Samstag, 19 März 2022 16:14

MILIORINI, A. B. (2012)

Resfriamento e congelamento de embriões de Dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus) e Piapara (Leporinus obtusidens).

Vet. med. Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Lavras.


A criopreservação de gametas e embriões de espécies aquáticas oferece muitos benefícios para as áreas de conservação da biodiversidade, mas, até o momento, nenhum protocolo foi capaz de obter embriões viáveis após o congelamento com a reprodutibilidade e eficiência desejadas. O dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), a piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus) e a piapara (Leporinus obtusidens) são espécies de peixes reofílicas e compartilham praticamente o mesmo habitat na América do Sul. A construção de barragens e o desmatamento da mata ciliar são alguns dos fatores descaracterizadores do ambiente aquático natural, e explicam porque, nas últimas décadas, suas populações têm diminuído intensivamente. Nestes estudos, objetivou-se estudar os efeitos do resfriamento e do congelamento sobre os embriões de dourado, piaracanjuba e piapara. Foram utilizados embriões de quatro casais de cada espécie, mergulhados em soluções cont endo metanol ou dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) 5, 8 ou 11%, sob resfriamento (-2°C) ou não. Os demais grupos controle foram compostos por embriões não adicionados de crioprotetor e incubados à temperatura ambiente ou resfriados. Outro grupo de embriões foi congelado em N2(l)  após banho nas mesmas soluções do resfriamento. Ambos os crioprotetores apresentaram-se pouco tóxicos à temperatura ambiente para os embriões das três espécies. O metanol promoveu as maiores taxas de eclosão médias para os embriões resfriados de dourado e de piracanjuba e com preservação das características morfológicas para esta última independentemente da concentração. Já os embriões de piapara foram muito sensíveis ao resfriamento, exceto quando adicionados de DMSO. A adição de crioprotetores nestes embriões não implicou no aparecimento de lesões durante o resfriamento. Por sua vez, regularidade entre as camadas de blastômeros e da membrana sincicial do vitelo, além de glóbulos de vitelo dispersos para a periferia do saco vitelínico foram observadas após o resfriamento dos embriões das demais espécies. Três embriões de piracanjuba tratados com metanol 8% e quatro com metanol 11%, além de cinco embriões de piapara também tratados com metanol 11% foram recuperados e incubados após o descongelamento. Deles, dois da primeira e quatro da segunda espécie desenvolveram-se até a formação da placa neural e dos dois primeiros somitos, respectivamente, demonstrando ser possível a preservação de seus embriões de por meio do congelamento rápido. Antes disso, porém, é imprescindível que se aprimore o conhecimento sobre as características biomoleculares destes embriões a fim de se explorar o potencial dos procedimentos aqui utilizados.


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Donnerstag, 10 März 2022 15:42

ALFONSO, Y. A. (2017)

Oviductal egg development in the curly tailed lizard Leiocephalus carinatus aquarius.

Revista Cubana de Ciencias Biológicas 5 (2): 1-4.


Leiocephalus carinatus (saw-scaled curly-tailed lizard) has thirteen currently recognized subspecies that occur throughout Cuban Archipelago, Cayman Islands, Swan Islands, Bahama Islands and introduced in Florida. It’s a diurnal species that inhabits xerophilic vegetation, mogote complex, coastal and subcoastal microphyllous forest, semidesert thorny crubwoodland, associated with urban habitats (nearby to the coastal zones and rocky ground in the beach) and abandoned walls and concrete blocks.
Reproduction periods for L. carinatus are continuous and increasing in some months. Sexual maturity in males reach between 78.6-81.2 mm SVL and females 70.2-73.0 mm SVL. Eggs dimensions and deposition were previously reported for some subspecies, and only for two subspecies (L. c. armouri, L. c. carinatus) has been reported data related with ovarian follicles and oviductal eggs to determine the ovarian cycle and clutch characteristics. Here we report a synchronized development of oviductal eggs in the curly-tailed lizard Leiocephalus carinatus aquarius.


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Reproductive biology of Palaemon pandaliformis (Stimpson, 1871) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) from two estuaries in southeastern Brazil.

Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 53 (4): 223-232. .


The reproductive biology of Palaemon pandaliformis was investigated in the estuaries of the Comprido and Ubatumirim rivers at Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, by means of samples obtained from April 2003 to March 2004. Samples were collected monthly, using sieves, which were passed several times under the marginal vegetation. In the laboratory, the sex of each shrimp was assessed and the carapace length (CL, mm) measured. Ovigerous females were separated and counted for determination of fecundity. The egg diameter was measured with a calibrated micrometer scale under an stereo-microscope. The breeding period was seasonal in the Comprido River Estuary, and continuous throughout the year in the Ubatumirim River estuary. The mean size of ovigerous females was higher in the population in the Comprido River (5.90±0.68 mm CL ±sd) than in the Ubatumirim River (5.50±0.58 mm). The most intense reproductive period of P. pandaliformis was from October 2003 to March 2004 for bo h estuaries. The mean fecundity of P. pandaliformis in the Comprido River was 189±53 eggs (n=124), and at Ubatumirim, 130±25; mean ±sd eggs (n=80), values that are similar to other palaemonid species from similar latitudes. A positive correlation between the number of eggs and the size of the female was obtained for both populations. The eggs were relatively small, indicative of low energy allocation to each embryo, with mean dimensions ranging from 0.44±0.08 mm to 0.69±0.069 mm.


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Reproductive anatomy,manipulation of ovarian activity and non-surgical embryo recovery in suni (Neotragus moschatus zuluensis).

J. Reprod. Fert. 88: 521-532.


Marked disparity in the uterine horn dimensions and relative degrees of caruncle development in suni suggested that exclusive or predominant dextral implantation occurs in association with bilateral ovulatory activity. Daily urinary measurements of pregnanediol-3-alpha-glucuronide revealed an oestrous cycle of ca. 21 days in length. Ovarian activity was controlled for synchronization of oestrus by using progestagen-impregnated intravaginal sponges and multiple ovulations were induced by using exogenous gonadotrophin therapy. An effective transcervical uterine catheterization technique was developed for the non-surgical collection of embryos. The efficiency of embryo recovery performed 5 days after sponge removal was 50-0%.


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Dienstag, 09 März 2021 12:26

PEGEL, M., THOR G. et al. (2000)

Rehwildprojekt Borgerhau: Untersuchungen zur Ökologie einer freilebenden Rehwildpopulation.

Wildforschung in Baden-Württemberg Band 5.

143 Seiten. Hrsg: Staatlichen Lehr-und Versuchsanstalt AulendorfWildforschungsstelle


Kitzrate und frühe Kitzsterblichkeit(Zitat aus Zusammenfassung)

Pro  im  Herbst  vorhandener  adulter  Geiß  wurden im Mittel 1,44 Kitze beobachtet. Diese Kitzrate  schwankte  witterungsbedingt in den einzelnen Jahren zwischen 0,93 und 1,63. Auf den gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum  bezogen wurden  am 1. September 14%  der Geißen  ohne Kitz festgestellt, 31%  hatten ein Kitz, 52% zwei Kitze und 3% drei Kitze. Die  frühe Kitzsterblichkeit (Geburt bis  1. September)  wurde nach  zwei Methoden  eingeschätzt (nach  ergleich zwischen potentieller und realisierter Kitzrate sowie nach der  Wiederbeobachtungsrate markierter Kitze). Es ergaben sich die Werte 24%  bzw. 22% als Mittel für den Untersuchungszeitraum. Markierte Kitze unterlagen keiner erhöhten Sterblichkeit.


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Captive Breeding and Sexual Conflict in Elasmobranchs.

In: SMITH, M. et al. (2004) The Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual: Captive Care of Sharks, Rays and their Relatives: 237-248. ISBN-13: 978-0-86727-152-3


Successful  reproduction  has  been  recorded  in  many  different  species  ofcartilaginous fish held in captivity, representing the various reproductive modes recordedin chondrichthyans. Documentation of behaviors of captive chondrichthyans has provideda foundation to our knowledge of reproductive behavior, as these interactions are rarelywitnessed in the wild and difficult to infer from freshly caught wild specimens. Reproductivebehavior often results in conspecific and interspecific conflicts. Conspecific sexual conflictmay be consexual as well as intersexual. Although specific reproductive behaviors have been  reported  for  many  species,  mating  systems  remain  poorly  understood.  Captivebreeding may reduce pressure on wild populations, particularly for those species wheresevere declines have been documented. Such efforts may be opportunistic, directed, orundertaken in collaboration with other institutions. Detailed behavioral records relevant toreproduction should be collected and maintained for all captive elasmobranchs and sharedthrough peer-review publication.


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Montag, 14 Dezember 2015 08:24

ADEMMER, C. (2002)

Reproduktion und Stress bei Kleideraffen (Pygathrix nemaeus): nicht-invasive Erfassung des hormonphysiologischen Status


124 Seiten

Math.-Nat. Fakultät, Universität zu Köln
Leitung: Prof. Dr. G. Nogge
Zoo Köln


Der Ovarzyklus weiblicher Kleideraffen (Pygathrix nemaeus) wurde erstmalig durch die Hormonanalyse aus Kot charakterisiert. Bei fünf der sieben Weibchen des Zoo Köln konnte eindeutig zyklische Ovartätigkeit nachgewiesen werden. Die Zykluslänge beträgt 28.1 ± 2.7 Tage. Die Dauer der Follikelphase beträgt 13.2 ± 3.5 Tage, die Lutealphase dauert 11.7 ± 3.0 Tage.
Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass das Zyklusgeschehen durch sozialen Stress beeinflusst wird. Drei Weibchen zeigen während stressreicher Bedingungen Zyklus-Irregularitäten. Die Zyklen sind gekennzeichnet durch konstant (bis > 60 Tage) niedrige Level des quantifizierten ovarischen Steroidhormons und damit durch ausbleibende zyklische Ovarfunktion.

Die Rötung der Schenkelinnenseiten der Weibchen ist kein zuverlässiger Indikator des Östrus. Die Weibchen zeigen zeitliche Übereinstimmungen der Zyklusphasen, ein Anzeichen, das auf Zyklus-Synchronisation hindeutet.

Soziale Veränderungen im Rahmen einer Gruppenänderung stellen Stress dar. Dabei zeigen alle untersuchten Tiere eine Stressantwort, unabhängig davon, ob sie selber in die Gruppenänderung involviert sind, oder die Änderung nur beobachten. Es gibt Anzeichen auf einen geschlechtsspezifischen Einfluss, wobei die Männchen eine höhere Stressantwort zeigen. Es gibt auch Hinweise darauf, dass die Anzahl von Zoobesuchern mit der Konzentration von Glucocorticoiden - bei Stress sekretierten Hormonen - korreliert. Anästhesie führt nach einem Tag zu einem Anstieg der Glucocorticoidsekretion im Kot. Nach vier Tagen wird ein Maximum erreicht, und es dauert 18 Tage, bis die Werte wieder auf Normal-Niveau sinken.

Die Quantifizierung des Cortisol-Metaboliten 5-β-Androstandiol erwies sich als geeignet zur Erfassung von Stress. Das Progesteron-Metabolit Pregnanolon ist zum Monitoring der weiblichen Ovarfunktion geeignet. Beide Hormonmetabolite ermöglichen einen nicht-invasiven Einblick in den hormonphysiologischen Status von Kleideraffen.


 The menstrual cycle of female Douc langurs (Pygathrix nemaeus) has been characterized for the first time by measuring fecal samples. A cyclic pattern of ovarian activity has been documented in five of seven females that live in the Zoo of Cologne. The ovarian cycle had a lenth of 28.1 ± 2.7 days, with a follicular phase of 13.2 ± 3.5 days, and luteal phase of 11.7 ± 3.0 days.

The results indicate that the ovarian activity is influenced by social stress. Three of the five adult females showed clear signs of cycle irregularities during stressful conditions. The cycles are characterized by constantly low levels of excreted ovarian steroids. As a result, the cyclic ovarian activity is temporarily interrupted. The reddening of the inner side of the thigh is not a reliable indicator of oestrus. The females show signs of menstrual cycle synchrony.

Changes in group composition represent stress and result in increased levels of excreted glucocorticoids. The physiological response is observed in all animals. Apparently, the secretion of glucocorticoids is influenced by the sex: males showed higher elevations during stressful events than females. It is possible that the number of zoo visitors also has an influence on the glucocorticoid secretion. The stress of anasthesia leads to a significant increase of fecal glucocorticoids after one day. The maximum is reached after four days from anaesthesia, and it takes 18 days until the hormone concentrations return to baseline-levels.

The measurement of the fecal cortisol-metabolite 5-β-Androstan-3α,11β-diol-17-on was validated for monitorin stress in Douc langurs. The gestagene-metabolite 5-α-Pregnan- α-ol-20-on in faeces provides a reliable tool for monitoring ovarian cyclicity and for diagnosing ovarian irregularity in the female Douc langur.


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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx