Coastal Fishes of the Western Indian Ocean.

1st edition. South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, a National Research Facility of the National Research Foundation (NRF-SAIAB). ISBN    1998950409, 9781998950409

Volltext Bd. 5


Coastal Fishes of the Western Indian Ocean follows the fine tradition of producing multi-authored, illustrated volumes on fish diversity pioneered by Margaret Smith and Phil Heemstra with Smiths’ Sea Fishes. It is the culmination of the work of more than 100 authors, photographers and illustrators from 20 countries, over 25 years. The book is divided into five volumes and its primary purpose is to aid in identifying about 3 500 species of fishes that occur in the coastal waters (to about 200 m) of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The latter covers the Red Sea, Persian/Arabian Gulf, to Kanyakumari, India, in the east; west to Cape Point, South Africa; and south to St Paul and Amsterdam Islands at 38° S.


Freigegeben in H

Culture of coral reef fishes.

Austasia Aquaculture: 11 (3), August/September 1997: 56–59.


Over  the  past  couple  of  years,  a  number  of  differ-ent  coral  reef  fish  species  have  been  successfully spawned  and  reared  at  James  Cook  University ,with relatively high rates of survival. A list of these species is shown in Table 1 (see next page). Some ofthe  species  listed  have  been  spawned,  but  the  larvae have not yet been reared.

Erfolgreich nachgezogen wurden:

  • Amphiprion  melanopus
  • Amphiprion  percula
  • Premnas  biaculeatus
  • Neopomacentrus bankieri
  • Pomacentrus amboinensis


Freigegeben in J

Coral reef fish breeding: the secrets of each species.

Aquaculture 224 (1-4): 69-78


In recent years, the interest in the trade of tropical fish has increased significantly, with direct negative repercussions on coral reefs and marine ecosystems.

The reproduction and rearing of some of the species most commonly used in the aquarium trade actually represent an economical and ecological tool for broadening development. The present study illustrates the first case ever of a small Indo-Pacific Pomacentridae, Chrysiptera parasema, successfully reared in captivity. Eggs were obtained from spawners reared in 80-l tanks under controlled conditions. Spawning began after 3 months: the couples were formed, and eggs were laid after a brief courtship. The male normally guarded the nest and chased away the female if she entered it.

The eggs, about 300 in number, are demersal and elongate ovoidal in shape, measuring approximately 1.2–1.5 mm and coming with a large oil globule. Hatching took place at 28 °C during the first 2 h of darkness, over a total time period of 96 h. A proper diet of enriched PUFA as a first food, combined with a photoperiod of 24L/0D, proved essential for survival of the C. parasema larvae.

These results are very promising in terms of both future captive production of ornamental fish and efforts to minimize environmental impact.


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Oceanic Institute Achieves Breakthroughs In Culture Technology For Yellow Tang.

Global Aquaculture Advocate (January February 2013): 82-84.


The culture of yellow tang represents a considerable economic opportunity and critical conservation strategy in coral reef ecosystem protection. The Oceanic Institute is working to establish aquaculture techniques to reduce the capture of wild yellow tang. Despite bottlenecks, improvements in broodstock holding systems and dietary regimes are raising egg output and quality. Specialized larval-rearing tanks enable the generation of large numbers of larvae through the critical first-feeding period. Refined lighting and equipment are leading to more consistent feeding.

Volltext (PDF)

Freigegeben in C

Revealing the Appetite of the Marine Aquarium Fish Trade: The Volume and Biodiversity of Fish Imported into the United States.

PLoS One. 2012; 7(5): e35808.
Published online 2012 May 21. doi:  10.1371/journal.pone.0035808


The aquarium trade and other wildlife consumers are at a crossroads forced by threats from global climate change and other anthropogenic stressors that have weakened coastal ecosystems. While the wildlife trade may put additional stress on coral reefs, it brings income into impoverished parts of the world and may stimulate interest in marine conservation. To better understand the influence of the trade, we must first be able to quantify coral reef fauna moving through it. Herein, we discuss the lack of a data system for monitoring the wildlife aquarium trade and analyze problems that arise when trying to monitor the trade using a system not specifically designed for this purpose. To do this, we examined an entire year of import records of marine tropical fish entering the United States in detail, and discuss the relationship between trade volume, biodiversity and introduction of non-native marine fishes. Our analyses showed that biodiversity levels are higher than previous estimates. Additionally, more than half of government importation forms have numerical or other reporting discrepancies resulting in the overestimation of trade volumes by 27%. While some commonly imported species have been introduced into the coastal waters of the USA (as expected), we also found that some uncommon species in the trade have also been introduced. This is the first study of aquarium trade imports to compare commercial invoices to government forms and provides a means to, routinely and in real time, examine the biodiversity of the trade in coral reef wildlife species.

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Freitag, 11 August 2017 17:06

KNOP, D. (2016)

Riffaquaristik für Einsteiger. Preiswerte Technik - Pflegeleichte Tiere.

328 Seiten, ca. 350 Farbfotos

Dähne Verlag, Ettlingen. ISBN: 9783944821191


Wir bewundern die lebendigen und farbenfrohen Riffaquarien und befürchten, dass sie kompliziert und teuer sind. Zu Unrecht, wie der bekannte Fachmann Daniel Knop hier beweist. Er zeigt dem Einsteiger den Weg, mit geringem technischem Aufwand und wenig Vorkenntnissen ein faszinierendes und preiswertes Riffaquarium einzurichten. Pflegeleichte Korallen und Fische, die für den Einsteiger besonders geeignet sind, werden vorgeschlagen. Zum Kauf von technischem Zubehör gibt es kompetente Ratschläge, die Einrichtung des Aquariums wird Schritt für Schritt beschrieben.

Für die bereits 8. Auflage dieses Standardwerkes wurde das ganze Buch inhaltlich vollständig neu bearbeitet und in vielen Bereichen kräftig erweitert. Viele neue, inzwischen leicht zu pflegende Korallen sind hinzugekommen, und auch die aktuellen hilfreichen Techniken, die der Markt jetzt bereithält, werden ausführlich erläutert. Zudem wurde das ganze Werk mit attraktiven neuen Fotos versehen, die dem Leser viele Anregungen geben werden.


Freigegeben in K

Growth and Reproduction of Hawaiian Kala, Naso unicornis.

FINAL REPORT Prepared for Fisheries Local Action Strategy, Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.

15 Seiten.


Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) are a major component of Hawaiian reefs and as algal grazers, play an important role in structuring coral reef benthic communities.  Declines in the overall catch and size of commercially targeted species have raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of local stocks. The bluespine unicornfish, Naso unicornis (or kala), is a large (up to 69 cm total length) surgeonfish that occurs in shallow habitats throughout the Indo-Pacific region and is extensively targeted by fishers. To support the sustainable management of Hawaiian kala we generated information on morphometric relationships and sex-specific size-at-maturity and growth rates.




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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx