Freitag, 23 August 2019 08:46

CHAPMAN, T. (2005)

The status and impact of the Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus) in south-west Western Australia.

17 Seiten.
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, Perth. Report 04/2005.

Executive Summary:

Rainbow  lorikeets  Trichoglossus  haematodus  moluccanus  were  first  recorded  in  Perth  in  1968 and the population was thought to have originated from fewer than 10 birds that were either  deliberately  released  or  had  escaped  from  aviaries.    Since  the  early  1960s,  the  population has increased exponentially and spread rapidly over 174 km2 of the metropolitan area.  The population now numbers an estimated 8,400 birds and is expanding in range at a rate of 0.7 km per year. Rainbow  lorikeets  are  highly  mobile,  have  generalised  feeding  and  breeding  requirements  and  can  quickly  adapt  to  exploit  new  feeding  and  breeding  resources.    They  have  taken  advantage  of  the  year-round  supply  of  native  and  exotic  food  plants  available  in  Australia’s  major  cities  and  are  expanding  in  number  and  distribution  in  Brisbane,  Sydney,  Melbourne,  Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. The rainbow lorikeet is regarded as either a pest of agriculture or an unwanted organism in New  Zealand,  the  Northern  Territory,  Queensland,  the  Australian  Capital  Territory,  Victoria,  Tasmania and South Australia.  It is also a major pest of agriculture in the Northern Territory, Queensland and the fruit growing regions of the Adelaide Hills in South Australia. Analyses  conducted  in  this  study  show  that  the  feral  rainbow  lorikeet  population  in  Perth  poses an extreme risk to the State’s social, environmental and agricultural values.  Rainbow lorikeets cause a nuisance in the form of noise, damage to backyard fruit crops and fouling of outdoor areas and vehicles with droppings.  The large roosting flock of over 1000 birds near Perth  domestic  airport  may  also  pose  a  risk  of  bird-strike  to  aircraft.    

The  lorikeets  also  exclude native birds from feeding resources and nesting sites, kill the nestlings of other bird species and carry Psittacine beak and feather disease in the liver (once infected), which they can spread to native lorikeets and parrots. Lorikeets are a serious pest of cherries, apples, pears and stone fruit and a very serious pest of grapes in Australia and this study showed that the potential for rainbow lorikeets to spread outside  the  Perth  metropolitan  area  is  high. Thus,  the  lorikeets  pose  an  extreme  threat  to  Western Australia’s $245 million fruit, nut and grape growing industry. An  integrated  pest  management  program  must  be  developed  to: restrict  the  population  to  the  Perth  metropolitan  area,  and  reduce  the  number  of  birds  in  the  population  from  an  estimated  8400  in  2004  to  an  estimated  5000  by  2020. The  management  program  should  include the following objectives:

  1. Investigate sources and obtain the funding required to manage the population.
  2. Estimate  the  number  of  birds  in  the  Perth  population,  establish  its  distribution  and  locate major roost sites.
  3. Alter  the  status  of  the  rainbow  lorikeet  in  south-west  Western  Australia  so  that  it  is  a  declared  pest  in  the  metropolitan  area  (alter  to  A2;  ‘subject  to  eradication  in  the  wild’  south of the 20th parallel of latitude, and A5; ‘numbers to be reduced/controlled’ in the Perth metropolitan area).
  4. Investigate  methods  of  population  reduction  in  the  metropolitan  area  and  document  their effectiveness.
  5. Educate the public on the impacts of rainbow lorikeets and the need for control.
  6. Eradicate rainbow lorikeets that are sighted outside the metropolitan area.
  7. Investigate and document the effectiveness of methods for the mitigation of agricultural damage. 
  8. Conduct a cost/benefit analysis of the damage caused by rainbow lorikeets and lorikeet control.
  9. Develop a molecular approach to population control and management.
  10. Review standards for the import and keeping of rainbow lorikeets to reduce the risk of aviary escapes.


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Range expansion of an exotic ungulate (Ammotragus lervia) in southern Spain: ecological and conservation concerns.

Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 851.


