Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area, a wild horse refuge.

DIN A5, 66 Seiten, zahlreiche Farbbilder, Uebersichtskarten, englischsprachige Ausgabe.

ECO Nature Edition, Oberaula. Brosch. 66 S. ISBN 3-935803-20-6.


In cooperation with ITG (International Takhi Group), Gobi National Park and Salzburg Zoo we developed this brochure to support and to present the Takhi re-introduction Project in Takhin Tal in Mongolia to a wider public.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 18:49

JOHNSON, T. (2003)

The Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands - Region of Wonders.

Rd. Kurt Byers. 192 Seiten, 1 CD. ISBN 1-56612-091-0.


The Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands are wild, raw, bountiful and virtually unknown to most people. This richly illustrated book unveils the mystery and wonder of the vast region, from the shores of Alaska, along the volcanic stretch of the Aleutian Islands, to the Russian coast. Written by University of Alaska Fairbanks associate professor Terry Johnson, the engaging and authoritative text is accompanied by more than 450 color photos, drawings, and maps showing the region's people, villages, landforms, plants, and animals. Johnson tells how the biological and physical worlds above and below the sea meld to form a complex and rich natural environment. He describes the intricacies of the marine food web and explains natural phenomena such as how the tiniest microscopic plankton feed the world's biggest animals, the great whales. The book has color photographs of fish, birds, marine mammals, and shore-scapes by some of Alaska's top outdoor photographers. The kaleidoscopic colors of the submarine environment in the Aleutians is portrayed in rare pictures of kelp forests and sea creatures photographed by pioneering scientists who plunge into the frigid waters to explore these undersea jungles. As for human culture and influences, Johnson covers highlights (and lowlights) of the region's history from early Russian exploration and exploitation and the awful hardships inflicted on Native peoples, through the U.S. purchase of Alaska, the international struggles of World War II and the Cold War, to present-day efforts to study, manage, and utilize the region's abundant but sometimes threatened natural resources.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 18:44

JANZEN, D. H. (1986)

Guanacaste National Park. Tropical ecological and cultural restoration.

Brosch. 104 Seiten.
Universidad Etatal de Distancia, San José, Cost Rica.


Dry forest is the most endangered of the once widespread habitat types in Mesoamericai today only 0,08 percent of the original 550,000 km 2 is in preserves. This document describes and discusses an $ l l .8 million project in northwestern Costa Rica that will allow the dry forest organisms in Santa Rosa National Park and on the evergreen-forested slopes of two nearby volcanos to reoccupy the adjacent low-quality agricultural and pasture land. Simultaneously this project in tropical restoration ecology will have a management focus designed to integrate the park itself, Guanacaste National Parle, into Costa Rican local and national society as a major new cultural resource in an area that is agriculturally rich but culturally deprived. The 700 km2 park will be large enough to maintain healthy populations of all animals, plants and habitats that are known to have originally occupied the site, and to contain enough habitat replication to allow intensive use of some areas by visitors and researchers. The biological technology for restoring a large area of species-rich and habitat-rich tropical dry forest is primarily fire control by managers, grass control by cattle, and tree seed dispersal by wild and domestic animals (and as budgets permit, intensive reforestation programs with native trees); this restoration biology is already relatively well understood or currently being subjected to field experiments. The sociological technology for integration of the park into Costa Rican society is straightforward education of students and teachers at all ages and levels in the society, and research on the biology of the park to obtain more information to feed that education process. In addition to being a major cultural resource, the park will have a variety of economic values such as gene and seed banks for dry forest plants and animals, watershed protection, reforestation examples and technology, ecotourism, and conventional tourism. The land to be incorporated in Guanacaste National Park is almost entirely owned as investment property by people willing to sell it for a fair market price; $8.8 million is needed for this purpose (S200 per ha, $81 per acre). A park that will survive into perpetuity and display its cultural potential must have a substantial endowment for technical and cultural management; a minimum endowment of $3 million is needed for this purpose (an operating budget of $300 000 per year). The entire project must be in place by 1990, and about $1 million is needed immediately to secure the habitats that are in danger of immediate destruction.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:18

GÜNTHER, J. & MOHR, J. (2011)

australienweit – Naturzeit Australien.

544 Seiten, 598 Farb- und 34 s/w-Fotos, 209 Grafiken, 83 Karten

2. Aufl., Verlag 360º, D-23970 Gamehl. ISBN 978-3-9809763-5-0.


australienweit ist die einzige Reiseführerreihe, die auf den 5. Kontinent spezialisiert ist. Seit über zehn Jahren erfolgreich auf dem Markt, sind die Bände dieser Reihe unter Australienfreunden zu einem echten Begriff geworden.

