermophilus harrisii.

Mammalian Species 366, 7 Seiten, 5 Abb.
Hrsg.: American Society of Mammalogists

DOI: 10.2307/3504155
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Mammalian Species: 48 (938)


Meredith J. Hamilton


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Ammospermophilus harrisii

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DOI: 1-7 First published online: 30 May 1990

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American Bison - Status Survey and Conservation Guidelines 2010.

134 Seiten. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-2-8317-1149-2


The publication of this IUCN American Bison Status Survey and Conservation Guidelines is timely owing to a recent convergence of factors: new research findings on bison genetics and ecology, assessment and awareness of the precarious status of many bison conservation herds, new initiatives by government and non-profit institutions to improve management of existing herds and to establish conservation herds, growing interest among Native Americans in restoring bison as part of their cultural heritage, and an increasing awareness by the commercial bison industry that conservation of wild-type bison is in the longterm interest of the industry. There is also a growing body of evidence that the biodiversity of ecosystems within the original range of bison can benefit from bison restoration, from the desert grasslands of northern Mexico, through the Great Plains, to the lowland meadow systems of interior Alaska. The ten chapters of this book examine these and other aspects of the biology and conservation of the species, and offer guidelines for what we anticipate will be a new era of bison conservation in North America. Under the auspices of the IUCN American Bison Specialist Group, twenty-nine chapter coordinators and contributors share their knowledge and ideas in this comprehensive review of the diverse topics that need to be considered by researchers, managers, policy makers and others interested in restoring and conserving this magnificent animal.

Chapter 1 Introduction: The Context
Chapter 2 History of Bison in North America
Chapter 3 Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Chapter 4 Genetics
Chapter 5 Reportable or Notifiable Diseases
Chapter 6 General Biology, Ecology and De
Chapter 8 Legal Status, Policy Issues and Listings
Chapter 9 Conservation Guidelines for Population, Genetic, and Disease Management
Chapter 10 Guidelines for Ecological Restoration of Bison



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A severe predator-induced population decline predicted for endangered, migratory swift parrots (Lathamus discolor).

Biological Conservation 186 (Juni 2015): 75–82.



Identifying the impact of introduced predators on endangered prey populations is critical for conservation management. Population viability analysis (PVA) becomes a valuable tool for quantifying such impacts when high quality life history data are available but, surprisingly, predictions from PVA of future population decline have seldom been used directly to assess conservation status. Here we synthesise new research on the unusual life history of the endangered swift parrot Lathamus discolor, an austral migrant that breeds in Tasmania, Australia. Swift parrots are challenging to monitor because (1) spatio-temporal fluctuation in food availability causes them to select entirely different breeding sites each year over a 10,000 km2 range, and (2) they suffer high but variable rates of predation from introduced sugar gliders Petaurus breviceps depending on where they breed. 50.9% of nesting females on the main island of Tasmania were killed by sugar gliders while incubating eggs, but there was no predation from this source on offshore islands. Over four years 16.5% (0–29%) of the population bred on offshore islands. We use PVAs to examine the likely extent of future population decrease due to sugar glider predation, and demonstrate that the remaining swift parrot population is likely to decrease by 78.8–94.7% (mean over four models = 86.9%) over only three generations (12–18 years). Our models offer a rare example of the use of PVAs for assessing impending population decline and conservation status in species that are challenging to monitor. In this case they support a change of status for swift parrots from “Endangered” to ‘Critically Endangered’ under IUCN criteria.



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The German wildlife information system: population densities and development of European Hare (Lepus europaeus PALLAS) during 2002–2005 in Germany.

European Journal of Wildlife Research, February 2008, 54 (1): 142-147.


The German Wildlife Information System, founded in 2001, is a long-term monitoring program documenting occurrence, number, and development of game populations throughout Germany. Population numbers are recorded by standardized counting methods in so-called reference areas. The population densities of the European hare are calculated by spotlight strip censuses in the reference areas each spring and autumn all across Germany. From 2002 to 2005, the censuses were carried out by local hunters in 510 to 676 reference areas each year. During these years, the calculated spring densities increased significantly from 11.0 (2002) to 14.5 hares/km2 (2005) nationwide. The overall increase in spring densities was primarily caused by the population rise from spring 2003 to 2004, which correlates with the high net growth rate in 2003. In 2005, the number of counted hares varied between less than 1 and more than 107 hares/km2 in spring and between 0 and more than 170 hares/km2 in autumn. Because of differing landscapes in Germany, three regions were differentiated. In spring 2005, the average population densities (median) in East Germany (5.4 hares/km2) and Southwest Germany (14.6 hares/km2) were significantly lower than in Northwest Germany (23.9 hares/km2). These regional differences had been similarly distinct in former years.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 14:23

ORTEGA, I. M. & FRANKLIN, W. L. (1995)

Social organization, distribution and movements of a migratory guanaco population in the Chilean Patagonia.

Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 68: 489-500.


Herein we document the distribution, movement, and social organization of a guanaco (Lama guanicoe) population in a 25-km² area at Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile. In 1980, the population was censused 28 times. Four socioecological periods were recognized: summer territorial, fall transitional, winter aggregational, and spring transitional. Family groups, male groups, solo males, mixed groups, and female groups were the major social units recognized. Guanacos spent the summer in the east region, migrating 12 km to the west region during winter. Family groups (53% of all animals), male groups (35%) and solo male (8%) were the main social units in summer, and mixed groups (80%) in winter. Snow cover and availability of forage were the suspected causes of seasonal migratory movements, that in turn greatly influenced social organization, group size, and composition.



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Clouded leopard co-exist with other five felids in Chitwan National Park, Nepal.

Cat News No. 61: 30-42.  IUCN Cat Specialist Group. ISSN 1027-2992.


Once believed to be regionally extinct in Nepal, the clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa, was recorded in 1989 and again in recent years with two new photographicevidence from Annapurna Conservation Area and Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park in 2011 and 2012. This year we recorded photographs of three individual clouded leopardsfrom two locations in Chitwan National Park using camera traps. With this record, Chitwan National Park is one of the few parks in the world with six felid species i.e. tiger Panthera tigris, common leopard Panthera pardus, clouded leopard, fishing cat Prionailurus viverrinus, leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis and jungle cat Felis chaus.



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The rare flat-headed cat and other felids in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia.

Cat News No. 61: 37-41.  IUCN Cat Specialist Group. ISSN 1027-2992.


We present new observations of all five species of wild felid captured using large high-density camera trapping grids installed in Tabin Wildlife Reserve between the months March 2011-October 2012. This includes areas in the eastern part of the reserve that have never been surveyed before using the camera-trapping techniques. Camera trapping surveys within each grid were conducted for at least 12 weeks andran continuously over 24 hrs ensuring all individuals were captured. Our captures indicate secondary lowland dipterocarp forest is inhabited by all species of felid andevent data augment the little information available on the bay cat, marbled cat andflat-headed cat, the latter which was only previously recorded in Tabin on one occasion. Our capture of the flat-headed cat extends the known eastern range of this species.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 17:03

SCHWARZ, S. (2013)

Goldschakale in Europa - ein Beispiel für die Dynamik in de Natur.

Fauna Focus - Wildtier Schweiz: 5/2013: 1-12.

Auf leisen Sohlen hat sich der dämmerungs- und nachtaktive Goldschakal auf den Weg nach Mitteleuropa aufgemacht. Ursprünglich in einem riesigen Gebiet von Nordafrika über den Nahen Osten bis nach Vietnam heimisch, breitet sich diese Wildhundeart mehr und mehr aus und wurde in den letzten Jahren erstmals auch in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich beobachtet. Bis vor wenigen Jahrzehnten in Südosteuropa nur in geringer Zahl vorkommend, profitierte der «kleine Bruder» des Wolfes gerade von dessen Fehlen als Feind sowie von den sich ändernden Lebensbedingungen, besonders in Bulgarien. Der Mensch hat die Ausbreitung und das Erstarken der Populationen dieses faszinierenden und sozial lebenden Hundeartigen klar begünstigt. Besonders in unserer mitteleuropäischen Landschaft mit ihrem hohen Energieeintrag dürfte es langfristig ein Auskommen für diesen opportunistischen Allesfresser geben. Erfahren Sie mehr über den Goldschakal, seine Biologe und Ausbreitung sowie mögliche Konflikte mit diesem Neubürger.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:33

RIGHETTI, A. (1986)


Biologie einheimischer Wildarten 1/27. 12 Seiten
Hrsg.: Wildtier Schweiz, Winterthurerstrasse 92, CH-8006 Zürich.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx