Sylvilagus floridanus.

Mammalian Species 136: 1-8. The American Society of Mammalogists


Die Publikation folgt dem üblichen Schema der Mammalian Species-Datenblätter. Sie geht von 35 Unterarten aus und enthlt 1 s/w Foto, Strichzeichnungen eines Schdels und 2 Verbreitungskarten.


Freigegeben in C
Sonntag, 07 November 2021 10:53

SPOTORNO, A. E. & PATTON, J. L. (2015)

Superfamily Chinchilloidea Bennett, 1833.

In: PATTON, J. L., PARDIÑAS, U. F. J. & D'ELÍA (Hrsg.) Mammals of South America. Vol. 2, Rodents: 762-782. University of Chicago Press.


The second installment in a planned three-volume series, this book provides the first substantive review of South American rodents published in over fifty years. Increases in the reach of field research and the variety of field survey methods, the introduction of bioinformatics, and the explosion of molecular-based genetic methodologies have all contributed to the revision of many phylogenetic relationships and to a doubling of the recognized diversity of South American rodents. The largest and most diverse mammalian order on Earth—and an increasingly threatened one—Rodentia is also of great ecological importance, and Rodents is both a timely and exhaustive reference on these ubiquitous creatures.

From spiny mice and guinea pigs to the oversized capybara, this book covers all native rodents of South America, the continental islands of Trinidad and Tobago, and the Caribbean Netherlands off the Venezuelan coast. It includes identification keys and descriptions of all genera and species; comments on distribution; maps of localities; discussions of subspecies; and summaries of natural, taxonomic, and nomenclatural history. Rodents also contains a detailed list of cited literature and a separate gazetteer based on confirmed identifications from museum vouchers and the published literature.


Freigegeben in S
Dienstag, 02 November 2021 12:02

ANDERSON, A. E. & WALLMO, O. C. (1984)

Odocoileus hemionus.


Die Publikation folgt dem üblichen Schema der Mammalian Species-Datenblätter. Sie enthält ein s/w-Foto, Strichzeichnungen von Schädeln und eine Verbreitungskarte. Es werden 10 Unterarten differenziert.


Freigegeben in A
Sonntag, 31 Oktober 2021 17:18

LESLIE, D. M. (2011)

Rusa unicolor (Artiodactyla: Cervidae).

Mammalian Species, 43(1):1-30 (2011).

Volltext (Website)


Rusa unicolor (Kerr, 1792), or sambar, is the largest Oriental deer. Seven subspecies occur in varied habitats and elevations from India and Sri Lanka throughout southeastern Asia. Body mass and antler length decrease from west to east. R. unicolor is considered ancestral relative to the form of its male-only antlers and social behavior. Populations are vulnerable because of overexploitation for subsistence and markets in meat and antlers. R. unicolor was elevated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources from no status in 2006 to “Vulnerable” in 2008 because of >50% decline in many populations over the past 3 generations. It is well represented in zoos and private collections and is introduced in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States.


Freigegeben in L
Sonntag, 31 Oktober 2021 09:17

DANILKIN, A. A. (1995)

Capreolus pygargus.

Mammalian Species 512: 1-7, 3 Abb.


Die Publikation folgt dem üblichen Schema der Mammalian Species-Datenblätter. Als Autoren für den Gattungsvamen Capreolus werden FRISCH . 1175, und GRAY, 1821, angegeben. Es werden zwei Unterarten (pygargus und tianschanicus) unterschieden. Der Artikel enthält eine s/w-Abbilung eines Rehbocks, eine Strichzeichnung des Gehörns sowie eine Verbreitungskarte, die zwischen C. capreolus, C. p. pygargus und C. p. tianschanicus differenziert.


Freigegeben in D

Global phylogeography of the genus Capreolus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae), a Palaearctic meso-mammal.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013. 13 Seiten, 3 Abb., DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12091.


Areas of sympatry and hybridization of closely related species can be difficult to assess through morphological differences alone. Species which coexist and are similar morphologically may be distinguished only with molecular techniques. The roe deer (Capreolus spp.) is a meso-mammal having a Palaearctic distribution, with two closely related species: the European C. capreolus and the Siberian C. pygargus. We analysed mtDNA sequences from 245 individuals, sampled through all the entire range of the genus, to investigate the distribution of genetic lineages and outline phylogeographical patterns. We found that: (1) a C. pygargus lineage occurs in Poland and Lithuania, much farther west than the area which so far was believed its westernmost limit; (2) no haplotype of this C. pygargus lineage matches any found in East Europe and Asia – this should rule out human introductions and may indicate Pleistocene–Holocene migrations from the east; (3) no geographical structuring of C. pygargus lineages occurs, questioning the existence of putative subspecies; (4) several genetic lineages of C. capreolus can be recognized, consistent with the existence of two subspecies, respectively in central–southern Italy and southern Spain. Coalescence times suggest that intraspecific variation in C. capreolus and C. pygargus developed approximately 100–10 kya. The extant mitochondrial lineages pre-dated the Last Glacial Maximum. Capreolus pygargus must have moved westward to Central Europe, where at least one genetic lineage still survives, coexisting with C. capreolus.


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Samstag, 23 Oktober 2021 15:50

MOHR, E. (1918)

Biologie und Systematik der Sechsender- Hirsche. Gattung Rusa.

Archiv für Naturgeschichte. 84A (9): 106-143.


Es werden die 8 Arten der in drei Untergattungen, Hyelaphus, Axis und Rusa augeteilten Gattung Rusa dargestellt. Mit s/w Fotos, Zeichnungen und Verbreitungskarte.


Freigegeben in M
Samstag, 23 Oktober 2021 10:16

LEHMANN von, E. (1988)

Bemerkungen zu zwei Rehschädeln aus dem Elburs-Gebirge, Iran.

Bonn. zool. Beitr. 39 (2/3): 229—235.


Zwei Rehschädel aus dem Elburs-Gebirge, die 1986 als Jagdtrophäen vorgelegt wurden, ragen erheblich in der Größe aus den Kleinrehen dieses Gebietes heraus. Sie stimmen mit Rehgeweihen der kleinsten Unterart des Sibirischen Rehes {Capreolus pygargus caucasicus) des nordwestlichen Kaukasusgebietes überein; ebenso mit der Originalbeschreibung (Dinnik 1910) und einigen Abbildungen. Es wird das Auftauchen großer Rehe in Populationen kleinwüchsiger Rehe diskutiert.


Freigegeben in L
Samstag, 23 Oktober 2021 09:18

MASSETTI, M. (2000)

Note on an Near-Eastern relic population of roe deer Capreolus capreolus (L., 1758) (Mammalia, Artiodactyla).

Biogeographica XXI: 619-623. DOI 10.21426/B6110104.


Roe deer from south-eastern Anatolia, Upper Mesopotamia and the northern Levant are referred to the Kurdish subspecies, Capreolus capreolus coxi (Cheesman and Hinton, 1923). This paper confirms the presence of roe deer in the mountainous territories along the extant border between south-eastern Turkey and north-western Syria.


Freigegeben in M
Dienstag, 05 Oktober 2021 14:58

FRASE, B. A. & HOFFMANN, R. S. (1980)

Marmota flaviventris (Rodentia: Sciuridae).

Mammalian Species 135:1-8; 5 Abbildungen. Veröffentlicht am 15. April 1980 von der American Society of Mammalogists.

Der Artikel folght dem üblichen Schema der Mammamlian Species-Datenblätter. Er enthält einen Bestimmungsschlüssel zu den nordamerikanischen Murmeltieren und führt 11 Unterarten auf.


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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx