A review of  the systematics of the genus Bradypodion (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae), with the description of two new genera.

Zootaxa 1363: 23–38. ISSN1175-5334 (online edition) 


The taxonomic history and composition of the genus Bradypodion as construed by Klaver & Böhme (1986) and new morphological and molecular data relevant to the taxonomy of the group is reviewed. The combined evidence strongly supports a formal rearrangement of the group into three distinct genera. Bradypodion, type species Chamaeleo pumilus Daudin 1802, is retained for the southern African species. Two new genera are erected to accommodate additional well-diagnosed clades within central and east African species previously referred to Bradypodion. Species of the “fischeri complex” are assigned to Kinyongia gen. nova, whilst the endemic Mulanje chameleon is placed in the monotypic genus Nadzikambia gen. nova.


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The two-horned chamaeleons of East Africa.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 152 (2): 367–391, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00332.x


There have been numerous attempts to resolve the taxonomy of the two-horned chamaeleons of East Africa. However, the high levels of intraspecific variation and reported sympatry of morphologically distinct taxa indicate that their current classification is unsatisfactory. Tissue samples were collected from specimens from most mountain massifs (excluding the Nguu) where two-horned chamaeleons are known to occur and were used to sequence partial 12S and 16S rRNA, as well as ND2 mtDNA genes. These specimens and further museum material were used to review morphological variation and to define discriminating characters for each taxon. Phylogenetic analyses of gene sequences show clear genetic divergence between allopatric populations, although two lineages occur in sympatry in the East Usambara Mountains, and is supported by divergent morphology. In light of these results a formal revision of the taxonomy of all East African two-horned chamaeleons is proposed and seven species are recognized (Kinyongia boehmei, K. fischeri, K. matschiei, K. multituberculata, K. tavetana, K. uluguruensis and K. vosseleri). These taxa form a monophyletic group except for K. uluguruensis, which seems to be more closely related to one-horned species. Most of these taxa have been previously described and subsequently reduced to synonyms. Two other previously described two-horned taxa are not recognized as valid: Chamaeleo tornieri is considered species inquiriendae, and C. fischeri werneri is placed in synonymy with K. multituberculata. A dichotomous key is provided for the identification of these taxa and some aspects of their conservation, ecology and evolutionary origins are also discussed.


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Mittwoch, 27 Januar 2021 11:10

SCHMIDT, A. D. (2002)

The herpetofauna  of the Langjan Nature Reserve (Limpopo Province, Republic of South Africa) (Amphibia, Reptilia).
Die  Herpetofauna  des Langjan-Naturreservates (Provinz Limpopo, Republik Südafrika) (Amphibia,  Reptilia).  

HERPETOZOA  15 (3/4): 121-135.


Das Langjan-Naturreservat ist ein 4774 ha großes Schutzgebiet in der Limpopo Provinz Südafrikas, 130 km nördlich der Provinzhauptstadt Pietersburg gelegen. Während einer Feldstudie von Januar bis April 1998 und drei kürzeren Aufenthalten zwischen 1999 und 2001 konnten innerhalb des Schutzgebietes insgesamt 43 Reptilien- (3 Schildkröten, 23 Eidechsen, 17 Schlangen) und 7 Amphibienarten nachgewiesen werden. Die Anzahl der aus dem Gebiet bekannten Formen erhöht sich damit auf 47 bei den Reptilien und 10 bei den Amphibien. Die von der Autorin im Untersuchungsgebiet nachgewiesenen Arten werden hinsichtlich ihrer relativen Häufigkeit, ihrer allgemeinen Lebensraumansprüche und Verbreitung im Reservat charakterisiert. Neun weitere, bisher nur außerhalb der Reservatsgrenzen nachgewiesene Reptilienarten kommen wahrscheinlich auch im Reservat selbst vor. Die Fundortbeschreibungen ausgewählter Formen werden durch ökologische, zoogeographische oder taxonomische Hin-weise ergänzt. Vier Arten {Psammobates oculiferus, Typhlosaurus lineatus subtaeniatus, Scelotes limpopoensis albiventris, Colopus wahlbergii wahlbergii) verdienen aufgrund ihrer eingeschränkten Gesamtverbreitungsgebiete bzw. Seltenheit besondere faunistische Beachtung.


