Sonntag, 17 Januar 2021 08:32

NEL, J. A. & SOMERS, M. J. (2007)

Distribution and habitat choice of Capeclawless otters, Aonyx capensis, in South Africa.

African Journal of Wildlife Research 37 (Apr 2007): 61-70. DOI: 10.3957/0379-4369-37.1.61


Cape clawless otters, Aonyx capensis, are widely distributed in South Africa, as elsewhere on the continent. They occur in a wide variety of environments and most aquatic habitats, from freshwater lakes to the marine littoral,and even in episodic rivers in arid areas, provided freshwater sources are adequate and sufficient food is available. This animal is not much affected by turbid water as it locates prey by touch, and usually forages close to shores or banks. Evidence of presence in given localities and habitats, distributed over a large area of the Northern, Western, and Eastern Cape provinces, was deduced from signs (faecal deposits or distinctive tracks) on land. Accepting the inherent pitfalls of this approach we nevertheless feel using it is acceptable for a first approximation of habitat preferences over a large geographical area. Results point to areas with dense reed beds and a rocky substrate on banks being used most intensively, probably on account of a localized high food biomass.


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Freitag, 27 November 2020 11:35

BADHAM, M. (1973)

Breeding the Indian smooth otter Lutrogale perspicillata sindica X L.p. perspicillata at Twycross Zoo.

International Zoo Yearbook 13: 145-146.


1.1 Glattotter wurden ab Juli 1971 in einem Gehege mit einem Landteil von 300 m² und einem Becken von 12 m² / 22.7 m³ gehalten. Am 7. November gebar das Weibchen ein Jungtier. Da sie dieses ständig zwischen dem Innenraum und einem selbstgegrabenen Erdbau hin- und her transportierte, wurde das Junge ab dem 3. Lebenstahg von Hand aufgezogen. Es dürfte dies der erste Zuchterfolg außerhalb Süd-/Südostasiens gewesen sein.


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Sea Otters in Captivity: Applications and Implications of Husbandry Development, Public Display, Scientific Research and Management, and Rescue and Rehabilitation for Sea Otter Conservation.

Als Kapitel 8 in: Sea Otter Conservation 2015: 197-234


Studies of sea otters in captivity began in 1932, producing important insights for conservation. Soviet (initiated in 1932) and United States (1951) studies provided information on captive otter husbandry, setting the stage for eventual large-scale translocations as tools for population restoration. Early studies also informed effective housing of animals in zoos and aquaria, with sea otters first publicly displayed in 1954. Surveys credited displayed otters in convincing the public of conservation values. After early studies, initial scientific data for captive sea otters in aquaria came from work initiated in 1956, and from dedicated research facilities beginning in 1968. Significant achievements have been made in studies of behavior, physiology, reproduction, and high-priority management issues. Larger-scale projects involving translocation and oil spill response provided extensive insights into stress reactions, water quality issues in captivity, and effects of oil spills.

van blaricom-biblio

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Mittwoch, 31 Oktober 2018 17:06

HUNG, N. & LAW, C. J. (2018)

Lutra lutra (Carnivora: Mustelidae).

Mammalian Species 48 (940): 109-122.


Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758), commonly known as the Eurasian otter, is the most widely distributed of the lutrinids (otters). L. lutra is primarily a piscivorous predator but also preys on amphibians, crustaceans, small mammals, birds, and reptiles. Extant populations of this semiaquatic mustelid occur in a wide variety of aquatic freshwater and marine habitats throughout Asia, all of Europe, and parts of northern Africa. Despite the large distribution, habitat loss has led to dwindling L. lutra populations, particularly in Asia, and the species is currently listed as “Near Threatened” by the International Union for Conservation and Nature and Natural Resources.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 14:27


Humoral immune response in Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra), Asian small-clawed otters (Aonyx cinereus) and North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) after vaccination with different canine distemper virus vaccines.

Humorale Immunantwort bei Europäischen Fischottern (Lutra lutra), Asiatischen Kurzkrallenottern (Aonyx cinereus) und Nordamerikanischen Fischottern (Lontra canadensis) nach Impfung mit unterschiedlichen Staupe Impfstoffen.


