Montag, 28 November 2022 11:37

SVÁBIK, K. (2022a)

Mixed-species exhibits with zoo-housed Aardvarks (Orycteropodidae).

68 Seiten, Farbfotos

The study lists species combinations and mixed exhibits with the only one member of family Orycteropodidae. Altogether 55 mixed exhibits with Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) have been collected from 34 zoological institutions worldwide until October 2022. In regard to species combinations Aardvark has been socialized with 42 different species.

In general it can be concluded that the Aardvark in most cases is uncomplicated in reference to the socialisation with other animals. Many of the listed mixed-species exhibits with Aardvarks take place in nocturnal houses. Due to their relatively big body size and not least because of their willingness to move, Aardvark is among the species that are far better kept conventionally with the possibility of using an outdoor enclosure. Fortunately, there has been a trend in Europe for some years now to no longer keep this species in nocturnal houses. ... This “new type” of exhibitry for them means that the earlier classic examples of socialize them with other night-active and smaller species such as galagoes or bats are not more possible, instead of this in many cases they can be kept together with diurnal mongooses such as meerkats.


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Samstag, 09 Juli 2022 09:11

SVÁBIK, K. (2022)

Mixed-species exhibits with zoo-housed Hippopotamuses (Hippopotamidae).

128 Seiten, Farbfotos

Mixed-species exhibits with different mammals in the last few decades became a major trend. The success of a mixed-species exhibit depends on how we can take general animal husbandry criteria into account in more complex ways in comparison with a single-species exhibit. Those general rules that are important in animal exhibitry are still valid to a greater extent when presenting a multi-species captive environment. As many articles and other publications deal with the subject of general advantages and disadvantages of the mixed-species exhibits, instead of this, here I will assemble a detailed list of mixed exhibits involving at least one member of Hippopotamidae. The main aim of these documents is to summarize data and experiences about this exhibitry type with the hope that these manuals will be a useful supplement for the husbandry guidelines of both species of hippopotamids. Furthermore the study partly focuses on negative experiences in order to improve exhibit management criteria and trying to avoid combinations that have not been proved as successful. The most important aspects of a successful mixed exhibit are the purposeful use of space and enclosure furnishings, the appropriate feeding techniques, decision-making of which species we want to breed and the right choice of species and individuals.


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Sonntag, 04 Juli 2021 07:58

SVÁBIK, K. (2021)

Mixed-species exhibits with Pigs (Suidae).

133 Seiten, Farbfotos

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Mixed-species exhibits with different mammals in the last few decades became a major trend. The success of a mixed-species exhibit depends on how we can take general animal husbandry criteria into account in more complex ways in comparison with a single-species exhibit. Those general rules that are important in animal exhibitry are still valid to a greater extent when presenting a multi-species captive environment. As many articles and other publications deal with the subject of general advantages and disadvantages of the mixed-species exhibits, instead of this, here I will assemble a detailed list of mixed exhibits involving at least one member of Suidae. The main aim of these documents is to summarize data and experiences about this exhibitry type with the hope that these manuals will be useful supplement for the husbandry guidelines of different species.

The study lists species combinations and mixed exhibits with eight species of Suidae. Altogether 158 mixed exhibits with suids have been collected from 96 zoological institutions worldwide until April 2021. Combinations and mixed exhibits were not counted with domestic pig, only a few examples were added as an „interesting” supplements.

The results show that the most popular „participants” are the Red River Hog and the Common Warthog: the former has been listed in 52 and the latter in 50 mixed exhibit. Those folowed by Eurasian Wild Boar which has been listed in 20, Sulawesi Babirusa in 19, Visayan Warty Pig in 14, Giant Forest Hog in 2, Bushpig in 2 and Bearded Pig in 1 mixed exhibit.

In regard to species combinations Common Warthog has been socialized with 62 and Red River Hog with 55 different species. Those followed by Eurasian Wild Boar which has been combined with 26, Sulawesi Babirusa with 14, Bearded Pig with 13, Visayan Warty Pig with 11, Giant Forest Hog 7 and Bushpig with 3 other species.


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Freitag, 03 April 2020 07:10

RUDLOFF, K. (2003)

Hausschweine im Tierpark Berlin.

MILU, Berlin 11: 109-120.

Die Haltung folgender Schweinerassen im Tierpark Berlin wird beschrieben: Vietnamesisches Hängebauchschwein, Chinesisches Maskenschwein, Helles oder Blondes Mangalizaschwein, Satteschwein, Schwäbisch-Hällisches Schwein, Weißes Edelschwein, Deutsches Veredeltes Landschwein.


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Dienstag, 23 Juli 2019 17:50


Zur Geschichte und Kultur der Schweinezucht und -haltung.
1. Mitteilung: Zur Domestikation und Verbreitung der Hausschweine in der Welt.

Züchtungskunde, 78 (1): 55–68. ISSN 0044-5401


Die Erstdomestikation von Schweinen erfolgte etwa 7800 Jahre v. Chr. wie die von Rind, Schaf und Ziege im Gebiet des sogenannten fruchtbaren Halbmondes (Vorderasien). Nach archäozoologischen Befunden sind heute weitere autochthone Domestikationszentren für Schweine in Südostasien, China (ab dem Ende des 7. Jahrtausends v. Chr.) und Südschweden (2400 Jahre v. Chr.) nachweisbar. Spätere lokale, teilweise zufällige Einkreuzungen von Wildtieren waren nach den gegenwärtigen Befunden nur von geringer Bedeutung für den Hausschweinebestand. Aus dem ursprünglichen Domestikationsgebiet heraus verbreiteten Siedler die Hausschweinehaltung nach Ägypten, Indien und auf die Balkanhalbinsel. Für Mitteleuropa sind Einwanderungswege über das Mittelmeer nach Südeuropa sowie entlang der großen europäischen Flüsse nachgewiesen (ab 5500v. Chr.). Während polynesische Einwanderer schon frühzeitig Hausschweine auf ozeanische Inseln mitbrachten (ab 4500 v. Chr.), sind in Amerika, in großen Teilen Afrikas und in Australien erst mit Beginn der europäischen Kolonisation Schweine gehalten worden.



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Mittwoch, 06 Februar 2019 17:42

D'HUART, J.-P. (1991)

Monographie des Riesenwaldschweins (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni).

BONGO 18: 103-118. (Frädrich-Jubiläumsband)

mit 6 Fotos und einer Verbreitungskarte


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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:41

FISCHER, M. (ed., 200X)

Husbandry Guidelines for the Babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) Species Survival Plan.

83 Seiten. St. Louis Zoo. (undatiert)


Effective management of the babirusa requires proper housing. This chapter of the Husbandry Guidelines for the Babirusa SSP is a compilation of a survey sent to eight institutions housing babirusa. Using the survey results and the AZA Mammal Standards for wild swine, these guidelines have been developed on the suggested housing of this species in captivity. Managers are a sked to use these guidelines and to report any experiences that may improve the guidelines to the SSP Coordinator. Constructive comments have also been gathered from European zoos housing babirusa.

Babirusa need indoor enclosures and should have the opportunity to spend time in an outdoor enclosure. Housing animals together in pairs and as single sex groups have been successful in North America, Europe and Indonesia. Pregnant sows usually need to be separated from other babirusa prior to parturition, as boars as well as other sows have been known to kill infants.



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Freitag, 15 Juni 2018 14:42

NAGEL, R. (2011)

Das Diverticulum pharyngeum beim männlichen, adulten Hirscheber (Babyrousa sp., Perry 1811).

 Vet. med. Diplomarbeit

44 Seiten,  19 Abildungen

Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien, Institut für Anatomie, Histologie und Embryologie (Betreuung: A. Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. vet. G. Weissengruber) und Zoologisch-Botanischer Garten Wilhelma, Stuttgart (Sektionsmaterial)

Voller Text


Das Diverticulum pharyngeum eines männlichen, adulten Hirschebers (Babyrousa babirussa) wurde im Rahmen einer morphologischen Fallstudie untersucht.Neben makroskopisch morphologischen Ergebnissen wurden auch histologische und radiologische (CT) Befunde erfasst und diskutiert.

In der makroskopisch anatomischen Untersuchung stellte sich die Rachentasche des Hirschebers als ein in seiner ganzen Länge von einem medianen Septum durchzogener Schleimhautsack dar, der somit im Unterschied zu anderen Schweinearten paarig angelegt erscheint. Der Eingang in die Aussackung besteht aus zwei ca. 1 cm langen, schlitzförmigen und sagittal orientierten Öffnungen, welche in einem transversalen Abstand von 2 cm liegen und sich knapp rostroventral des Ursprunges des M. longus capitis sowie rostrodorsal des Arcus palatopharyngeus befinden. Das entlang seiner ganzen Ausdehnung durchgehend 3 cm breite und etwa 20 cm lange Diverticulum pharyngeum wird von seinem Eingang bis zum caudalen Ende auf Höhe des siebten Halswirbels dorsal von den Mm. longus capitis und longus colli, ventral vom Ösophagus begrenzt. Am caudalen Ende der Rachentasche isolieren sich die beiden Lumina der Struktur und bilden zwei hornähnlich geformte Endzipfel, von denen der linke um einen halben Zentimeter länger ist als der rechte.

Die Schleimhautauskleidung des Divertikels besteht aus einem mehrreihigen, hochprismatischen Flimmerepithel, welches von lockerem Bindegewebe unterlagert wird, in das muköse Drüsen und einzelne quergestreifte Muskelfasern eingebettet sind. Elastische Fasern sind in dem das Divertikel umgebenden Bindegewebe nur in geringem Maß nachweisbar und lassen nicht auf eine ausgeprägte Dehnbarkeit des Gebildes schließen.


In this diploma-thesis the pharyngeal diverticulum from a male, adult babirusa (Babyrousa babirussa) was examined as a morphological case study.
Besides macroscopic anatomical findings as well as histological and radiological (CT) findings were recorded and discussed.

The pharyngeal diverticulum of the babirusa is a sack-like structure divided by its median septum. Two slit-like openings with a length of approximately 1 cm lead into this sack. The openings are situated rostroventral of the M. longus capitis and rostrodorsally of the Arcus palatopharyngeus. The pharyngeal diverticulum has a constant width of about 3 cm and a length of about 20 cm. Its caudal end lies on a level with the seventh cervical vertebra. The Mm. longus capitis and longus colli are situated dorsal of the diverticulum and the oesophagus lies ventral. The diverticulum ends with two horn-like pouches. The left pouch is approximately 0.5 cm longer than the right one.

The mucosal lining of the diverticulum consists of pseudostratified columnar epithelium. In deeper layers loose connective tissue, mucous glands and dispersed muscle fibres are discernible. Only a few elastic fibres can be found in the wall of the diverticulum and therefore it is assumed that the pharyngeal diverticulum of the babirusa is not an elastic structure.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:22

SEYDACK, A. (1991)

Monographie des Buschschweines (Potamochoerus porcus).

BONGO Berlin 18: 85-102.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:49

RADKE, R. (1991)

Monographie des Warzenschweines (Phacochoerus aethiopicus).

BONGO Berlin 18: 119-134.



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