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Samstag, 23 Januar 2021 11:55

BRANCH, W. R. (1989)

Reptiles and amphibians of the karoo national park: A surprising diversity.

African journal of herpetology 36 (1):26-35.
DOI: 10.1080/04416651.1989.9650219


The Karoo National Park, Beaufort West, straddles the old escarpment of the Nuweveldberge and southern plain of the Great Karoo. It has a wide variety of habitats, linked to the varied altitude and geology of the Park. It has turned out to be a herpetological treasure trove, with 67 species of reptiles and amphibians, including no less than eight amphibians, six chelonians, 35 lizards and 18 snakes. The paper lists these species, noting many important range extensions both in the park and adjacent regions. The escarpment edge and its associated micro-climate, combined with the varied topography and geology, have generated diverse vegetation types. This has permitted niche diversification of congeners and there are a number of interesting generic radiations, including eight species of thick-toed geckos (Pachydactylus), five skinks (Mabuya) and four sand lizards (Pedioplanis). There are also five species of land tortoise. The area forms an important biogeographic refugium, with relict populations of tortoises, frogs, snakes and lizards, associated with the moist, montane grassland of the escarpment edge, or regions of deep alluvial sands along the old river courses. Details of the diversity and zoogeographic importance of the Park are presented.


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Montag, 04 Januar 2021 17:59

GRIFFIN, M. (2003)

Annotated Checklist and Provisional Conservation Status of Namibian Reptiles.

168 Seiten. Windhoek. ISBN

Volltext: http://podarcis.de/AF/Bibliografie/BIB_4908.pdf


An annotated checklist of indigenous and potentially indigenous Namibian terrestrial, aquatic and marine reptiles is presented. The purpose is to serve as an interim description of Namibian reptile diversity, to establish a taxonomic and biogeographical baseline, and as a preliminary review of the conservation status of Namibian reptiles. Two hundred and forty species of indigenous reptiles are presently known to occur in Namibia. These species comprise an array of approximately 265 described (but not always recognized) taxa, several of which are probably unwarranted.  Species accounts are presented for all these species. Four accounts are for new species currently being described. Nineteen species have not yet been recorded from Namibia, but are expected to (accounts given) and another 6 species are less likely to occur (no accounts given).  Full accounts are given for the 17 species which have been formally recorded in the past, but the lack of recent evidence suggests that the species is now locally extinct, the original report erroneous, or the species’ occurred  as vagrants. Four additional species had been included on various published lists in the past, but have never been formally documented, no specimens are known to exist, and it is unlikely that the species would occur today even as vagrants (no accounts given). In total, 276 species-accounts are presented.  Each account cites the original reference and type locality for each taxon, and a short description of the Namibian distribution.  Emphasis is placed on Namibian and international legal and conservation status.  Eighty-five species (33%) were found to be of local conservation concern.  Gaps in knowledge (e.g. taxonomy, biogeography, and conservation status), where future research should be directed, are noted.


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Montag, 04 Januar 2021 08:21

HAACKE, W. D. (1984)

The Herpetology of the Southern Kalahari Domain.

Supplement to Koedoe 1984: 171-186.

Volltext: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47296195_The_Herpetology_of_the_Southern_Kalahari_domain


The herpetofauna of the southrn Kalahari has mixed affinities, as this area lies on a rainfall gradient in a critical area where a transition between the arid south-west and the moister northe-east takes place. As the variation in substrate type is relatively limited, the effect of the rainfall gradient appears to influence and determine the range limits of many taxa in which of 55 recorded reptiles, 11 western taxa overlap or form a parapatric zone with 25 eastern taxa, while the remaining taxa are endemic or wide-ranging.


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Samstag, 02 Januar 2021 17:18

VAN DEN ELZEN, P. (1983)

Zur Herpetofauna des Brandbergs, Südwest-Afrika.