122 Seite

Ganzer Text

Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin/Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung (IZW) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Heribert Hofer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Eulenberger, Prof. Klaus Osterrieder
Verschiedene Zoos


Staupe, eine hochinfektiöse, systemische Viruserkrankung der Hunde und anderer Karnivoren, wird als die bedrohlichste Infektionskrankheit der Marderartigen betrachtet. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit der in Europa verfügbaren Staupeimpfstoffe bei Europäischen Fischottern (Lutra lutra), Asiatischen Kurzkrallenottern (Aonyx cinereus) und ansatzweise bei Nordamerikanischen Fischottern (Lontra canadensis) ermittelt. Zwei Methoden zur Antikörperbestimmung wurden verglichen. Der Referenzstandard zum Antikörpernachweis gegen Morbilliviren ist der Neutralisationstest (NT). Dieser ist zeitaufwendig und teuer. Ein kostengünstiger und schnell durchführbarer ELISA wäre sehr hilfreich. Siebzig Otter, aus 19 verschiedenen Zoos und Tierparks in Deutschland und den Niederlanden, beiderlei Geschlechts und im Alter zwischen 8 Wochen und 17 Jahren wurden geimpft. Zwei Studien wurden durchgeführt. In Studie 1 wurden bisher ungeimpfte Europäische Fischotter (n=27), Asiatische Kurzkrallenotter (n=28) und Nordamerikanische Fischotter (n=4) entweder mit inaktiviertem Staupeimpfstoff, mit CDV-ISCOM Impfstoff oder mit einem von drei verschiedenen Staupe Lebendimpfstoffen geimpft. In Studie 2 wurden die Antikörper (AK) Titer Europäischer Fischotter (n=11), die bisher regelmäßig gegen Staupe geimpft wurden, vor und nach einer Booster Impfung bestimmt. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden ermittelt: Bei keinem der Otter wurden klinische Symptome einer Staupe Erkrankung beobachtet. Die Immunantwort auf inaktivierten Staupeimpfstoff war schwach. CDV-ISCOM Impfstoff führte bei allen Tieren zu einer humoralen Immunantwort, hohe AK-Titer wurden jedoch nur im ELISA gemessen. Die Immunantwort auf Lebendimpfoff zeigte bei Europäischen Fischottern eine Abhängigkeit vom Impfstamm. Alter, Geschlecht, Tierart und Gewicht hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Immunantwort nach Impfung mit Staupe Lebendimpfstoff. Die drei Impfstofftypen (inaktiviert, ISCOM, lebend) zeigten einen signifikanten Unterschied in der Wirksamkeit, wobei Staupe Lebendimpfstoffe vom Onderstepoort Typ sich als am wirksamsten erwiesen. Zwischen Europäischen Fischottern und Asiatischen Kurzkrallenottern gab es keinen Unterschied in der Höhe der neutralisierenden AK-Titer nach zwei Impfdosen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen den zwei Nachweismethoden war nicht sehr stark. Booster Impfung bei Europäischen Fischottern mit Lebendimpfstoff (Onderstepoort Typ) induzierte einen signifikanten Anstieg der neutralisierenden AK, die bis Tag 365 nach Impfung auf einem angemessenen Level blieben. Die Ergebnisse führten zu folgenden Schlussfolgerungen: Der Einsatz der formalin-inaktivierten Staupe Vakzine mit Al(OH)3 als Adjuvant ist bei den getesteten Fischotterarten nicht sinnvoll. Staupe Lebendimpfstoffe vom Onderstepoort Typ sind wirksam bei Europäischen Fischottern und Asiatischen Kurzkrallenottern und scheinen bei diesen Arten sicher zu sein. Der experimentelle CDV-ISCOM Impfstoff ist sicher und wahrscheinlich eine wirksame Alternative. Der in dieser Studie eingesetzte ELISA ist einsetzbar für ein Staupe AK-Screening, wird jedoch nicht als Alternative für den NT empfohlen.


Canine distemper, a highly contagious systemic disease in dogs and other carnivores is considered to be the most serious infectious disease in mustelids. Susceptible to the causative morbillivirus (CDV) are all carnivores, but mortality and morbidity greatly vary between families and species. Mortalitiy rate in black - footed ferre ts and domestic ferrets reaches 100% and vaccination against the disease in captive mustelids is highly recommended. Eurasian otters and Asian small - clawed otters are among the most frequently exhibited mustelids in European zoos and in zoos live in close contact to many CDV susceptible species . Unfortunately, CDV vaccination has been problematic in non - domestic carnivores and few studies on the effect of CDV vaccination have been conducted in otters and other non - domestic carnivore species. Modified live v irus (MLV) vaccines developed for the use in domestic dogs or fur animals have induced disease in several non - domestic species, includin g close relatives of the otters such as the black - footed ferret , the domestic ferret and the European mink . Furthermore , these vaccines have not always been effective in mustelids, including otters . Hence, safe and effective alte rnatives such as inactivated CDV vaccines, CDV - ISCOM vaccine s or recombinant vaccines are recommended. However, currently there is no safe and effe ctive commercially available CDV vaccine for use in non - domestic carnivores in Europe. In this thesis , the efficacy and safety of CDV vaccines available in Europe were evaluated in Eurasian otters, Asian - small - clawed otters, and to some extent in North American river otters . Two methods of antibody determination were compared. The virus neutralisation test ( VNT ) is considered to be the gold standard for determining immunity to morbilliviruses (App el 1973; von Messling et al. 1999 ) , but takes time and is e xpensive . An easy and rapid to perfo rm ELISA would be very helpful . Seventy otters originating from 19 different zoos in Germany and t he Netherlands of both sexes and ranging in age between 8 weeks and 17 years were vaccinated. Two studies were conducted. In study 1, previously unvaccinated Eurasian otters (n=27), Asian small - clawed otters (n=28) and North American river otters (n=4) were vaccinated either with inactivated CDV vaccine, CDV - ISCOM vaccine or with one of three differe nt MLV vaccines. In Study 2, Eurasian otters (n=11) regularly vaccinated against CDV before the onset of this study were evaluated for their CDV - specific VN antibody titre one year after the last vaccination and for their sero - response followin g booster vaccination. The results w ere as follows: None of the otters showed clinical signs of CDV infection. Immune response to inactivated CDV vaccine was low. Two doses of the vaccine did not induce CDV - specific antibodies in Eurasian otters and North American river otters and o nly low v irus neutralising (VN) geometric mean titres in Asian small - clawed otters. CDV - ISCOM vaccine induced h umoral immune response in all otters, but high titres were only measured by ELISA. However, considering the increased VN geometric mean titre in Asian sma ll - clawed otters one year after vaccination , a possi ble cellular im mune response and the Summary 82 induction of protective titres in these species in a similar vaccination study, it cannot be excluded that the CDV - ISCOM vaccine would have induced protective immunity . Vaccination with MLV v accine revealed that the sero - response depended on the vaccine strain used. Eurasian otters vaccinated with a canine kidney cell adapted vaccine strain (Rockborn type) devel oped significantly lower VN geometric mean titres than Eura sian otters vaccinated with chicken - cell adapted CDV strains (Onderstepoort type) . B oth otter species developed high VN antibody titres after vaccination with chicken - cell adapted strains. A ge, sex, species and body mass did not influence immune response t o MLV vaccine vaccination . The three different vaccine types (inactivated, ISCOM, MLV) showed a significant difference in effic acy with MLV vaccines from Onderstepoort type yie lding the best results . There was no difference in geometric mean titres after t wo vaccinations between the Eurasian ott er and Asian small - clawed otter but the development of titres ov er time was species - dependen t. The fit between the two methods , the goldstandard VNT and the quick ELISA was not very tight . B ooster vaccination in Eura sian otters with MLV vaccine (Onderstepoort type) induced a significant rise in VN antibody titres, with VN antibody titre s staying on an adequate level for up to day 365 post vaccination. The results led to the following conclusions: The use of formalin - inactivated CDV vaccine containing Al(OH) 3 as adjuvant seems at best ineffective and questionable in the tested otter species . Modified live virus CDV vaccines of Onderstepoort type are efficacious in Eurasian otters and Asian small - clawed otters and seem to be safe in these species . The expe rimental CDV - ISCOM vaccine is safe and might be an efficacious alternative. For both vaccines , a yearly booster vaccination is suggested . The ELISA used in this study i s useful for screening purposes but is not recomme nded as an alternative for the VNT . Further studies are n eeded to understand the effect s of CDV - ISCOM vaccine in otters and other CDV susceptible species and the variation in the effect of different vaccine strain s in MLV vaccines . Although , the use of mod ified live virus vaccine has not been problematic in ott ers, there is still a risk in using domestic dog vaccines i n non - d omestic carnivores and the registration of a safe and efficacious CDV vaccine for use in wildlife species in the EU is urgently needed . An oral vaccine would be desirable.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 15:09

WEBER, D. (1990)

Das Ende des Fischotters in der Schweiz. Schlussbericht der "Fischottergruppe Schweiz", 1984-1990, einer Arbeitsgruppe des BUWAL.

Hrsg. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL, heute BAFU). 103 pp., brosch.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:20

SYKES-GATZ, S. (2005)

International Giant Otter Studbook Husbandry and Management Information and Guidelines (Husbandry and Management of the Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis).

2nd Edition). EAZA, Amsterdam. 276 Seiten.

Einleitung (Auszug):

A broad overview of husbandry and management information is included. It expands upon the recommendations that were presented within the 1st edition manual and covers a wider variety of topics. For example, the individual land to water area ratio necessary for each enclosure, as well as separable enclosure area, below 240 m² (2,583.4 ft²) in size and a minimum size for indoor enclosures that attach to outdoor enclosures in temperate climates are presented within this manual. (Note: each enclosure below 240 m² in size, requires a different land to water area ratio based on its particular size.) Specific recommendations for these situations were not included within the 1st edition. Discussions on specific substrates necessary for all enclosure land and floor areas and the size of the area and depth needed for deep digging areas are expanded upon within this manual.

These guidelines are based upon a compilation of the research, experiences and contributions from the zoos/institutions that have held giant otters in captivity world-wide and historically and from those who have studied this species in the wild. This information was gathered from published and unpublished papers/studies, survey results, conferences, lectures, and personal communications. In 1997 the “South American Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) Husbandry, Management, and Historical Census Survey” (Sykes 1997-99) was sent to 28 zoos and institutions that hold or held giant otters. These 4 and 8 page surveys gathered information on captive husbandry and management practices, basic life history data, reproduction, and behavior of giant otters at the corresponding institution. Sixteen or 57% of the institutions surveyed responded to the questionnaire. The continuation of information collection from the aforementioned and other institutions has been on-going during and since the completion of the original survey. This is vital so that knowledge about these animals can be increased and shared with all. The invaluable information provided by the all of the aforementioned sources helped make these recommendations possible. All of those who made contributions are credited within this manual for the specific information they provided. All are also listed under the section “Contributing Institutions”.

Not all aspects of husbandry and management are presented within this manual or some have only been covered in brief. Quarantine, capture, anesthesia, biological and natural history information has been gathered and is available currently by request.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:00

SCHMID, H. (2005)

Der Fischotter.

Biologie einheimischer Wildtiere 1/38a. Wildtier Schweiz, Zürich.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:30

REUTHER, C. & FESTETICS, A. (Hrsg.1980)

Der Fischotter in Europa: Verbreitung, Bedrohung, Erhaltung.

Selbstverlag der Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V., Forsthaus Oderhaus, D-3424 Andreasberg.

288 S. mit zahlr. Tabellen, Abb., Zeichnungen, Karten (teilw. gefaltet), Fotos auf Tafeln in s/w; 24 x 17cm Aus dem INHALT u.a.: Claus Reuther, Zur Situation des Fischotters in Europa / Entwicklung und derzeige Situation des Fischotterbestandes in Niedersachsen (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) - Michael Stubbe, Die Situation des Fischotters in der DDR. --- Sprache : de, en.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx