Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:24

DOLLINGER, P. (1981a)

Parasitenbefall, Sterblichkeit und Todesursachen bei Rehen.

Verh.ber. Erkg. Zootiere 23, Halle: 161-173.


Der erste Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit den Parasiten freilebender Rehe aus der Nordostschweiz. In Organen von rund 300 Rehen wurden 48 Parasitenarten nachgewiesen. Beim Labmagenparasitenbefall wurde eine saisonale Abhängigkeit, bei Lungenwurm- und Sarcocystisbefall eine Altersabhängigkeit festgestellt.

Im zweiten Teil werden Todesfälle bei Rehen in den Zoologischen Gärten von Basel, Bern und Zürich analysiert. Im Vordergrund standen die perinatale Sterblichkeit, Parasitosen, gastro-intestinale Erkrankungen und Infektionen. Die Ursachen für die Schwierigkeiten der Haltung des Rehes in Gefangenschaft werden diskutiert.

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Pampas deer conservation with respect to habitat loss and protected area considerations in San Luis, Argentina.

Biological Conservation 115, Heft 1: 121-130.


Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer is the most endangered subspecies of pampas deer. Although common in the Argentine Pampas 100 years ago, it persists in only two small populations. The largest population has survived due to the rarity of roads, internal farm subdivisions, and the low cattle density. However, habitat condition for this population has changed dramatically in the last 16 years. Five Landsat images (1985, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001), covering 4608 km2, were used to quantify pampas deer habitat loss due to the replacement of natural grassland by exotic pastures and crops. Image classification showed that natural grassland cover was reduced from 84.5 to 37.8% between 1985 and 2001. The annual transformation rate increased significantly from 1.4 to 10.9%. Average paddock size was significantly reduced from 1470 to 873 ha, and the number of paddocks increased from 129 to 227. The land within this area proposed for a national park has not escaped these habitat changes. In the last 6 years the amount of replaced area within the proposed park has increased from 9.1 to 51.1% due to actions by ranchers to avoid inclusion within park boundaries. Three patches of natural grassland still remain within the pampas deer distribution, one of which is the proposed national park. The implementation of a national park is a decisive challenge for the survival of pampas deer and its habitat in Argentina.

Pampas deer conservation with respect to habitat loss and protected area considerations in San Luis, Argentina.
Available from: [accessed Nov 17 2017].

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 14:17

CHAPMAN N.G. (1996)

Reeves' Muntjak (Muntiacus reevesi) in Großbritannien.

Z. Jagdwiss. 42: 173-179. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin. ISSN_0044-2887.


Reeves' Muntjak ist eine subtropische Hirschart, die zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts in Großbritannien eingebürgert wurde. Viele gezielte Freilassungen und zufälliges Entweichen aus Beständen in Gefangenschaft haben zu dem Vorkommen in der Gegenwart geführt. Ganzjährige Empfängnisbereitschaft, verbunden mit der Möglichkeit für erwachsene weibliche Tiere, im Abstand von sieben Monaten ein Kalb zur Welt zu bringen, haben zu dem Verbreitungsergebnis für den Muntjak geführt. Über Jahrzehnte galt der Muntjak als eine unbedenkliche Ansiedlung einer fremdländischen Hirschart. Nachdem die möglichen hohen Wilddichten erreicht sind, speziell in Zentralsüdengland, findet der Einfluß auf die heimische Flora Beachtung. Die Notwendigkeit für mehr Bewirtschaftung wird in vielen Vorkommen gesehen. Das Interesse an der Trophäenjagd hat in den letzten Jahren zugenommen.

Available from:'_Muntjak_Muntiacus_reevesi_in_Grossbritannien 

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 23:13

ARAMILEV, V. V. (2009)

Sika Deer in Russia.

In: McCULLOUGH, D. R., TAKATSUKI, S. & KAJI, K. (eds., 2008) Sika Deer – Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations: 475-500. Springer Verlag, Tokyo, Berlin Heidelberg, New York. ISBN 978-4-431-0-9428-9.


Sika deer (Cervus nippon hortulorum) were originally distributed over much of Primorsky Krai (an administrative division in the Russian Far East similar to a U.S. state) in Far East Russia, occupying coastal and inland valley deciduous and mixed deciduous-pine forests up to about 500 m elevation, with isolated individuals in favored habitat at higher elevations. Their limits to the north extend into southern Khabarovsky Krai along the Ussuri River Valley, and along the seacoast to the vil lage of Malaya Kema. These limits are set by winter snow depth, which also limits their occupation of higher elevations in the Sikhote-Alin mountain range. Sika deer were translocated in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to other coun tries and to European Russia where they have shown considerable adaptive capacity by acclimatizing to severe winter conditions. Sika deer feed primarily on forest understory vegetation and on herbaceous plants in forest openings. Their native forage is deficient in sodium so they seek sources of salt at the seashore, from min eral soils and springs, or from aquatic freshwater plants with high sodium content. Sika deer displace other ungulate competitors from their preferred habitats and, in high numbers, can have serious impacts on vegetation. There is some interbreeding between sika deer and wapiti, but intermediate phenotypes are rare. Overhunting beginning in the late 1800s and extending through World War II resulted in a severe decline in the sika deer numbers and distribution. At the same time, many sika deer were raised in farms for commercial production of antlers and other products. In the last 25 years there has been an increase in the wild population and expan sion of the distribution across Primorsky Krai. Now sika deer occupy most of their original range, apparently colonizing all suitable habitats. Serious anthropogenic pressure, both a loss of habitat and hunting, has not hindered this growth in the number and dispersal of sika deer, although some former habitat along the seacoast has been lost to human development. Sika deer in farms are not very economically viable at present. The re-occupation of the original range consisted of both wild and farm-escaped deer, but genetic studies show that they are all of the original genetic stock. Their increase has occurred despite serious predation pressure by tigers and leopards, and illegal hunting; they are currently managed for sustainable harvest.


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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 13:54


Bemerkenswerte Lebensalter zweier neotropischer Hirsche.

Zool. Garten N.F. 78 (4): 232-233.


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