Mittwoch, 12 Januar 2022 10:51

GEBHART, J. (2015)

Beobachtungen an Mauereidechsen auf der Insel Elba.


Es wird über Beobachtungen an Mauereidechsen während eines einwöchigen Aufenthalts auf Elba berichtet. Vom Strand bis auf den Gipfel des Monte Capanne bewohnen die Mauereidechsen jeglichen Lebensraum. Nur in Dörfern und Städten sind sie auch in geeigneten Habitaten selten anzutreffen. Grund dafür dürften die allgegenwärtigen Katzen sein. Die Fluchtdistanz war für Mauereidechsen relativ hoch, selbst an Stellen, die von Menschen stark frequentiert werden, wie zum Beispiel Parks, Parkplätze und der Gipfel des Monte Capanne. Interessant war zu beobachten, dass in dichten Eichenwäldern, wo die Sonne nicht auf den Boden schien, die Tiere bis in etwa zwei Meter Höhe an Baumstämmen saßen um sich zu sonnen.


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Dienstag, 11 Januar 2022 22:50

GEBHART, J. (2011)

Die Ruineneidechsen (Podarcis siculus tyrrhenicus) der Insel Giglio.

Elaphe 2-2011: 51-55. Mit 19 Farbforos und einer Landkarte.


Der Artike l enthält Angaben zur Herpetofauna Giglios und berichtet über eine eintägige Exkursion mit Schwerpunkt auf der Beobachtung und Dokumentation der Ruineneidechsen.


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Dienstag, 11 Januar 2022 09:33

LANTERMANN, W. & Y. (2011)

Beobachtungen zur Herpetofauna von Nord-Malta und Gozo.

Elaphe 3-2011: 56-63. Mit 19 Farbfotos und einer Landkarte.


Es wird über herpetologische Beobachtungen im Rahmen einer 10-tägigen Studienreise nach Nordmalta mit zwei Exkursionen nach Gozo berichtet.


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Sonntag, 09 Januar 2022 14:15

BERG, P. & BERG, R. (2010)

Herpetologische Eindrücke von der Mittelmeerinsel Île du Levant, Südfrankreich.

Elaphe 4/2010: 54-61


Es wird über hepetologische Beobchtungen aus mehreren Jahren berichtet. Auf der Insel kommen eine Ampibienart (Discoglossus sardus) und sechs autochthone Reptilienarten (3 Echsen, r Schlangen) sowie eingeführte Trachemys scripta elegans und Testudo hermanni vor.


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Distribution of breeding birds in the Gediz Delta, Western Turkey.

Zoology in the Middle East 47(1):39-48. DOI:10.1080/09397140.2009.10638345.


Atlas mapping of breeding birds in Gediz Delta Ramsar Site on the western coast of Turkey was performed in 2002. The study area of 305 km2 was divided into 305 1x1 km square UTM grids. Breeding evidence was obtained for 92 species in 291 UTM squares; 47 were classified as confirmed breeding, 22 as probable breeding, and 23 as possible breeding. Among the breeding species, three were European species of global conservation concern (Falco naumanni, Pelecanus crispus, Emberiza cineracea), 12 were species with a concentrated population and with unfavourable conservation status in Europe, and 34 were species with their population not concentrated in Europe but with unfavourable conservation status in the region. Among those with a threatened status, 7 species were vulnerable, 4 were rare, 2 were localised, 18 were declining, and 18 were depleted species. During the study, various threats were identified in 173 UTM squares out of 291 (59.5%). Among these, the most frequently observed were pollution observed in 30% of the squares, overgrazing in 22% and illegal hunting in 22%.


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Genetic   structure   of   the   high   dispersal   Atlanto-Mediterreanean   sea   star Astropecten aranciacus revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci.

Marine Biology 156(4): 597-610


To investigate the impact of potential marine barriers on gene flow in high dispersal marine invertebrates, we assessed the population genetic structure of the sea star Astropecten aranciacus. Samples were obtained from nine locations within the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea including populations east of the Siculo-Tunisian Strait. We obtained both DNA sequence data of the mitochondrial control region and genotype data at four microsatellite loci. Both markers were highly polymorphic and showed a great level of genetic diversity. Genetic differentiation between populations (FST) was in general low, particularly for nuclear data, as is often the case in high dispersal marine invertebrates. Nevertheless, both marker sets indicated a significant genetic differentiation of the population from the island of Madeira to most other populations. Our results also demonstrate a clear pattern of isolation-by-distance supported by both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Therefore, we conclude that larval dispersal of A. aranciacus is somewhat limited even within the basins of the Atlantic, the west Mediterranean and the east Mediterranean. Microsatellite loci further revealed genetic differentiation between the three basins; however, it is not clear whether this is truly caused by marine barriers. Genetic differentiation between basins might also be a result of isolation-by-distance allowing for any grouping to be significant as long as geographical neighbors are clustered together. Although levels of genetic differentiation were less pronounced in microsatellite data, both datasets were coherent and revealed similar patterns of genetic structure in A. aranciacus.


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Freitag, 21 August 2020 08:46

BURLA, J., PABST, B. & STAHEL, W. (1976)

Vorkommen von Astropecten aranciacus (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) in Abhängigkeit von Umweltbedingungen.

Environmental conditions affecting the occurrence of Astropecten aranciacus (Asteroidea, Echinodermata).

Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 28: 167–182


  1. Astropecten aranciacus L. ist die größte von sechs Arten der Gattung, die im Mittelmeer nachgewiesen sind. Dieser Seestern lebt auf Sedimentböden; die obere Grenze des Vorkommens findet sich auf etwa drei Meter Tiefe.
  2. Auf 70 Stichprobenfeldern von je 25 m2 Fläche wurde die Individuenzahl von A. aranciacus zusammen mit biotischen und abiotischen Bedingungen registriert. Das Untersuchungsgebiet lag zwischen 3 und 10 m Tiefe.
  3. Die statistische Datenauswertung ergab, daß die Abundanz von A. aranciacus mit zunehmender Tiefe und steigendem mittlerem Sandkorndurchmesser zunimmt. Von den biotischen Faktoren war die Anzahl Molluskenarten positiv, die Anzahl Echinocardien negativ mit der Abundanz von A. aranciacus korreliert.
  4. Die Bestandesdichte von A. aranciacus schwankte in dem heterogenen, mosaikartig gegliederten Biotop zwischen 0 und 12 Individuen je 100 m2. Im Mittel entfielen auf 100 m² 4 Seesterne. Der Radius R der Tiere variierte zwischen 7 und 15 cm.
  5. Die Makro-Infauna des Gebiets fiel durch geringe Abundanz auf. Bei den Mollusken betrug die durchschnittliche Bestandesdichte 36 Tiere pro m2. Dagegen war die Arten-Diversität groß: In Infaunenproben von gesamthaft 17,5 m2 Fläche fanden sich 37 Molluskenarten.


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Dienstag, 18 August 2020 15:51

DULČIĆ, J. & TUTMAN, P. (2012)

Northernmost record of the shamefaced crab Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Brachyura, Calappidae) in the Mediterranean area.

Crustaceana 85 (4/5):601-606. DOI: 10.2307/23212683.


The box crabs or shamefaced crabs (family Calappidae) are a distinctive group of marine crabs found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The family is best known for the shallow water genus Calappa with its unusual, shovel-shaped chelae. The shamefaced crab Calappa granulata is a sublittoral species known from the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic Ocean from Portugal to Mauritania, including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, and the Cape Verde Islands. Spanò et al. (2004) reported that shamefaced crabs are distributed in all oceans, but particularly abundant in tropical waters and inhabiting a wide variety of bottoms (sandy, shell grit, hard rocks, and coral). In the Mediterranean, C. granulata occurs between 10 and 400 m (though not very common), while some authors noted it lives on sandy mud and muddy detritus at depths between 13 and 400-700 m. Typically, it burrows in inshore soft bottoms. The species can reach 10 cm CL (carapace length) and 9.2 cm CW (carapace width). In recent years, it has been found in the Mediterranean Sea at several locations: in the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) , in the Strait of Sicily , in the coastal waters of the Sea of Marmara, and in Edremit Bay (Aegean Sea). In the Adriatic Sea, it is very rare and has only been found in areas of the Southern and Middle Adriatic. The last records of this species were from the Southern Adriatic, during trawling operations in the framework of the E.U. Project MEDITS.


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On the coral-feeding habit of the sea star Peltaster placenta.

Marine Biodiversity 49: 2009–2012.


The predatory activity of the asteroid Peltaster placenta (Müller and Troschel, 1842) on the black coral Parantipathes larix (Esper, 1790) is here described for the first time based on video footage obtained during a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) survey conducted in the Pontine Archipelago (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). Feeding is carried out on the living coenenchyme of the basal axis and pinnules of the antipatharian and is confirmed by the occurrence of its cnidocysts in the sea star gut content. The chitinous skeletal parts of the black coral are left intact as bare tissue, which helps to relate colonies to the predation event. Among all black coral species present in the research area, P. placenta was observed grazing exclusively on P. larix, similarly to other goniasterids known to be deep-sea corallivores with a marked selectivity for their prey. The predatory behaviour of P. placenta was previously unknown. The extent of its feeding traces suggests a significant influence on benthic trophic relationships and, ultimately, on the functioning, structure and health status of deep Mediterranean black coral forests.


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Sonntag, 31 Dezember 2017 17:12

ÖZTOPRAK, B., DOĞAN, A. & DAĞLI, E. (2014)

Checklist of Echinodermata from the coasts of Turkey.

Turk. J. Zool. (2014) 38: 892-900; doi:10.3906/zoo-1405-82.


According to the benthic studies on echinoderms inhabiting the coasts of Turkey, a total of 91 echinoderm species belonging to 5 classes have  een reported. The Aegean Sea coast is represented by the highest number of species (76  species), followed  by  the Sea of Marmara (64 species), the Levantine Sea (51 species), and the Black Sea (17 species). Sixty-six echinoderm species were found on soft substrata,  while  8  species  were  reported  on  hard substrata and 17 species on both soft and hard substrata. The  majority of the echinoderm species (83 species) were found at depths ranging from 11 to 50 m, while a small number of species (8 species) were reported from the deeper bottoms (>600 m). Six echinoderm species (Asterias rubens, Amphiodia (Amphispina) obtecta, Ophiactis macrolepidota, Ophiactis savignyi, Diadema setosum, and Synaptula reciprocans) were regarded as alien species.

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