Bonn. zool. Beitr. 34 (1-3): 293-309


Der Brandberg liegt isoliert am Rande der Vornamib-Flächen innerhalb der Nord-Süd verlaufenden Bergränder der Großen Randstufe. Floristisch macht er einen Teil der Karroo-Namibischen Florenregion aus. Es herrscht troisches, episodisch-periodisch sommerfeuchtes Halbwüsten bis Trockenklima. Herpetofaunistische Grenzen lassen sich nicht genau definieren. Die Herpetofauna umfasst 41 Formen (5 Froschlurche, 26 Eidechsen, 10 Schlangen); sie wird dargestellt und bestehende Affinitäten zu den umliegenden zoogeografischen Subregionen werden erörtert. Als Neunachweise für den Brandberg konnten Bufo d. dombensis, Tomopterna marmorata, Python anchietae, Boaedon f. fuliginosus, Naja nigricollis nigricincta und Bitis a. arientans belegt werden.


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Donnerstag, 01 Oktober 2020 15:01


Vorläufige Liste der Schlangen des Tai-Nationalparks / Elfenbeinküste und angrenzender Gebiete.

SALAMANDRA 36(1): 25-38


Wir stellen die Schlangenfauna des Tai-Nationalparks (TNP) mit Angabe weiterer biologischer Daten vor. Insgesamt sind nun 39 Schlangenarten aus dem TNP bekannt. Im Primär-Regenwald wurden 22 und in offeneren Habitaten beziehungsweise am Waldrand 17 Schlangenarten gefunden. 15 Arten waren arborikol, 19 lebten am Boden und fünf unterirdisch. Wir gehen davon aus, daß die bisherigen Nachweise etwa zwei Drittel der für diesen letzten großen Regenwald Westafrikas zu erwartenden Arten ausmachen.


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Rediscovery of the Mount Nimba Reedfrog, Hyperolius nimbae LAURENT, 1958, in western Ivory Coast (Anura: Hyperoliidae).

HERPETOZOA 29(1/2): 3-13


Die vorliegende Arbeit berichtet über die Wiederentdeckung von Hyperolius nimbae LAURENT, 1958, einer Riedfroschart, die nur vom Fuß der östlichen Flanke des Mount Nimba im Westen der Elfenbeinküste bekannt ist. Die Art wurde 1958 beschrieben und 1963 zum letzten Mal beobachtet. Siebenundvierzig Jahre später wurden innerhalb des bekannten Verbreitungsgebietes kleine Populationen dieses Riedfrosches in der Nähe der Dörfer Dagbonpleu, Danipleu, Kouan-Houlé und Zéalé wiederentdeckt. Allerdings konnten nur insgesamt sieben Exemplare registriert werden. Die Lebensräume zeigten unterschiedliche Grade der degradierung von Sumpfwäldern bis zu Reisfeldern in degradiertem Wald oder Sekundärwuchs. Der starke menschliche Einfluß im Gebiet, besonders seine landwirtschaftliche Nutzung, könnte das langfristige Überleben der Art gefährden. Die Autoren empfehlen eine intensive weitere Suche nach bestehenden Populationen und deren Monitoring, um die Gefährdung für das Überleben von H. nimbae abzuschätzen.


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Dienstag, 29 September 2020 16:24

ROELKE, C. E. & SMITH, E. N. (2010)

Herpetofauna, Parc National des Volcans, North Province, Republic of Rwanda.

Check List 6 (4): 525-531. Jan. 2010. DOI: 10.15560/6.4.525


Herein is presented a list of the reptiles and anurans from the Parc National des Volcans (PNV)(01°43’ S, 29°52’ W), an area in the west and north provinces of the Republic of Rwanda in the Albertine Rift region of Africa.  Fieldwork was conducted between two and six days per week from June through August 2007 and 2008. We also conducted literature searches of all historical expeditions within the park for species records. Seventeen species of reptiles and anurans are recorded from the PNV. Nine of the species were anurans, distributed in five families: Arthroleptidae (3), Bufonidae (1), Hyperoliidae (3), Phrynobatrachidae (1), and Pipidae (1). Eight species of reptiles were recorded from five families: Chamaeleonidae (1), Lacertidae (2), Scincidae (2), Colubridae (2), and Viperidae (1). Eight of the seventeen species found in the PNV are endemic to the Albertine Rift.


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