Der vierte Band widmet sich in gewohnter Qualität der einzigartigen Natur des Kontinents. Neben einer ausführlichen praktischen Einleitung, hilfreichem Kartenmaterial und einstimmenden Fotos enthält dieser Reiseführer:

Eine vielseitige Einführung in die Flora, Fauna und Geologie des Kontinents sowie Interessantes über ein Gift namens »1080«, das Vermächtnis der Vulkane, den südlichen Sternhimmel, nützliche Buschfeuer und vieles mehr.
Die detailfreudige Beschreibung von 101 sehenswerten Nationalparks. Informationen über Flora und Fauna gehören ebenso dazu wie eine wertvolle Übersicht über die bestehenden Wander- und Campmöglichkeiten. Umfassende Informationen über die einzigartige Flora und Fauna inklusive eines 110 seitenstarken Bestimmungsteils, in dem die wichtigsten und ungewöhnlichsten Tiere und Pflanzen vorgestellt werden. Wissenswertes über die geologische Entstehungsgeschichte des Kontinents und seine landschaftlichen Charakterzüge einfach erklärt und anhand anschaulicher Grafiken verdeutlicht.


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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:14

GUDERJAHN, M. & L. (1997)

Seychellen.Goldstadt Reiseführer.

283 Seiten, mit zahlreichen Farb- und s/w-Fotos, Landkarten. 2. aktualisierte Auflage.

Goldstadt-Verlag GmbH, Pforzheim. ISBN 3-89550-229-4.


Dieses Buch sagt Ihnen nicht nur, wo die schönsten Badebuchten und die besten Tauch- und Schnorchelgründe zu finden sind, sondern auch wie man die Insel zu Fuß oder per Auto erkunden kann. Sie lernen die tropische Tier- und Pflanzenwelt ebenso kennen wie die Gechichte der Bevölkerung, ihre Sitten und Bräuche. Ausführliche Hotelbeschreibungen, Sprachführer, praktische Ratschläge, wichtige Anschriften und nicht zuletzt eine Reihe von Indsidertips vervollständigen die Informationen.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:56


A Guide to the Mountain Zebra Park.

63 Seiten, zahlreiche farbige Abbildungen, Landkarten, Checklisten der Pflanzen und Tiere des Parks.

SANParks. ISBN 086953-036-4.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:08

GEE, E.P. (1967)

Indiens Tierwelt in Gefahr.

Erlebnisse in Indiens Dschungeln und Steppen.

Mit einem Vorwort von B. Grzimek. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von G. & V. Ziswiler.
184 Seiten, mit 44 teils farbigen Abbildungen

Albert Müller Verlag, Rüschlikon-Zürich, Stuttgart, Wien.


Vorwort, Karte der wichtigsten Reservate, Einleitung, 20 Kapitel zu einzelnen Tierarten und Reservaten, Liste der wichtigsten Reservate, Literaturverzeichnis, Namen- und Sachregister.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 06:51

FUGGER, B. & BITTMANN, W. (2000)

Reiseführer Natur – Australien.

239 Seiten, mit 34 Landkarten, und Gtafiken, 4 Überischtskarten, 195 Farb- und 77 s/w Fotos.

5. durchges. Auflage. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, München, Wien, Zürich. ISBN-10: 3405147328; ISBN-13: 978-3405147327.


Die schönsten und interessantesten Naturregionen; Landschaften und Tiere, geologische Attraktionen, Nationalparks, Touren- und Wandervorschläge, praktische Reisetipps. 

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 22:18

EKOBO, A. (2003)

GTZ Mount Cameroon Project, Buea in Collaboration With WWF Cameroon Coastal Forests Programme.

Final Report. GTZ.

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The Yungas Biosphere Reserve of Argentina: a hot spot of South American wild cats.

CATnews 54: 25-29.


We conducted three camera-trap surveys in a productive conservation landscape within the Yungas Biosphere Reserve of NW Argentina. The surveyed area contains portions of Premontane Forest and sugar cane and citrus plantations and is intersected by riparian forest corridors. We recorded six of the seven wild cat species present  in the area. These species make different use of the different environments present in the landscape: Geoffroy’s cat Oncifelis geoffroyi was the only species recorded in the plantations, pumas Puma concolor and margays Leopardus wiedi were restricted to the forests, jaguarundis Herpailurus yaguarondi were only recorded in the corridors, while ocelots Leopardus pardalis and oncillas Leopardus tigrinus were recorded in both corridors and forests. Jaguars Panthera onca were not photographed during the surveys but are present in the study site. The Yungas Biosphere Reserve contains not only these seven species, but two other felids that inhabit the highlands of the reserve: the Pampas cat Oncifelis colocolo and the Andean cat Oreailurus jacobitus. We draw the attention to the Yungas, a small region of the Planet, shared by Argentina and Bolivia, which harbors ¼ of the World’s cat species

The Yungas Biosphere Reserve of Argentina: a hot spot of South American wild cats (PDF Download Available).
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