Evidence of aoudad Ammotragus lervia expansion in the southeastern quarter of the Iberian Peninsula is provided based on recent field surveys. Aoudad has become common in a limited region of the southeast of Spain since its introduction as a game species in Sierra Espuña Natural Park in 1970. Its adaptability enabled it to colonise nearby areas in a short period. Apart from this source of expansion, the increasing number of aoudads in Spanish private game reserves provided other centres of dispersion. In addition, aoudads were introduced on La Palma Island (Canary Islands), becoming a serious threat to endemic flora. Of great conservation concern is the species' potential as a competitor against native ungulates inhabiting the peninsula. Surveys conducted in southern Spain documented rapid colonization of new areas and established viable populations, consisting of adult males and females and the unequivocal presence of nursery groups, in the provinces of Alicante, Almería, Granada and Murcia. Also, aoudads have spread throughout the north and centre of La Palma. There are two main conservational concerns: the necessity of conducting detailed and reliable surveys in all potential regions where the species might expand, and the urgent need of changing current game policies in order to establish reliable controls on big game reserves to prevent animals from escaping.


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Freitag, 08 Februar 2019 08:55

GLEN, A. S. & SHORT, H. (2000)

The control of dingoes in New South Wales in the period 1883-1930 and its likely impact on their distribution andabundance.

Australian Zoologist 31 (3): 432-442

The sheep grazing industry has been an economic mainstay of New South Wales from the early period of European settlement. The dingo quickly established itself as a predator of sheep and a pest of the pastoral industry. In the latter decades of the nineteenth century, a system was established under which bounties were paid on a wide range of species, but bounties paid for dingoes were far in excess of those paid for other species. In addition,an exclusion fence was built, spanning 5'614 km and three States, to prevent dingoes from reinvading south-eastern Australia. This level of control effortreflects the importance of the dingo as a pest of the sheep industry. In the period between 1883 and 1930, over 280,000 bounties were paid for dingoes in New South Wales. At the beginning of this period. dingoes appeared to be distributed throughout New South Wales. By 1930, dingoes were scarce in all but the north-eastern corner of the State. The highest numbers of sheep were grazed in the areas that showed the most rapid decline in dingo numbers, while relatively low numbers were grazed in the areas where dingoes remained common.

No relationship was observed between the value of bounties offered and the number of scalps submitted. The main incentive for the destruction of dingoes by humans is likely to have been the protection of stock, rather thanthe monetary reward of the bounty payments.


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Samstag, 29 September 2018 16:02


Die invasiven gebietsfremden Arten der Unionsliste der Verordnung (EU) Nr.1143/2014  – Erste Fortschreibung 2017.

Hrsg. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn. BfN-Skripten 471. 164 Seiten


Unter den behandelten Arten befinden sich die folgenden Wirbeltierarten, die gegenwärtig in europäischen Zoos gehalten werden:

  • Nilgans (Alopochen aegyptiaca)
  • Pallas-Schönhörnchen (Callosciurus erythraeus)
  • Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch (Lithobates catesbeianus)
  • Chinesischer Muntjak (Muntiacus reevesi)
  • Nutria (Myocastor coypus)
  • Marderhund (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
  • Bisam (Ondatra zibethicus)
  • Schwarzkopf-Ruderente (Oxyura jamaicensis)
  • Amurgrundel (Perccottus glenii)
  • Waschbär (Procyon lotor)
  • Blaubandbärbling (Pseudorasbora parva)
  • Grauhörnchen (Sciurus carolinensis)
  • Fuchshörnchen (Sciurus niger)
  • Sibirisches Streifenhörnchen (Tamias sibiricus)
  • Heiliger Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus)
  • Buchstaben-Schmuckschildkröte (Trachemys scripta)


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Donnerstag, 12 April 2018 21:15

DÖNNI, W. & FREYHOF, J. (2002)

Einwanderung von Fischarten in die Schweiz - Rheineinzugsgebiet.

Mitteilungen zur Fischerei 72: 1-89.
Herausgeber: Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL)


Die Fischartengemeinschaft der Schweiz war durch das Aussterben und die Neu- oder Wiedereinwanderung seit jeher Veränderungen unterworfen. Neben natürlichen Ursachen wie z. B. Klimaschwankungen ist seit einigen hundert Jahren der Mensch zunehmend verantwortlich für Verschiebungen im Artengefüge. Seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts ist die Beeinflussung durch den Menschen derart gross, dass in der Schweiz 8 Fischarten als Folge der Gewässerverschmutzung, der Überfischung, vor allem aber der Flussverbauungen ausgestorben sind.

Gleichzeitig mit dem Verschwinden dieser Arten wurde eine beträchtliche Anzahl nicht einheimischer (allochthoner) Fischarten (Fisch-Neozoen) vorwiegend aus fischereilichen Überlegungen in unsere Gewässer eingesetzt. Heute umfasst die Fischfauna der  Schweiz mindestens 16 fremde Fischarten, die zumeist etablierte Bestände  bilden konnten. 13 Arten gelangten durch gezielten Besatz oder das Einschleppen via Besatzmaterial, 2 Arten über die Zierfischhaltung und 1 Art aus unbekannten Gründen in die  Gewässer. Heute ist das Einsetzen allochthoner Fischarten in der Schweiz auf gesetzlicher Ebene befriedigend geregelt.

Allochthone Fischarten können in vielerlei Hinsicht negative ökologische Auswirkungen haben. So sind beispielsweise ein Konkurrenz- oder Prädationsdruck auf einheimische (autochthone) Arten möglich. Auch eine Hybridisierung mit nah verwandten Vertretern der lokalen Fauna oder das Einschleppen von Krankheiten und Parasiten kann zu Beeinträchtigungen führen. Neozoen müssen aber nicht immer Probleme verursachen. Sie können sich auch unauffällig in die lokale Artengemeinschaft einfügen.

Das  Wissen  über  die  Rolle,  die  die  allochthonen  Fischarten  innerhalb  der  autochthonen  Artengemeinschaft spielen, weist fast durchwegs grosse Lücken auf. Unerwünschte Interaktionen mit den einheimischen Arten können daher unbemerkt ablaufen. Bei unerklärlichen Bestandesrückgängen autochthoner Fischarten sollte daher auch der Einfluss von Neozoen in Betracht gezogen  werden. Dieser könnte in den nächsten Jahren an Bedeutung gewinnen, da eine ganze Anzahl neuer Fischarten quasi vor der Tür
in  die  Schweiz steht. Nachdem der Rapfen (Aspius aspius) und der Blaubandbärbling (Pseudorasbora parva) in den letzten Jahren  via Hochrhein den Weg in die Schweiz gefunden  haben, ist zu erwarten, dass kurzfristig 6, mittel- und langfristig 9 zusätzliche  allochthone Fischarten auf diesem Weg in die Schweizer Gewässer gelangen könnten. Bei 6 dieser potenziellen Neozoen ist mit beträchtlichen negativen Auswirkungen auf die autochthone Fischgemeinschaft (Konkurrenz, Prädation) zu rechnen; es handelt sich um die Dickkopf-Elritze (Pimephales promelas), die Amurgrundel (Perccottus glehni), die Flussgrundel (Neogobius fluviatilis), die Nackthals-Grundel (N. gymnotrachelus), die Kessler-Grundel (N. kessleri) und die Schwarzmund-Grundel (N. melanostomus).
Neben einer Einwanderung allochthoner ist auch die Immigration ausgestorbener, autochthoner Fischarten in den nächsten Jahren zu erwarten. Dies gilt vor allem für das Flussneunauge (Lampetra fluviatilis), den Lachs (Salmo salar) und die Meerforelle (Salmo trutta).

Der  vorliegende  Bericht  liefert  eine  Übersicht  über  die  Neozoen  der  Schweizer  Fischfauna. Neben den bereits vorkommenden Arten befasst er sich mit möglichen Neueinwanderern, aber auch mit den heute ausgestorbenen, dereinst hoffentlich  wieder einwandernden Arten. Die  Situation im  Einzugsgebiet des Rheins steht dabei im Zentrum der Betrachtung. 37 Arten (bzw. Taxa) werden im Detail beschrieben.

Volltext (PDF)


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Discovery of South American suckermouth armored catfishes (Loricariidae, Pterygoplichthys spp.) in the Santa Fe River drainage, Suwannee River basin, USA.

BioInvasions Records (2012) Volume 1, Issue 3: 179–200


We report on the occurrence of South American suckermouth armored catfishes (Loricariidae) in the Suwannee River basin, southeastern USA. Over the past few years (2009-2012), loricariid catfishes have been observed at various sites in the Santa Fe River drainage, a major tributary of the Suwannee in the state of Florida. Similar to other introduced populations of Pterygoplichthys, there is high likelihood of hybridization. To date, we have captured nine specimens (270-585 mm, standard length) in the Santa Fe River drainage. One specimen taken from Poe Spring best agrees with Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps (Kner, 1854) or may be a hybrid with either P. pardalis or P. disjunctivus. The other specimens were taken from several sites in the drainage and include seven that best agree with Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Weber, 1991); and one a possible P. disjunctivus × P. pardalis hybrid. We observed additional individuals, either these or similar appearing loricariids, in Hornsby and Poe springs and at various sites upstream and downstream of the long (> 4 km) subterranean portion of the Santa Fe River. These specimens represent the first confirmed records of Pterygoplichthys in the Suwannee River basin. The P. gibbiceps specimen represents the first documented record of an adult or near adult of this species in open waters of North America. Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus or its hybrids (perhaps hybrid swarms) are already abundant and widespread in other parts of peninsular Florida, but the Santa Fe River represents a northern extension of the catfish in the state. Pterygoplichthys are still relatively uncommon in the Santa Fe drainage and successful reproduction not yet documented. However, in May 2012 we captured five adult catfish (two mature or maturing males and three gravid females) from a single riverine swallet pool. One male was stationed at a nest burrow (no eggs present). To survive the occasional harsh Florida winters, these South American catfish apparently use artesian springs as thermal refugia. In the Santa Fe River, eradication might be possible during cold periods when catfish congregate in spring habitats. However, should Pterygoplichthys increase in number and disperse more widely, the opportunity to eliminate them from the drainage will pass.

Discovery of South American suckermouth armored catfishes (Loricariidae, Pterygoplichthys spp.) in the Santa Fe River drainage, Suwannee River basin, USA (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Feb 28 2018].

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Freitag, 24 Februar 2017 17:00

WODZICKI, K. & WRIGHT, S. (1984)

Introduced Birds and Mammals in New Zealand and Their Effect on the Environment.

Tuatara 27 (2): 77-104 (December 1984).


Thirty three species of introduced birds and thirty two species of introduced mammals are now widely accepted as a part of New Zealand fauna. The history of the introduction of these vertebrates into New Zealand is documented, and consideration is given to their effect on the native vegetation and fauna. The status of introduced mammals in the late 1940's (Wodzicki 1950) is compared with the present, and the success of control is discussed. Improved technology and the high export value of quality animal products led to a population decline of certain mammals as farming became commercially viable. While the distribution of many introduced mammals has expanded, population numbers have generally decreased since the first survey. A notable exception is the possum.

Freigegeben in W

Conservation of the Sunda gharial Tomistoma schlegelii in Lake Mesangat, Indonesia.

International Zoo Yearbook 49: 137–149. ISSN 0074-9644.DOI: 10.1111/izy.12068.


Although featured in many international zoo collections for decades, little was known about the natural history of Sunda gharial Tomistoma schlegelii until recently. Zoos rarely keep large individuals and breeding success has been low. As late as 1998, even though most conservationists regarded the conservation status of the species as Endangered, the reality was that over most of the range the actual status of the Sunda gharial was Data Deficient. Beginning with surveys of the species by international and local scientists in Indonesian Sumatra and, later, in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, supported by the International Union for Conservation of Nature/Species Survival Commission Crocodile Specialist Group, more details on the broad distribution of this crocodilian came to light. Ironically, rediscovery of a large and healthy population of T. schlegelii in East Kalimantan arose from an oil-palm company accessing the area to develop a site called Danau Mesangat. Subsequently through a cooperation agreement with the oil-palm company's conservation department and a local foundation, a group of dedicated zoos in Europe and America, and the Tomistoma Task Force set up by the Crocodile Specialist Group, provided funding for three consecutive years of field studies by a research group. These studies investigated the ecology of T. schlegelii and of a sympatric population of the Critically Endangered Siamese crocodile Crocodylus siamensis. The role of the zoos, including their role in the development of the research programme, is described. Accounts are given of the characteristics of the Mesangat habitat, some new details about the distribution and abundance of Sunda gharial and Siamese crocodiles in the habitat, and information about reproduction in T. schlegelii. In summary, an overview of threats and suggestions for conservation actions needed at the Mesangat site are provided.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:19


Als Faunenreiche bezeichnet man Erdregionen mit gemeinsamen Merkmalen von Faunenelementen, die sich tiergeographisch von anderen Regionen abgrenzen lassen. Man unterscheidet terrestrische und marine Faunenreiche.

Einen ersten Versuch, die Erde zoogeografisch zu ordnen, machte Philip L. SCLATER (1823-1913) anhand der Vogelwelt.

Die zoogeografische Einteilung der Erde für Landwirbeltiere aller Klassen in fünf terrestrische Faunenreiche, die weiter in Faunenprovinzen oder zoogeografische Regionen unterteilt werden, geht auf das Werk The Geographical Distribution of Animals; With A Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface (Macmillan & Co, London 1876 - 2 Bände) des englischen Naturforschers Alfred Russel WALLACE (1829-1913)  zurück, wobei die von ihm geschaffene Einteilung, von kleineren Grenzverschiebungen abgesehen, heute noch besteht:

  • Paläotropis
    • Orientalis (Südasien)
    • Afrotropis (Afrika südlich der Sahara, mit Madagaskar als Teilregion)
  • Holarktis
    • Paläarktis bzw. Palaearktis (Eurasien, ohne Süd- und Südostasien, mit Nordafrika)
    • Nearktis (Nordamerika)
  • Neotropis (Süd- und Mittelamerika)
  • Australis (Australien und Ozeanien)
  • Archinotis oder archinotische Region (Antarktis)


Viele moderne Zoos zeigen ihre Tiere in einem zoogeografischen Kontext, wobei sie entweder der Einteilung in Faunenreiche folgen oder, vereinfachend, eine Präsentation nach Kontinenten vornehmen, also z.B. Tiere der östlichen Paläarktis und der Orientalis in einem Gartenteil "Asien" versammeln.

Literatur und Internetquellen:
WALLACE, A. R. (1876) Die Geographische Verbreitung Der Thiere: Nebst einer Studie über die Verwandtschaften der lebenden und ausgestobenen Faunen in ihrer Beziehung zu den früheren Veränderungen der Erdoberfläche. 2 Bände. Verlag R. v. Zahn, Dresden

Spektrum Lexikon der Geografie

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:49

WELCOMME, R. L. (1988)

International Introductions of Inland Aquatic Species.

FAO, Rom. M-44, Gedruckte Version ISBN 92-5-102664-5.

Large scale introductions of fish species into areas outside their native range is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Some transfers of fish may be considered ancient, in that they date from the middle ages in Europe but the majority of such movements date from the end of the last century. The detrimental effects of some introductions soon became apparent, but until recently were insufficient to cause widespread concern. However, with the development and spread of aqua-culture and an increasing public awareness of the environment fears of the impacts of introductions of fish species have grown. This lead the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to form a Working Group on the introduction and Transfer of Marine Organisms which formulated a Code of Practice which was adopted by ICES in 1973. The International Consultation on Fishery Resources Allocation (Vichy, France, 1980) and the Eleventh Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) held during 1980 both recommended that the procedures for introducing fish species into freshwaters be reviewed. As a result EIFAC adopted a Code of Practice based on the ICES model at its Fourteenth Session (Bordeaux, France, 1987). All other FAO Regional Fishery Bodies dealing with inland waters have also expressed their concern about introductions at their sessions and are currently investigating the relevance of the ICES/EIFAC Code to their own situations.

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