Samstag, 17 November 2018 16:09

DMOCH, R. (1997)

Husbandry, breeding and population development of the Sri Lankan Rusty‐spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus phillipsi.

International Zoo Yearb. Volume 35: 115-120.


In September 1975 Frankfurt Zoo received 1.1 7 week‐old Rusty‐spotted cats Prionailurus rubiginosus phillipsi from Sri Lanka. As at 31 December 1995 16.19 animals, all descended from this pair, were listed in the international studbook at eight collections (Dmoch, 1996). Between 1976 and 1994 77 Rusty‐spotted cats were born in captivity and breeding data reveal that: sexual maturity is reached within the first year; mean litter size is 1–3 (n= 58); mean time of first mating is 7–8 days after introduction (n= 78); mean mating activity period is 5–7 days (n= 49); gestation period is between 67 and 71 days (mean 69 days, n= 22). Breeding ceased in 1989 at Frankfurt Zoo and in 1991 at Cincinnati, which could indicate an inbreeding depression. This paper describes the diet, growth and development, veterinary care, husbandry and behaviour of the species.


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Freitag, 24 August 2018 07:31

RÜHLE, A. (2015)

Das Wildkaninchen im Südwesten Deutschlands.

Teil I: Mitt. BAG Kleinsäuger, Heft 2/2015:  25-30.

Teil II: Mitt. BAG Kleinsäuger, Heft 3/2015:  6-10.


Bis in die erste Hälfte des 19. Jahrhundert war das Europäische Wildkaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus [LINNAEUS, 1758]) in Deutschland weit verbreitet und kam im großer Zahl vort. Heute ist es vor allem aufgrund der Myxomatose nur noch in der Mitte und dem Norden Deutschlands häufiger anzutreffen, während es im Süden nur vereinzelt kleine Populationen gibt. ANDREAS RÜHLE beobachtet seit einigen Jahren Wildkaninchen. Das bietet die möglichkeiet, Vergleiche zur eigenen Freilandhaltung von Hauskaninchen bei weitgehend arttypischer Ernährung anzustellen.



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African Elephant Status Report 2016 - An update from the African Elephant Database.

Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission No. 60
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
vi + 309pp.; ISBN13: 978-2-8317-1813-2.

Aus dem Executive Summary:

This is the fifth printed African Elephant Status Report (AESR) produced by the African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG) of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC). Like its predecessors, the AESR 2016 is based on data from the African Elephant Database (AED), the most comprehensive database on the status of any species of mammal in the wild. This is the first comparison of continental populations between 2006 and 2015 across the 37 range states of the African elephant. Importantly  this  report  not  only  provides  information  on  changes  in  elephant  numbers  but  also, because it is spatial, shows where these changes have taken place.




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Ermittlung der Biomassen flugaktiver Insekten im Naturschutzgebiet Orbroicher Bruch mit Malaise Fallen in den Jahren 1989 und 2013.

Mitteilungen aus dem Entomologischen Verein Krefeld 1 (2013): 1-5. ISSN 1865-9365.


Beschrieben werden die Biomassen aus den Ergebnissen von Kartierungen mit Malaise Fallen im Naturschutzgebiet Orbroich, Krefeld. Die Ergebnisse zeigen an zwei Standorten einen hohen Verlust in der vergleichenden Betrachtung der Masse flugaktiver Insekten zwischen den
Untersuchungsjahren 1989 und 2013. Über die gleiche Fallentechnik an denselben Standorten wurden  jeweils  gravierende  Rückgänge  von > 75%  belegt.  Diese  Daten  deuten  darauf  hin, dass im Gebiet an den untersuchten Teilflächen nur noch weniger als ein Viertel der Masse flugaktiver Insekten in der lokalen Zönose verfügbar ist



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Donnerstag, 18 Januar 2018 14:44

MESSI, J., KEKEUNOU, S. & WEISE, S. (2006)

Abundance and life cycle of Zonocerus variegatus (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon.

Entomological Science, 9: 23–30. doi:10.1111/j.1479-8298.2006.00150.x


Weekly captures from January 2000 to January 2002 enabled us to study the abundance and life cycle of the variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae), in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon. We found that Z. variegatus was present throughout the year in the forest reserve and the human-influenced zones of Yaounde and Mbalmayo in two univoltine populations, which had unequal abundance and durations. The separation of the two populations was clearer in the Yaounde and Mbalmayo developed zones than in the Mbalmayo forest reserve (undeveloped zone). The abundance of Z. variegatus varied according to the post-embryonic stage, sex, year and season. Hatching and coupling took place during the dry and rainy seasons, whereas oviposition occurred only in the rainy season. In Cameroon, the type of life cycle of Z. variegatus observed in the humid forest zone of the south is different from that of the “Sudanian and Sahelian” zones.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:07

CHAPMAN, J. A. & FLUX, J. E. C. (1990)

Rabbits, Hares and Pikas : Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. 

168 Seiten, zahlreiche s/w-Fotos und Landkarten.
IUCN, Gland.ISBN 2-8317-0019-1.

Aus dem Vorwort:

The   Lagomorph   Specialist   Group   reviewed   for   the   first time  the  status  of  the  worlds’  lagomorphs,  critically  examined those  species  which  appeared  to  require  attention,  and  listed important  decisions  for  future  conservation  action  concerning the volcano rabbit Romerolagus  diazi (Mexico), riverine rabbit Bunolagus monticularis (South  Africa),  hispid  hare  Caprolagus hispidus (India and Nepal), Sumatran rabbit Nesolagus netscheri   (Indonesia)  and  Amami  rabbit Pentalagus furnessi (Japan).

Emphasis  was  placed  on  the  need  for  a  comprehensive    review  of  hares  and  for  the  development  of  programs  for monitoring   lagomorphs   and   their   habitat   wherever   required. The  need  to  bring  these  matters  to  the  attention  of  Governments  was  given  high  priority.  Project  proposals  resulting  from these  deliberations  were  submitted  to  the  Commission  for inclusion  in  the  IUCN  Conservation  Programme  for  Sustainable   Development.

The Lagomorph Group, building on its good start, soon assumed responsibility for providing the information necessary for preparing and updating lagomorph entries in the Red Data Book and for submissions to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). It holds a strong position against the introduction of the eastern cottontail to Europe, and has willingly participated in discussions on the subject when requested.

The Group also continues to take the lead in keeping lagomorphs on conference agenda at international meetings, and has widened its in recent years to look at the status of some of the lesser known races or subspecies of the more common lagomorphs. Lagomorphs are relatively small mammals and do not excite the curiosity and appeal of some of their larger kind.

There has thus never been much financial support for conservation. But they are of critical importance in world ecosystems and I applaud the action taken by the Species Survival Commission in setting up this Group when it did. I am particularly pleased that IUCN has agreed to fund this publication of the Lagomorph Specialist Group Action Plan. The achievement of main objectives depends to a large extent on the continued activities of small teams of dedicated people like those who constitute this Group; the publication will give them an opportunity to say what they are trying to do.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:27


Wiederentdeckung einer ausgestorben geglaubten Population der Baleareneidechse, Podarcis lilfordi (GÜNTHER, 1874) auf der Illa de Ses Mones (Balearen, Menorca, Spanien) in Sympatrie mit der Ruineneidechse, Podarcis siculus (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810).

Die Eidechse, 21 (3): 65-74.


Es wird über die Wiederentdeckung einer Population der Baleareneidechse (Podarcis lilfordi) auf der im Hafen von Port d`Addaia gelegenen Insel Illa de Ses Mones berichtet, von der man annahm, sie sei in den 1990er-Jahren durch die eingeschleppte Ruineneidechse (Podarcis siculus) verdrängt worden. Neben Informationen zur Illa des Ses Mones wird zum ersten Mal über ein sympatrisches Vorkommen von P. lilfordi und P. siculus berichtet und die hier lebenden Eidechsen erstmalig beschrieben und abgebildet. Weiterhin wird auf die in der Literatur häufige Verwechslung der Insel Illot d'en Carbó mit der Illa des Ses Mones hingewiesen und schließlich die taxonomische Stellung der wiederentdeckten Podarcis lilfordi von der Illa de Ses Mones diskutiert.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:20

MALLON, D. P. & BUDD, K. (2011)

Regional Red List status of carnivores in the Arabian Peninsula.

49 Seiten, Abbildungen, Verbreitungskarten. IUCN, Gland und Cambrige und The Environment and Protected Areas Authority, Government of Sharjah, UAE


A Regional Red List Workshop for the carnivores of the Arabian Peninsula took place 8-10 February 2011. The aim of the workshop was to assess the regional conservation status of terrestrial carnivores in the Arabian Peninsula. The information provided here will help to put national conservation priorities into a regional context, thus maximising the effectiveness of local and national conservation measures, and facilitating the development of integrated regional conservation strategies. This Red List publication summarizes results for terrestrial carnivores and provides the first overview of the conservation status of these species to follow IUCN Regional Red Listing guidelines. It identifies species that are threatened with extinction at the regional level – in order that appropriate conservation action can be taken to improve their status.

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Non-invasive genetic identification confirms the presence of the Endangered okapi Okapia johnstoni south-west of the Congo River.

Oryx   50 (1): 134-137.
Fauna & Flora International.  DOI:
Published online: 11 November 2014.


The okapi Okapia johnstoni, a rainforest giraffid endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo, was recategorized as Endangered on the IUCN Red List in 2013. Historical records and anecdotal reports suggest that a disjunct population of okapi may have occurred south-west of the Congo River but the current distribution and status of the okapi in this region are not well known. Here we describe the use of non-invasive genetic identification for this species and assess the success of species identification from dung in the wild, which varied throughout the range. This variation is probably attributable to varying okapi population densities and/or different sample collection strategies across the okapi's distribution. Okapi were confirmed to occur south-west of the Congo River, in scattered localities west of the Lomami River. We demonstrated that non-invasive genetic methods can provide information on the distribution of cryptic, uncommon species that is difficult to obtain by other methods. Further investigation is required to genetically characterize the okapi across its range and to investigate the biogeographical processes that have led to the observed distribution of okapi and other fauna in the region.


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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:58


Die Großtrappe in Deutschland - gerettet?

Der Falke 56: 456-463


Manche Vogelarten lassen sich über den Schutz einer einzigen Ressource "managen". Ganze Nistkastenpopulationen von Steinkauz oder Wiedehopf belegen diese Erfolge. Auch beim Fischadler lässt sich über künstliche Nisthilfen der Bestand anheben und die Reproduktion steigern, man kann die Lage der Brutplätzze steuern und in gewissem Maße Paare sogar gezielt umsiedeln. Die Großtrappen rangiert genau am anderen Ende der Skala. Schon vor achtzig Jahren wusste Oskar Heinroth, das Großtrappen "Sargnägel" sind, und auch wenn er sich dabei ausschließlich auf die Aufzucht bezogen hat, so ist ihm doch im weiteren Sinn beizupflichten: Die Großtrappe gehört zu den am schwierigsten zu schützenden Vögeln in Deutschland.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx