Freitag, 10 August 2018 14:08

XIAO, J., LIU, R. & CHEN, C.-S. (2017)

Tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) as a novel laboratory disease animal model.

Zool Res. 2017 May 18; 38(3): 127–137. Published online 2017 May 18. doi:  10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2017.033


The tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) is a promising laboratory animal that possesses a closer genetic relationship to primates than to rodents. In addition, advantages such as small size, easy breeding, and rapid reproduction make the tree shrew an ideal subject for the study of human disease. Numerous tree shrew disease models have been generated in biological and medical studies in recent years. Here we summarize current tree shrew disease models, including models of infectious diseases, cancers, depressive disorders, drug addiction, myopia, metabolic diseases, and immune-related diseases. With the success of tree shrew transgenic technology, this species will be increasingly used in biological and medical studies in the future.


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Freitag, 10 August 2018 13:22


The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals.

8th Edition

Print ISBN:9781405175234 | Online ISBN:9781444318777 | DOI:10.1002/9781444318777


The seminal reference on the care of laboratory and captive animals, The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals is a must-have for anyone working in this field.  The UFAW Handbook has been the definitive text since 1947. Written for an international audience, it contains contributions from experts from around the world.  The book focuses on best practice principles throughout, providing comprehensive coverage, with all chapters being peer reviewed by anonymous referees. As well as addressing the husbandry of laboratory animals, the content is also of great value to zoos and aquaria.

Changes for the eighth edition:

  • Revised and updated to reflect developments since publication of the previous edition.
  • New chapters on areas of growing concern, including: the 3Rs; phenotyping; statistics and experimental design; welfare assessment; legislation; training of people caring for lab animals; and euthanasia.
  • All material combined into one volume for ease of reference.

This book is published on behalf of UFAW (The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare), with whom we also publish the UFAW/Wiley-Blackwell Animal Welfare Book Series.  This major series of books provides an authoritative source of information on worldwide developments, current thinking and best practice in the field of animal welfare science and technology.



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Molecular and Genomic Data Identify the Closest Living Relative of Primates. 

Science  (02 Nov 2007) 318 (5851): 792-794.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1147555.


A full understanding of primate morphological and genomic evolution requires the identification of their closest living relative. In order to resolve the ancestral relationships among primates and their closest relatives, we searched multispecies genome alignments for phylogenetically informative rare genomic changes within the superordinal group Euarchonta, which includes the orders Primates, Dermoptera (colugos), and Scandentia (treeshrews). We also constructed phylogenetic trees from 14 kilobases of nuclear genes for representatives from most major primate lineages, both extant colugos, and multiple treeshrews, including the pentail treeshrew, Ptilocercus lowii, the only living member of the family Ptilocercidae. A relaxed molecular clock analysis including Ptilocercus suggests that treeshrews arose approximately 63 million years ago. Our data show that colugos are the closest living relatives of primates and indicate that their divergence occurred in the Cretaceous.

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Freitag, 24 Februar 2017 10:22

GRAY, J. E. (1848)

Description of a new genus of insectivorous Mammalia, or Talpidae, from Borneo. 

In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1848/1849: 23-24.

Beginn des Artikels: 

“Mr. Low brought with him from Borneo some mammalia and reptiles in spirits, amongst them … was a rat-like animal with a pennated tail which he caught in the Rajah’s house at Sarawak.“

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 17:14

KOHLHAUSE, S. (2009)

Interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Reaktion auf psychosozialen Stress bei Spitzhörnchen (Tupaia belangeri).

171 Seiten. Verlag Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft Service GmbH, Gießen. ISBN 3941703005, 9783941703001.



Die Stressreaktion eines Säugetiers wird von vielen Faktoren beeinflusst und die Stressantwort auf ein und denselben Stressor kann bei zwei Individuen völlig verschieden ausfallen. Während beispielsweise einige Parameter unter Stressbedingungen starke Veränderungen erfahren, können bei anderen nur minimale Unterschiede ermittelt werden. Diese individuellen Unterschiede mithilfe einfach zu bestimmender, nicht-invasiver Methoden vorhersagen zu können, würde einen großen Vorteil bei der Erforschung spezieller Bereiche der Stressantwort ermöglichen. Ein etabliertes experimentelles Stress-Modell ist die Anwendung von chronischem, psychosozialem Stress bei Tupaia belangeri, die sich für die Stressforschung durch ihr ausgeprägtes territoriales Verhalten besonders eignen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit lag deshalb darin, verschiedene Parameter auf ihre prädiktive Potenz hin zu testen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass man anhand von Alter, Gewicht, den basalen Hormonspiegeln und der lokomotorischen Aktivität Aussagen über das Ausmaß der Stressreaktion treffen kann. Anhand der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ist bei der Planung eines Experiments eine selektive Auswahl von Versuchstieren möglich. Möchte man beispielsweise Veränderungen der Körperkerntemperatur unter Stressbedingungen untersuchen, ist es empfehlenswert, jüngere Tiere in die Experimente einzubeziehen. Hingegen sind Veränderungen des Schlafrhythmus aufgrund der stärkeren Ausprägung besser bei älteren Tieren zu beobachten. Diese Ergebnisse könnten in Zukunft die Erforschung von individuellen Stressreaktionen erleichtern.


The stress response of the organism depends on a variety of criteria and the same stressor can elicit totally different stress responses in distinct individuals. Every animal shows its individual stress response, possibly with clear changes in some parameters or virtually no changes in others. The prediction of such individual stress responses via methods which are both easy to assess and non-invasive would provide significant advantage for the experimental design in the field of stress research. The model of chronic psychosocial stress in Tupaia belangeri was elaborated in the recent years and is based on the pronounced territoriality of the animals. The aim of the present study was to test a variety of parameters as potential predictors for the individual stress responses. It could be shown that the age of the animals, basal body weight, baseline hormone levels and locomotor activity can serve as predictors for the extent of the stress response with respective to certain parameters. The present data provide valuable information for further studies on individual stress responses. On the basis of the present results it is now possible to select individual male Tupaia belangeri according to their baseline values in distinct physiological parameters. For example, if the focus is on the stress induced changes in body temperature it is advisable to select younger animals whereas alterations in the sleep rhythm can be better observed in older animals.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx