Dienstag, 27 Juni 2017 06:48

GRAMENTZ, D. (2008)

Zur Bedrohung, räumlichen Verteilung und Bedrohung von Crocodylus porosus im Bentota Ganga, Sri Lanka.

Elaphe 16 (3): 41-52

Erweiterte englische Fassung verfügbar als "The distribution, abundance and threat of the saltwater crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, in the Bentota Ganga, Sri Lanka"


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Saltwater Crocodile - Crocodylus porosus

In: Crocodiles.Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan: 93-113.
Third Edition, ed. by S.C. Manolis and C. Stevenson. Crocodile Specialist Group: Darwin.

Aus dem Inhalt:

Crocodylus  porosus is considered the largest of the living crocodilians, with reported lengths of up to 6-7 m. Although accounting for far less human fatalities than the Nile crocodile, C. porosus preys on people when given the opportunity. It is one of the most widely distributed of all crocodilians, ranging from southern India and Sri Lanka, throughout  southeast Asia,  east  through  the Philippines to Micronesia, and down through Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to northern Australia.

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