The design of new bear facilities.

Kapitel 2 der EAZA Bear Husbandry Guidelines. 45 Seiten, Abbildungen, Tabellen. EAZA, Amsterdam


This chapter considers both outdoor and indoor enclosures, their furnishings, substrates and the technical features of new bear facilities. An enclosure should be designed to provide all the requirements necessary for the care and maintenance of the bears and also, if needed, for reproduction. The facility must not only be escape proof, but should also create suitable conditions and stimulation which will enable the animals to perform a wide range of species-specific behaviours. The environment must not permanently create problems, which the animals cannot solve, and should be sufficiently flexible in design for any adverse situations to be easily rectified.

It is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the normal behaviour of bears, their use of habitat and particularly their locomotor activities in relation to the use of cage furnishings and structures in outdoor enclosures, substrates and any other factors, which may effect them. This will enable the zoo to design facilities, which meet the animals' physical and behavioural needs. Feeding, social and spatial organization and reproductive biology will be treated in more detail in subsequent chapters. Only general features of these aspects of bear biology will be considered in this chapter, where they are relevant to the design of a bear facility.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:47

EAZA Giraffe EEPs (2006)

EAZA Husbandry and Management Guidelines for Giraffa camelopardalis.

140 Seiten, Abbildungen, Tabellen.
Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem


2.2 Feeding:



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 15:53

JONES, R. (2008)

Husbandry Guidelines for the Common Hippopotamus.

Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmond, NSW, Australien.
105 Seiten. Fotos, Grafiken, Tabellen

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:41

FISCHER, M. (ed., 200X)

Husbandry Guidelines for the Babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) Species Survival Plan.

83 Seiten. St. Louis Zoo. (undatiert)


Effective management of the babirusa requires proper housing. This chapter of the Husbandry Guidelines for the Babirusa SSP is a compilation of a survey sent to eight institutions housing babirusa. Using the survey results and the AZA Mammal Standards for wild swine, these guidelines have been developed on the suggested housing of this species in captivity. Managers are a sked to use these guidelines and to report any experiences that may improve the guidelines to the SSP Coordinator. Constructive comments have also been gathered from European zoos housing babirusa.

Babirusa need indoor enclosures and should have the opportunity to spend time in an outdoor enclosure. Housing animals together in pairs and as single sex groups have been successful in North America, Europe and Indonesia. Pregnant sows usually need to be separated from other babirusa prior to parturition, as boars as well as other sows have been known to kill infants.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:53


Artgemäße Haltung von Yaks.

Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Tierschutz e.V. (TVT) Merkblatt Nr. 103.
15 Seiten

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Im allgemeinen gilt der Yak als Tierart des Himalaya, also als Tier des Hochgebirges und kalter Regionen. Dort lebt er vorwiegend in Höhen zwischen 2000 und 5000 m. Tatsächlich geht sein Verbreitungsgebiet im Norden aber weit über den Himalaya hinaus. Domestizierte Yaks werden bis in die südlichen Gebiete Sibiriens gehalten. Je weiter er nördlich vorkommt, um so mehr ist er auch in tiefer liegenden Gebieten

In Mitteleuropa gibt es domestizierte Yaks außerhalb von Zoos erst seit einigen Jahren und zunächst nur in wenigen größeren Beständen in Oberbayern, in der Schweiz und in Südtirol. Mitunter wird bezweifelt, dass der Yak sich in gemäßigten Zonen halten lässt. Die bisherigen Erfolge sind jedoch ermutigend. Wesentlich ist, dass in der Haltung grundsätzliche Bedürfnisse dieser Tierart berücksichtigt werden.

Das vorliegende Merkblatt soll deutlich machen, unter welchen Bedingungen domestizierte Yaks in Mitteleuropa gehalten werden können. Diese Tiere stehen zwar Hausrindern nahe, haben aber doch eine deutlich andere Lebensweise.



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Husbandry Guidelines for the Pygmy Hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis).

103 Seiten. Zoo Basel.


In 2001, the first edition of the AZA Husbandry Manual for the Pygmy Hippopotamus was published and edited subsequently. It was written by Dr. Steve D. Thompson, SSP Coordinator and Regional Studbook Keeper for this species, and his research assistant, Sadie Ryan.
Basel zoo is responsible for the European Endangered species Programme (EEP) for the Pygmy Hippopotamus. In 2003, the EEP coordinator and the SSP coordinator decided to produce joint EAZA and AZA husbandry guidelines for the pygmy hippopotamus and use the AZA husbandry manual as a basis to be elaborated upon by the members of the pygmy hippo EEP species committee and other co-workers. In this way, the experiences of a wide variety of collaborators of various zoos and with differing points of view have been made available in these guidelines and we wish to thank all the contributors for their valuable work and commitment. Special thanks go to the members of the EEP species committee as well as Lucilia Tiberio from Lisbon zoo and Alastair Macdonald from the University of Edinburgh for volunteering to write chapters of these guidelines and to Darren McGarry from Edinburgh zoo for a dding valuable ideas and comments to various sections.
These guidelines emphasise the practical aspects of keeping pygmy hippos. Since very little is known about the biology and life history of pygmy hippos in the wild, this manual is based mainly on personal observations and experiences of the respective collaborators made in many different zoos.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 17:31

VERSTEEGE, K. (2012)

EAZA Husbandry Guidelines for the White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum).

Safaripark Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek.

76 Seiten, 22 Abbildungen, Tabellen.


One of the main goals of modern zoos worldwide is conservation (WAZA, 2010). According to the IUCN red list 37% of all evaluated species are threatened (17.291 threatened species) (IUCN, 2010a). To keep the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) from extinction and to maintain a healthy, sustainable captive population, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) started an European Endangered Species Program (EEP) (Versteege, 2010a; EAZA, 2009a). The numbers of white rhinos are increasing and therefore the white rhino is stated as near threatened since 2002 by the IUCN (IUCN, 2010b). Nowadays 527 white rhinos in captivity are registered on ISIS worldwide, with 247 of them in European zoos. (ISIS, 2010) The first registration of a white rhino kept in an European zoo was in 1950 (Versteege, 2010a).

One of the tasks of an EEP is to develop husbandry guidelines to stimulate best husbandry and facilitate experience and knowledge throughout the EEP institutions. In these guidelines information is given on the best practice. The best practice serves multiple goals, i.e. higher welfare resulting in better reproduction successes and exchange of animals between EAZA institutions being more practical. Both goals enhance conservation efforts. This way it is hoped that the breeding program can meet its goals to get a sustainable ex situ population. Proper animal husbandry is needed for good population management and helps conservation of the white rhinoceros. (EAZA, 2009b)

Through a thesis assignment performed by Martijn van der Sijde and Wiebe Boomsma, students at the University of Applied Sciences ‘Van Hall Larenstein’, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, from April 2010 till October 2010, a draft husbandry manual has been published using the experience and knowledge of several keepers, curators and veterinarians working in different EEP institutions.
All experts who were contacted (listed in table 1) received an extensive questionnaire which they were asked to fill in and which has formed the backbone of Section 2 of the draft husbandry guidelines.

All information for Section 1 of the husbandry guidelines (the biology and field data) was collected through a literature study.
For the white rhino husbandry in zoos (Section 2), the filled in questionnaires of the twelve experts in table 1 were integrated together with information from the AZA Rhinoceros Husbandry Resource Manual (Fouraker and Wagener, 1996) and the EAZA draft EEP African Rhinoceroses Husbandry Guidelines for Rhinoceroses (Göltenboth et al., 2001). The process of the design is shown in a survey research model in figure 1.

The literature consists of scientific articles and books. Recent research has been preferred over older research, although older articles were used when no recent articles were available.

All answers from the twelve colleagues were incorporated to show all possible options for the management of the white rhinos. In the editing process (TAG decision), possible differences of opinion were weighed against each other, which resulted in the final husbandry guidelines for the white rhinos. The guidelines will nevertheless always remain a “living document”. There is no perfect way to take care of the white rhinos, there will always be room for discussion and adaptation.

The last phase of the production of the husbandry guidelines consisted of a review by several rhino keepers. They looked at the guidelines in a practical way to make sure that the information was reliable and could be put into practise. Their comments and advices have been implemented in the guidelines.



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Haltungsstandards zur Pflege von Tapiren in Menschenhand (deutsche Version der AZA- Tapir Husbandry Guidelines).

Übersetzung, Gestaltung & Druck: André Herzig & Tomas Sickert (Redaktion "Arbeitsplatz Zoo")

17 Seiten



Als Taxon gesehen sind Tapire in Menschenhand unter der Voraussetzung verhältnismäßig einfach zu halten und zu züchten, daß gute praktische Kenntnisse über ihre Biologie und ihr Verhalten vorliegen. Besonders fehlende Kenntnisse sind für viele der medizinischen und verhaltensbezogenen Probleme verantwortlich, welche in Menschenhand gehaltene Tapire haben. Bei der Erstellung von Haltungsrichtlinien für Tapire müssen die einzelnen Besonderheiten im Verhalten, in der Verträglichkeit, im Klima und im Grad der Interaktionen mit dem Pfleger beachtet werden. Da es immer große Unterschiede zwischen den Zoos geben wird, soll diese Auflistung von Haltungsstandards als Grundlage für jedes Programm eines erfolgreichen und tiergerechten Tapirmanagements benutzt werden.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:07

HONIGS, S. (2011)

Management Guidelines for the Welfare of Zoo animals - Gundi (Ctenodactylus gundi, C. vali and C. spec.).

PDF. Aquazoo/Löbbecke-Museum Düsseldorf.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 14:17

SUPERINA, M. (2010)

Biologie und Haltung von Gürteltieren (Dasypodidae).

Dr. Dissertation

Universität Zürich, Klinik für Andrologie und Gynäkologie (Direktor ad Interim: Prof. Dr. Ueli Braun),
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Ewald Isenbügel, Abteilung für Zoo-, Heim- und Wildtiere und Zoo Zürich
Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen weiteren Zoos

247 Seiten, 37 Tabellen, Anhang (Fragebogen), umfangreiche Bibliographie.

Volltext (PDF)


Die   vorliegende Arbeit beurteilt die derzeitige Praxis der Haltung von Gürteltieren in Menschenobhut.

Der einführende Teil der Dissertation basiert auf der Literatur, Gesprächen mit Forschern  und  eigenen  Beobachtungen.  Er  gibt  Auskunft  über  die  Evolution,  die  Taxonomie  und  die  Biologie  der 21  heute  bekannten  Gürteltier-Arten sowie über verschiedene Aspekte der Haltung in Menschenobhut. Es werden Informationen  zur  adäquaten  Gehegegrösse und  -einrichtung, zur  Ernährung  und Reproduktion in Menschenobhut vermittelt. Besonderen Wert wird auf die veterinärmedizinischen  Aspekte der Gürteltier-Haltung  gelegt:  Tabellen  zur Hämatologie  und  Blutchemie,  Hinweise  zum  Handling  und  zu  geeigneten  Blutentnahmetechniken sowie eine Zusammenstellung  der häufigsten Erkrankungen   und   deren  Therapien sollen dem Zootierarzt bei   der Untersuchung und Behandlung von Gürteltieren behilflich sein.

Auf  die  Einführung  folgen  die  Resultate  einer  Umfrage,  mit  welcher  die  aktuellen  Haltungsbedingungen  von  Gürteltieren  in  Menschenobhut  erfasst wurden.  Mittels  eines  Fragebogens  wurden  Auskünfte  eingeholt  über  die gehaltenen  Arten,  Gehegegrössen,  Fütterung,  Reproduktion,  Ethologie  und  die   aufgetretenen   Erkrankungen  und  Todesursachen.  Die  Analyse   der Umfrage zeigt, dass grosse Defizite in der Haltung von Gürteltieren bestehen, welche  sich  negativ  auf  die Reproduktionsleistung und  die  Gesundheit  der  Tiere auswirken oder Fehlverhalten auslösen können. Aufgrund der geringen Datenmenge  ist jedoch keine gesicherte  Aussage  darüber möglich,  welche  Faktoren für die Auslösung der Stereotypien bzw. für die  mangelnden Zuchterfolge verantwortlich sind. 

In der Diskussion wird versucht, die Ursache der in der Hälfte der Haltungen festgestellten Fehlverhalten zu erörtern.  Vorschläge  zum  behavioral  enrichment,  zur  Verbesserung  der  Haltung  und  Fütterung  und  Ideen  zur  Präsentation  sollen  einen  Beitrag  zur  Steigerung  der  Publikumsattraktivität  von Gürteltieren in Zoologischen Gärten leisten. Ein  Vergleich  der  heute  üblichen  Haltungsformen  mit  den  Auflagen  der  Schweizer  Gesetzgebung  und  den  Richtlinien  des  Schweizer  Tierschutzes.


This thesis analyses the current conditions of armadillos in captivity.

The  introduction  is  based  on  literature,  conversations  with  scientists  and  personal observations. It informs about evolution, taxonomy and biology of the 21  known  species  of  armadillos  and  the  different  aspects  of  the  care  and  maintenance   in   captivity   and   contains   information   about   the   adequate  enclosure  size  and  its  equipment,  the  nutrition  and  reproduction  of  captive  armadillos.  Comments  on  their  handling  and  on  suitable  blood  sampling  techniques, hematological parameters and a compilation of the most common diseases  and  their  therapies  should  help  the  zoo  veterinarian  when  taking care of armadillos.

This first part is followed by the results of a survey made in zoological gardens that  keep  armadillos. The  zoos  were   asked   for  information  about maintenance,  nutrition,  reproduction, ethology  as  well  as  the  diagnosed  pathologies  and  causes  of  death  of  their  armadillos. The  analysis  of  this survey   demonstrates  that   there  are  serious  deficits  in  the   care   and  maintenance   of   armadillos  which  have  a  negative   influence  on  their reproduction and health and cause stereotypes. Because of the poor data we can’t put a finger to the factors responsible for the stereotypes and the lack of reproductive success. The  possible  reasons  for  the  appearance  of stereotypes  in  50%  of  the  zoos are  discussed.  A  few  recommendations for  the  behavioral  enrichment,  the improvement of the maintenance and nutrition and ideas for their presentation to the visitor are meant to increase the attractiveness of armadillo exhibits.

A  comparison  of  the  usual  conditions  in which  armadillos are  kept  with  the  Swiss   legislation   and   the   guidelines   of  the   Swiss   Society   of   Animals’  Protection  shows  clearly  that  it  is  not  justifiable  to  keep  armadillos  under  the current  conditions.  The  animals  are  held  in  too  small  exhibits  with  poor  distraction,  fed  inappropriately  and  suffer  from  pathologies  related  to  their  maintenance in captivity. Only a few zoos have breeding programs, and those are rarely successful. The  maintenance  of  armadillos  can  only  be acceptable  if  efforts  are  made  to improve their living conditions and to elaborate diets according to the need of each  species.  To  reach  this  goal  it is recommended  to  intensify  the  field studies and the investigation on captive armadillos.  



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