Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 15:28

HAWKINS, C. E. (1998)

Verhalten und Ökologie der Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox (Carnivora, Viverridae)) in einem trockenen, laubabwerfenden Wald in Westmadagaskar.

Behaviour and ecology of the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox (Carnivora, Viverridae)) in a dry deciduous forest, western Madagascar.


146 Seiten.

Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Schottland
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Paul Racey
Zoo Duisburg


Several observed aspects of the fossa’s behaviour and ecology were not those predicted according to current theory. This was taken as an indication that the study of mammalogy requires a larger contribution from work on tropical forest mammals. It was further proposed that at least some of the unexpected attributes found in the fossa may be peculiar to species with an extremely low population density relative to body size. In the fossa, the low population density found was in turn attributed to the high proportion of primates in its diet.
None of the reserves in Madagascar were predicted to contain a population of fossas that is likely to be viable. Recommendations were made for a strategy for the conservation of the fossa, specifically to establish larger forest reserves, with a suggested minimum area of at least 2000 km².
Recommendations were made for further research, especially to carry out extensive radio-tracking work and dietary analysis in other areas, allowing investigation of population densities and mating system in other forest types and a generalization of the fossa’s habitat requirements. Captive work and genetic analysis also has the potential to explain many of the questions arising from the present study. Work on other tropical forest carnivores, which is very rare in the literature, is also strongly recommended.


Freigegeben in H

Applications of Ecological Niche Modeling for Species Delimitation: A Review and Empirical Evaluation Using Day Geckos (Phelsuma) from Madagascar.

Systematic Biology 56 (6): 907 - 923. DOI:


Although the systematic utility of ecological niche modeling is generally well known (e.g., concerning the recognition and discovery of areas of endemism for biogeographic analyses), there has been little discussion of applications concerning species delimitation, and to date, no empirical evaluation has been conducted. However, ecological niche modeling can provide compelling evidence for allopatry between populations, and can also detect divergent ecological niches between candidate species. Here we present results for two taxonomically problematic groups of Phelsuma day geckos from Madagascar, where we integrate ecological niche modeling with mitochondrial DNA and morphological data to evaluate species limits. Despite relatively modest levels of genetic and morphological divergence, for both species groups we find divergent ecological niches between closely related species and parapatric ecological niche models. Niche models based on the new species limits provide a better fit to the known distribution than models based upon the combined (lumped) species limits. Based on these results, we elevate three subspecies of Phelsuma madagascariensis (P. m. madagascariensis, P. m. grandis, and P. m. kochi) to species rank and describe a new species of Phelsuma from the P. dubia species group. Our phylogeny continues to support a major endemic radiation of Phelsuma in Madagascar, with dispersals to Pemba Island and the Mascarene Islands. We conclude that ecological niche modeling offers great potential for species delimitation, especially for taxonomic groups exhibiting low vagility and localized endemism and for groups with more poorly known distributions. In particular, niche modeling should be especially sensitive for detecting recent parapatric speciation driven by ecological divergence, when the environmental gradients driving speciation are represented within the ecological niche models.

Freigegeben in R
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:33


Madagascar - A Natural History.

224 Seiten.
1. Auflage. Facts on file Ltd., Oxford. ISBN-13: 978-0816024032.


Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, with a landmass of 226,739 square miles - over twice the size of the British Isles. Until 65 million years ago, it was part of continental Africa, but broke free and drifted into the Indian Ocean, gradually isolating its flora and fauna. This illustrated study of the extraordinary wildlife of the island covers the lone evolution of many of the species of plant and animal where all of the mammals, 225 of the 257 species of reptile and almost 80% of its plants are unique to Madagascar.

Freigegeben in P
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:52

GRAF, R. 2005

Naturführer Masoala-Regenwald im Zoo Zürich.

Zoo Zürich.


Einführung / Vorwort von  Dr.  Alex  Rübel, Direktor  Zoo Zürich / Masoala Be  - das grosse Masoala / Masoala Kely - das kleine Masoala / Die Pflanzen- und Pilzarten im „Masoala Regenwald" /

Die Tierarten  im „Masoala  Regenwald"

  • Wirbellose 
  • Fische
  • Amphibien
  • Reptilien 
  • Vögel
  • Säugetiere

Die Regenwälder  der  Meere

  • Wirbellose  Meerestiere
  • Fische des Korallenriffs


  • Wie schützt  man Regenwald?
  • Weltklasse in Zürich: Der Zoo
  • Weiterführende  Literatur
  • Bilderverzeichnis
  • Stichwortverzeichnis
  • Impressum   


Freigegeben in G

Three years of experience running the Masoala Rainforest ecosystem at Zurich Zoo, Switzerland.

International Zoo Yearbook, 41: 203-216.

ISSN (Print) 0074-9664 ISSN (Online) 1748 -1090 DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-1090.2007.00012.x.


Masoala Rainforest is an 11'000 m2 greenhouse ecosystem within Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, inaugurated in July 2003. This exhibit acts as an ambassador for the Masoala National Park, Madagascar, with the aim of displaying an authentic representation of Masoala National Park and thus raising awareness of the threatened animal and plant biodiversity of Madagascar, and especially the Masoala Peninsula. As of November 2006, the artificial Masoala Rainforest ecosystem harbours 478 plant, six mammal, 22 bird, seven reptile, two amphibian, three fish and more than 50 invertebrate species. All animals are free roaming within the ecosystem and the sound integration of a conservation initiative into the concept of the exhibit created a tremendous response in the national as well as international press, resulting in a substantial increase in visitor numbers. In this paper, we present Zoo Zurich's experience after 3 years, of running a complex artificial ecosystem.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx