Samstag, 21 April 2018 13:59

CASTELLÓ, J. R. (2016)

Bovids of the World Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Relatives.

Foreword by Brent Huffman & Colin Groves.

664 Seiten, 337 farbige Abbildungen, 313 Verbreitungskarten.
Princeton Press. ISBN-13: 9781400880652


Bovids are a diverse group of ruminant mammals that have hooves and unbranched hollow horns. Bovids of the World is the first comprehensive field guide to cover all 279 bovid species, including antelopes, gazelles, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, and goats. From the hartebeest of Africa and the takin of Asia to the muskox of North America, bovids are among the world's most spectacular animals and this stunningly illustrated and easy-to-use field guide is an ideal way to learn more about them.

The guide covers all species and subspecies of bovids described to date. It features more than 300 superb full-color plates depicting every kind of bovid, as well as detailed facing-page species accounts that describe key identification features, horn morphology, distribution, subspeciation, habitat, and conservation status in the wild. This book also shows where to observe each species and includes helpful distribution maps.

Suitable for anyone with an interest in natural history, Bovids of the World is a remarkable and attractive reference, showcasing the range and beauty of these important mammals.

  • The first comprehensive field guide to all 279 bovid species
  • 337 full-color plates, with more than 1,500 photographs
  • Detailed species accounts describe key identification features, distribution, subspeciation, habitat, behavior, reproduction, and conservation status
  • Fully updated and revised taxonomy, with common and scientific names
  • Easy-to-read distribution maps



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A Field Guide to the Mammals of Borneo.

Illustriert von Karen Phillipps.
332 Seiten, 60 Farbtafeln, 46 Strichzeichnungen, 5 Landkarten.
The Sabah Society. ISBN 967-99947-1-6.


This guide book is aimed at naturalists, zoologists, specialists, scholars and public at large with a keen interest in identifying the mammals of Borneo. It describes every species of wild mammal presently known in Borneo and its offshore islands: 221 species of wild land mammals have been recorded, of which 92 species are bats. Also included in the book are descriptions of the more commonly encountered domestic animals which might be confused with wild ones, as well as a few species which have not definitely been recorded in Borneo but which are likely to be found in the area. Each mammal is beautifully illustrated in colour with brief notes on the species on the facing page. Concise and easy to use, A Field Guide to Mammals of Borneo is an indispensable aid to greater awareness of this important segment of the fauna in Borneo.



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Freitag, 24 Februar 2017 10:22

GRAY, J. E. (1848)

Description of a new genus of insectivorous Mammalia, or Talpidae, from Borneo. 

In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1848/1849: 23-24.

Beginn des Artikels: 

“Mr. Low brought with him from Borneo some mammalia and reptiles in spirits, amongst them … was a rat-like animal with a pennated tail which he caught in the Rajah’s house at Sarawak.“

Freigegeben in G
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:36

MACDONALD, D. W. (1984)

The Encyclopedia of Mammals.

2 Bände. 894 + 59 Seiten. Zahlreiche Fotos, Zeichnungen und Landkarten.
George Allen & Unwin, London. ISBN 0-04500028-X.


From the diminutive mouse to the giant elephant, here is a comprehensive sourcebook on all known species of mammals. Lavishly illustrated with some of the finest wildlife photography available, the volume captures the elegance and splendor of the animal kingdom.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:54

ALCOVER, J. A. (1980).

Note on the origin of the present mammalian fauna from the Balearic and Pityusics islands.

Misc. Zool., 6: 141-149. Barcelona.


Given the present state of palaeontological knowledge today's mammalogical fauna of the Balearic and Pitysic Islands can be considered as coming from a recent colonization resulting from the activity, voluntary or not, of man. In this paper the number of mammalian species are considered in terms of the theory of island biogeography. The human activity would have brought about a deterministic renewal of the island's mammalogical fauna, with a noticeable increase of the number of species and with the substitution of some stenocorous species, subjected to K selection during many years, by euricorous species, which are typical r strategists.

Freigegeben in A
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 11:18

CANO PEREZ, M. (1984)

Revision der Systematik von Gazella (Nanger) dama.

Z.Kölner Zoo 27 (3): 103–107


Studium und Bewertung des Bestandes an Dama-Gazellen (Nanger) im "Centro de rescate de la Fauna Sahariana" in Almería vom "Consejo sperior de Investigaciones Cientificas", sowie des Materials in Museen von Madrid, Marseille, Paris, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin und London und die Lebendbeobachtung dieser Gazellen, die derzeit in dem besagten Reservat und in Zoologischen Gärten stehen, sowie eine kritische Überprüfung der Literatur über diese Art, lassen zu dem Schluss kommen, dass die Dama-Gazelle eine Art mit kontinuierlichen Abstufungen darstellt. Daher ist die Beschreibung der zahlreichen Unterarten nicht gerechtfertigt, weshalb eine Reduzierung auf folgende drei Unterarten vorgeschlagen wird:

  • Gazella dama mhorr (BENNETT) für die nordwestlichen Bestände
  • Gazella dama ruficollis (HAMILTON-SMITH) für die östlichen Bestände
  • Gazella dama dama (PALLAS) für die südlichen und zentralen Bestände



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:12

SMITH, A. T. & XIE, Y. (Hrsg., 2008)

A Guide to the Mammals of China.

544 Seiten, 61 Farbtafeln, 556 Verbreitungskarten.
Princeton university Press. ISBN: 9780691099842.


China is a magnificent country and one of the most diverse on Earth. Its size ranks fourth among the world’s nations (9,596,960 km2), and it is home to over 1.3 billion people. The topography of China ranges from the highest elevation on Earth (Mt. Everest or Chomolung ma; 8,850 m) to one of the lowest (Turpan Pendi; 154 m below sea level). Chinese environments include some of Earth’s most extensive and driest deserts (the Taklimakan and Gobi) and its highest plateau (the Tibetan Plateau or “Roof of the World”). Habitats range from tropical to boreal forest, and from extensive grasslands to desert. This wide variety of habitats has contributed greatly to the richness of China’s mammal fauna. Additionally, the geographic location of China, at the suture zone between the Palaearctic and Indo-Malayan biogeographic regions (Hoffmann 2001), further contributes to the country’s mammal diversity. Overall, more than 10 percent of the world’s species of mammal live in China (556/5,416; total count from Wilson and Reeder 2005). Twenty percent (109/556) of China’s mammals are endemic, and one of these is among the most recognizable of the world’s mammals, the Giant Panda. In their analysis of megadiversity countries, Mittermeier et al. (1997) consider China to have the third highest diversity of mammals among all countries (following Brazil and Indonesia).



Freigegeben in S
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:06


Das Großwild der Erde und seine Trophäen.

XII + 436 Seiten, 264 Strichzeichnungen, 12 Farbtafeln, 6 Karten.
Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag.

Besprechung im J. Mammalogy (1957):

As the reader is informed in the authors' foreword, this book has been written at the suggestion of the Counseil International de la Chasse (CIC), Paris, in order to meet the needs of persons whose field of interest includes the evaluation of trophies of big game animals. It is meant, therefore, in the first place for trained hunters and game wardens. Closer acquaintance with this work, however, indicates its usefulness to a wider range of people. It has been pointed out by the authors that the purpose of the book is not to stimulate the reckless killing of animals in a search for record specimens. Together with a standardization of the scoring system for trophies, they emphasize the necessity of better protection of game animals by informing the reader that the existence of a particular species is endangered.



Freigegeben in H
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:17

WOODS, C. A. (1973)

Erethizon dorsatum.

Mammalian Species 29; 6 Seiten, 2 Abb.
Hrsg.: American Society of Mammalogists

PDF: [Kurzfassung)



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Ammospermophilus harrisii.

Mammalian Species 366, 7 Seiten, 5 Abb.
Hrsg.: American Society of Mammalogists

DOI: 10.2307/3504155
Stable URL:




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Mammalian Species: 48 (938)


Meredith J. Hamilton


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Ammospermophilus harrisii

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DOI: 1-7 First published online: 30 May 1990

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