Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:53

PETRY, K. (2006)

Dysbakteriose bei Schlankloris (Gattung: Loris) und deren Behandlung.

Dysbacteriosis in Loris and their treatment.

Institut für Bakteriologie und Mykologie Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät, Universität Leipzig

Eingereicht im Juni 2005

92 Seiten, 20 Abbildungen, 24 Tabellen, 226 Literaturangaben, Anhang 6 Tabellen

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Die Population der im Bochumer-Institut in der funktionellen Morphologie gehaltenen Lorisidae erkrankte 1995 an Dysbakteriose. Nach Feststellung einer Darmmikroflorastörung wurde anschließend der Versuch einer noch relativ neuen Behandlungsmöglichkeit mit dem Präbiotikum T.P. gestartet. Ziel der Behandlungen war es, dass im Status präsens festgestellte Ungleichgewicht der Darmmikroflora wiederherzustellen und somit das Überleben der Tiere zu sichern.
Im Literaturteil werden die Bedeutung der Darmmikroflora und des Organs Darm erläutert.

Es wurden von 16 Bochumer Tieren und ca. je 5 Tieren der Zoos Frankfurt, Berlin und Saarbrücken über einen Zeitraum von 41 Monaten Kot und Urin gesammelt.
Die Zugabe von T.P. bewirkte eine signifikante Besserung der Zusammensetzung der Darmflora sowie eine Linderung der klinischen Symptome.
Die Ergebnisse belegen eine eindeutige Verbesserung der Vitalität, der intestinalen Mikroflora sowie des Kotgeruches. Im Einzelnen bewirkte die T.P.-Supplementierung eine Verringerung der aeroben Gesamtkeimzahl, der Gram-negativen aeroben Bakterien, der Klostridien und eine erhöhte Anzahl an Bdellovibrionen.
Die Ergebnisse in den oben genannten Zoos bestätigten in etwa die gleichen klinischen Symptome vor und nach Anwendung von T.P. bei ihren Tieren.
Die Arbeit belegt den positiven Effekt des T.P. bei Störungen der enteralen Mikroflora und ein Dosierungsvorschlag wird unterbreitet. Die besten Erfolge wurden bei einer Dosierung von 1,0 g T.P. pro kg Körpermasse festgestellt. Hier zeigten die Tiere die beste Vitalität, weniger Klostridien, weniger Gram-negative aerobe Bakterien, eine Verringerung der aeroben Gesamtkeimzahl sowie weniger Parasiten. Bei einer weiteren Steigerung auf 1,5 g T.P. pro kg Körpermasse wurden keine Verbesserungen mehr festgestellt.

Die quantitative und qualitative Futterauswertung der seit 1987 gesammelten Futterdaten der Bochumer Tiere stellte ein verändertes und verbessertes Futterergebnis nach T.P.-Behandlung dar. Die Tiere zeigten wieder normales Fressverhalten ohne abnormen Hunger und ohne Futterbetteln während der Schlafperiode.

Je mehr wir über Lorisidae oder auch jede andere Art wissen, desto besser können wir sie schützen und auf Abweichungen von der Norm reagieren und handeln.
Die rapide Zerstörung der Habitate, die Vernichtung ihrer natürlichen Lebensräume führen zu weiteren Verlusten ihres natürlichen Vorkommens, so dass schließlich nur noch Zoos und ähnliche Einrichtungen das Überleben der Art sichern. Daraus folgt, dass die Bedeutung dieser Arbeit vor allem im Artenschutz zu sehen ist.


A breeding colony of lorises kept in the Institute for Functional Morphology at Ruhr-University Bochum got sick from 1995 on, after developing a dysbacteriosis. After diagnosis of an enteritis, a still relatively new treatment with the prebiotic t.p. was tried. The goal of the treatment was to re-establish the balance of the intestinal microflora determined in the status present, and to thus secure survival and improved health of the animals. In the literature part, the meaning of the intestinal microflora for different organs is described.

Faeces and urine were collected from 16 animals in Bochum and 5 animals of the zoos in Frankfurt, Berlin and Saarbruecken during a period of 41 months. Addition of t.p. to the food caused a significant improvement of the composition of the intestinal flora as well as an alleviation of the clinical symptoms. The smell of faeces also improved. A specification of the individual parameters showed a decrease of microbial count, aerobe gram-negative and clostridial counts and less parasites, but increased bdellovibrio counts. The results in the zoos before and after use of t.p. also showed improvement of both intestinal flora and clinical symptoms observed. The study confirms the positive effect of t.p. on disturbances of the enteral microflora and suggests a recommendation for the optimum dosage. Best success was determined at a dosage of 1,0 g t.p. per kg body mass. After administring this quantity, the animals showed the best recovery, and improvement of intestinal flora. After a further increase of the dosage to 1,5 g t.p. per kg body mass no more improvements were determined.

The quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the nutrition of the animals in Bochum, based on feeding protocols collected since 1987, mirrored abnormal food consumption of sick animals, and an increasingly normal food consumption during the treatment. After successful treatment the animals ate normal quantities again, without signs of abnormal hunger such as begging for food during the sleeping period in otherwise strictly nocturnal animals.
The more we know about the Lorisidae (or any other animal species), the better we can protect them and react in time to deviations from the standard. The rapid destruction of their habitats leads to a decline of populations in the wild, so captive animals become increasingly important for maintaining the genetic diversity of species. This study therefore is of particular importance for conservation of threatened species.

Therapy: dosage: 1,0 g t.p. per kg body weight for about 4 weeks for curing the condition, initially addition of intestinal flora cultures on several days (PetAg Bene-Bac with Enterococcus faecium and several Lactobacillus strains, Mutaflor with E. coli) and Vitamins: A,D,E,C.
0,5 g T.P. per kg bodyweight for longterm therapy or prophylaxis.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:58

SCHULZE, H. (1998)

Developing a husbandry manual to facilitate the distribution and presentation of information: with special reference to slender loris Loris tardigradus nordicus at Ruhr-University, Bochum.

International Zoo Yearbook 36: 34-48. ISSN 0074-9664, DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-1090.1998.tb02882.x


Generally the practical information required for husbandry of wild species in captivity is not readily available in a single comprehensive source. This paper describes the sort of information which would be most useful for species management, using the Slender loris Loris tardigradus nordicus as an example, and provides a practical model of the possible form and content of a husbandry manual. A single, easily available source of husbandry data would be a valuable tool for all institutions and individuals which are willing to participate in coordinated breeding programmes, helping to maintain genetic diversity and increase the size of captive populations. It would be of particular interest to small institutions, such as zoos with limited staff, breeding colonies in scientific institutions, veterinarians and private breeders. Husbandry manuals which are updated at intervals using, for example, a subscription-based amendment service or a database of husbandry information which can be accessed using a computer are both reasonable possibilities. Some existing sources of information for the management of Asian loris species and details about on-line World Wide Web services, for accessing conservation information and species-management data, which are in the development stages are described. This paper also presents some general information on minimum necessary requirements for successful husbandry of Slender lorises which, in captivity, are cautious but curious animals that become extremely familiar with their environment and react with excitement to novel stimuli. They are prone to both environmental and social stress, and stress-related symptoms observed in the species, such as slow movements, freezing to motionless or apparent loss of fear in stressful situations, may be based on earlier learning and are sometimes difficult to gauge unless keepers are familiar with the habits of each individual. Enclosure design, lighting and temperature are all significant to the well-being of the species. Slender lorises prefer to use the upper part of the enclosure, although they will use the lower area to avoid aggressive confrontations with conspecifics, and a system of branches and wiremesh which allows continuous locomotion with no ‘dead ends’ and furnishings that encourage locomotor activity should be provided. Because the species has a tendency towards adiposity and diabetes diet is a serious consideration. A comprehensive husbandry manual for Asian prosimians has been developed (Fitch-Snyder et al., in press).



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