Freitag, 30 November 2018 14:50


Pollination of Ravenala madagascariensis and Parkia madagascariensis by Eulemur macaco in Madagascar.


Primates are known to be important in dispersal of seeds of tropical rainforest trees, but their role in pollination is very poorly documented. Although the 'traveller's palm' Ravenala madagascariensis is widespread, only a single well-documented report exists for its pollination by Malagasy prosimians. Black lemurs, Eulemur macaco, exploit nectaries of Parkia as well as Ravenala systematically at the massifs of Ambato and Lokobe, and almost certainly contribute substantially to their pollination, confirming a proposal first made by Sussman and Raven [Science 1978;200: 731-736].

Folia Primatol. (Basel). 69(5):252-259.

PMID: 9751827; DOI: 10.1159/000021634



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx