Elaphodus cephalophus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae).

Mammalian Species Volume 45, (904) :80-91. 2013
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1644/904.1


Elaphodus cephalophus Milne-Edwards, 1872 (tufted deer) is usually considered polytypic with 3 or 4 recognized subspecies, depending on the source. It is a small dark chocolate-brown deer typified by a tuft of hair on its crown, sharp upper canines that protrude downward from under the upper lip, and rudimentary antlers on males; it is similar to muntjacs, to which it is closely related. E. cephalophus occurs in humid, montane forests at elevations of 300–4,750 m in southwestern through southeastern China and perhaps northwestern Myanmar (historical records). Vulnerable to poaching in remote areas and relatively uncommon in zoos, it is considered vulnerable as a Class II species in China and listed as “Near Threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.



Freigegeben in L

The origins of the enigmatic Falkland Islands wolf.

Nat. Commun. 2013;4:1552. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2570.


The origins of the extinct Falkland Islands wolf (FIW), Dusicyon australis, have remained a mystery since it was first recorded by Europeans in the seventeenth century. It is the only terrestrial mammal on the Falkland Islands (also known as the Malvinas Islands), which lie ~460 km from Argentina, leading to suggestions of either human-mediated transport or overwater dispersal. Previous studies used ancient DNA from museum specimens to suggest that the FIW diverged from its closest living relative, the South American maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) around 7 Ma, and colonized the islands ~330 ka by unknown means. Here we retrieve ancient DNA from subfossils of an extinct mainland relative, Dusicyon avus, and reveal the FIW lineage became isolated only 16 ka (8-31 ka), during the last glacial phase. Submarine terraces, formed on the Argentine coastal shelf by low sea-stands during this period, suggest that the FIW colonized via a narrow, shallow marine strait, potentially while it was frozen over.$

Freigegeben in A

Squirrels of the World.

The John HOPKINS University Press, Baltimore.
Geb., 472 Seiten, 276 Farbphotos, 285 Verbreitungskarten, 2 Grafiken, 28 Bildtafeln.
ISBN-13: 978-1421404691 ISBN-10: 1421404699


Squirrels of the World, written by scientists with more than 100 years of collective experience studying these popular mammals, is the first comprehensive examination of all 285 species of squirrels worldwide. The authors reveal virtually every detail of the family Sciuridae, which includes ground squirrels, tree squirrels, flying squirrels, prairie dogs, and chipmunks. Each species—from the familiar gray squirrel of American backyards to the exotic and endangered woolly flying squirrel of Pakistan—is described in a detailed account that includes distinguishing characteristics, ecology, natural history, conservation status, and current threats to its existence.

Squirrels of the World includes

  • stunning color photographs that document rare and unusual squirrels as well as common varieties
  • evolution, morphology, ecology, and conservation status
  • colorful range maps marking species distribution
  • images of the skull of each genus of squirrel
  • extensive references



Freigegeben in T
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 15:30


Xerus inauris.

MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 781, pp. 1–4, 3 figs.
Published 20 December 2005 by the American Society of Mammalogists

Download: http://www.science.smith.edu/msi/pdf/i1545-1410-781-1-1.pdf



Freigegeben in S
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:38

PAPPAS, L. (2002)

Taurotragus oryx.

MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 689, pp. 1–5, 3 figs.
Published 5 July 2002 by the American Society of Mammalogists

Download: http://www.science.smith.edu/msi/pdf/689_Taurotragus_oryx.pdf



Freigegeben in P
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:21

ERLICH DE JOFFE, A. et al. (1983)

El guanaco.

Fauna argentina Fascículo N° 5. (Dirección editorial: MONTES, G.). Brosch. 32 Seiten.
Centro Editor de América Latina S.A., Buenos Aires.



Freigegeben in E
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:10

JOHNSINGH, A. & MANJREKAR, N. (eds., 2015)

Mammals of South Asia. Volume 2.

739 Seiten + List of contributors / index. 60 Tafeln mit Farbfotos; s/w-Fotos, Verbreitungskarten, Tabellen

Universities Press India, Hyderabad. ISBN-13: 9788173715891

About this book

The second half of this encyclopedic work on the mammals of South Asia, with the remaining 34 chapters, covering the orders Cetacea, Proboscidea, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla, and Rodentia, as well as a checklist of the mammals of South Asia.

"A milestone In the natural history of the subcontinent, an indispensable, detailed source of information and of value to everyone interested in mammals, whether layperson or scientist. With rigour and objectivity, the two volumes cover all 590 species in the region, many of them in detail and depth based on consummate research conducted during the past half-century. This reflects a genuine increase in knowledge since the 1960s when many species – from slender loris to elephant were, for the first time, studied in the wild by trained biologists, with patience and respect, to create intimate and enduring portraits of other beings."
- George B. Schaller in the foreword



Freigegeben in J
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 13:17

CZERNAY, S. (1987)

Die Spiesshirsche und Pudus - Die Gattungen Mazama und Pudu.

Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 581. 84 Seiten, 44 Abbildungen. A. Ziemsen-Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt. ISBN 978-3-7403-0046-3.


Der Autor, der sich mit Pudu pudu im Zoopark Erfurt beschäftigt hat, schildert im vorliegenden Bändchen die südamerikanischen Zwerghirsche vor allem aufgrund der spälichen Literatur seit der Entdeckungsgeschichte. Nach einer kurzen allgemeinen Charakteristik behandelt er die acht Arten jeweils in der Folge: Nomenklatur und Trivialnamen, Merkmale, Verbreitung und Habitat, Lebensweise, Parasiten und Bejagung. Das Buch Schließt mit Angaben über die Bedeutung für den Menschen, die Haltung und den gesetzlichen Schutz. Die Abbildungen sind ganz überwiegend Schwarzweißfotos von Habitus, Schädeln und Lebensraum. Außerdem findet man grobe Verbreitungskarten, in die auch die Unterarten eingetragen sind. Wenn noch kein sehr geschlossenes Bild entsteht, beruht das auf dem eher mageren Wissenstand. Die vorhandene Literatur Ist im Wesentlichen verarbeitet. So findet man einige Angaben zum Geweihzyklus, der oft nicht mit der Jahresperiodik übereinstimmt und auch von der Fortpflanzung ziemlich unabhängig zu sein scheint. Die Beschreibung des NF-Wertes als „Anzahl der großen Chromosomenenden" ist verwirrend. Im Allgemeinen ist der Text aber verständlich und ermöglicht eine rasche Orientierung.

J. Niethammer, Bonn



Freigegeben in C

Mammals of Africa.

6 Bände, 3500 Seiten. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN  9781408122570.

Mammals of Africa (MoA) is a series of six volumes which describes, in detail, every currently recognized species of African land mammal. This is the first time that such extensive coverage has ever been attempted, and the volumes incorporate the very latest information and detailed discussion of the morphology, distribution, biology and evolution (including reference to fossil and molecular data) of Africa's mammals. With 1,160 species and 16 orders, Africa has the greatest diversity and abundance of mammals in the world. The reasons for this and the mechanisms behind their evolution are given special attention in the series.
Each volume follows the same format, with detailed profiles of every species and higher taxa. The series includes some 660 colour illustrations by Jonathan Kingdon and his many drawings highlight details of morphology and behaviour of the species concerned. Diagrams, schematic details and line drawings of skulls and jaws are by Jonathan Kingdon and Meredith Happold. Every species also includes a detailed distribution map. Extensive references alert readers to more detailed information.

Volume I: Introductory Chapters and Afrotheria (352 pages)
Volume II: Primates (560 pages)
Volume III: Rodents, Hares and Rabbits (784 pages)
Volume IV: Hedgehogs, Shrews and Bats (800 pages)
Volume V: Carnivores, Pangolins, Equids and Rhinoceroses (560 pages)
Volume VI: Pigs, Hippopotamuses, Chevrotain, Giraffes, Deer and Bovids (704 pages)

Geflecktes Rüsselhündchen (Rhynchocyon cirnei)
Band I: 285-286.



Freigegeben in K
Donnerstag, 04 September 2014 07:33

HEDIGER, H. (1970)

Zur Sprache der Tiere

Der Zoologische Garten (N.F.) 38, Heft 3-4: 171-179.
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K.-G., Leipzig.

Voller Text


04.09.2014 - 630

Freigegeben in H
© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx