Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:22


Survival pattern of European hare in a decreasing population.

J. of Applied Ecology 32: 809-816.

1. Age- and sex-dependent survival rates of European hare, Lepus europaeus, were estimated for a declining population living in intensive large-scale farming conditions in northeastern France. During the period 1990-92, a capture-mark-recapture design was used to obtain robust survival rate estimations. 2. The best fit was obtained with survival rates estimated separately for adults and yearlings. Sex dependence was added only in yearlings (phi(male yearling) = 0.471, phi(female yearling) = 0.237, phi(adult) = 0.507 whatever the sex). 3. These estimates and fecundity data obtained from hunting bag analysis and the literature were incorporated into a Leslie Matrix model in order to determine the sensitivity of the population growth rate (lambda) to variations of the different demographic parameters. 4. Contrary to that of a population with a higher annual recruitment, the growth rate of the population studied (lambda = 0.80), whose annual recruitment was weak, was more sensitive to maintenance than to recruitment variations.

Survival Pattern of European Hare in a Decreasing Population | Request PDF. Available from: [accessed May 18 2018].



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:16


Krankheiten des Feldhasen (Lepus europaeus PALLAS) - Sektionsbefunde, Erregerspektrum und zoonotische Aspekte.

Tierärztliche Umschau 55: 628-635.



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Mittwoch, 09 Januar 2013 10:05

LURZ, P. (2011)

Das Grauhörnchen (Sciurus carolinensis).

Kurzportraits von Wildtieren 15/28.4 Seiten.
Hrsg.: Wildtier Schweiz, Winterthurerstrasse 92, CH-8006 Zürich.

Der Artikel informiert über Aussehen und Körperform; Verbreitung und Lebensraum; Ernährung; Aktivität und Raumstruktur; Fortpflanzung; Sinnesleistungen und Kommunikation; Fortbewegung und Spuren; Populationsbiologie und Bedrohung; Verwandtschaft des Grauhörnchens.



Freigegeben in L
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:08

DEROCHER, A. E., & STIRLING, J. (1996)

Aspects of survival in juvenile polar bears.

Can. J. Zool, 74:1246-1252.


We captured, weighed, tagged, and monitored polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cubs and yearlings in western Hudson Bay to examine survival rates and correlates with survival. Cub survival between spring and autumn increased with cub mass and maternal mass, but was not related to maternal age or maternal condition. Cub survival between spring and autumn varied annually between 39.0 and 100.0% and averaged 53.2%. Whole-litter loss between spring and autumn was 30.8%, and only 38.0% of the females did not lose any cubs. Survival of spring twins was similar regardless of size, but in triplet litters, survival between spring and autumn varied according to cub size. Minimum cub survival from one autumn to the next was 34.7% and was related to cub mass, maternal mass, and maternal condition. Cub survival during autumn was estimated at 83.0%. Survival during the first year of life was no more than 44.0% but we could not estimate an annual survival rate because of the sampling regime. Possibly because harvesting was the major mortality factor for yearlings (19.4% of the yearlings were removed from the population per year), no factors examined correlated with survival of yearlings. We found no sex-related differences in survival of cubs or yearlings in any period. Relationships between survival in polar bear cubs and their condition suggest that lack of food availability, sometimes due to low maternal fat stores for lactation, leads to starvation and may be the main cause of mortality.

Aspects of survival in juvenile polar bears (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Jun 21 2018].



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:03

HEDIGER, H. (1951)

Jagdzoologie - auch für Nichtjäger.

212 Seiten, 37 Tafeln. mit 76 s/w-Fotos.
Verlag Friedrich Reinhardt AG, Basel. ISBN-13: 978-3724502968.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:18

ALMASAN, H. (1994)

Die Entwicklung der Bärenpopulation in Rumänien.

Wildbiologie International 5/10. Wildtier Schweiz, Zürich.



Rumänien – für Kenner ein Land der Bären. Im Gegensatz zu den wenigen Restpopulationen Westeuropas leben dort die Bären, besonders in den wilden Karpaten, in einem vitalen Bestand.

Nach dem Fall der Diktatur dürfen Rumänen und ausländische Gäste wieder auf die Jagd – auch auf den Bären. Die Sorge rumänischer Wildtierbiologen gilt nun einem Management nach wildtiergerechten Kriterien. Eine Bejagung der Bären soll möglich sein, vor allem aber muss die Populationsstruktur erhalten bleiben.



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