Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 12:10

MEIJER, G. (2008)

Husbandry Guidelines for Eared Seals (Otariidae).

Edited and Compiled by the EAZA Marine Mammal TAG. Ouwehands Dierenpark, Rhenen


Husbandry guidelines are housing and care guidelines with the objective to guarantee optimal conditions for wellbeing and reproduction of captive populations. It has to fulfil the need for cooperation and information exchange between EAZA zoos and to improve husbandry knowledge.

The marine mammal TAG is responsible for writing the guidelines for marine mammals. The goal of this study is to design husbandry guidelines for keeping eared seals (Otariidae) in captivity, by giving an overview of all aspects concerning the responsible husbandry and care of eared seals. To accomplice this objective the following research question had to be answered: How to guarantee the optimal conditions for welfare and reproduction of eared seals in EAZA zoos?

This manual for husbandry of captive eared seals is compiled by studying the biology and field data, as well as the management in captivity of eared seals. The current situation was described, literature research was performed, extra important subjects were determined, experts were consulted and finally all this data was brought together. The structure of the husbandry guidelines is set up according to the standard table of contents assessed by EAZA.

The husbandry guidelines are divided in two parts in which both the data of wild animals and the management in captivity are described. In section A information is given on the biology and field data of eared seals, which is important for good management of husbandry in captivity, to adjust the captive situations as much as possible to the needs of the animals. Extra attention was paid to the six species kept in EAZA zoos. In section B the management in captivity is described. In the first chapter the enclosure for eared seals is described including minimum requirements for the dimensions. Extra attention was paid to good alternatives for chlorine water treatment systems.

Chapter two deals with the feeding; the fish species and quantity were described, as well as the process of maintaining quality during transport, storage and thawing. Chapter three is about behaviour and social structure. Behaviour problems were discussed and advice is given to prevent them. By social structure the composition and group size is an important factor in wellbeing. Attention was paid to changing group structure and sharing the enclosure with other species. In chapter four the different tools for enriching eared seals in captivity are summarised. In chapter five the different stages of reproduction in captivity are described, with attention for the changes in behaviour. Different methods for weaning and forced feeding were given. Chapter six is about all handling procedures. First the catching and restraining were discussed, then transport, followed by safety and finally the training of eared seals. In chapter seven information of recent literature sources concerning the health and welfare of captive eared seals were included. Chapter eight is about the population management of the animals present in the EAZA zoos. National and European legislation is described in chapter nine. In chapter ten suggestions for additional research are given. In the attachments the following parts are included: the EAZA standards for accommodation and care of wild animals in zoos, Canadian and American legislation concerning space requirements and a checklist for the building of an enclosure for eared seals.

Most information is based on experiences and not on scientific knowledge. Additional research is necessary to lay down the knowledge of people working in the field of marine mammal husbandry and to extend the scientific knowledge. A more exhaustive literature study and consulting of experts can give more specific guidelines.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 13:57

TENNEMANN, A. (1992)

Soziale Beziehungen und Verhaltensprofile untersucht an sechs Bartaffengruppen (Macaca silenus L.) unter verschiedenen Haltungsbedingungen.


145 Seite

Zoologisches Institut, Universität Köln
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Martin Dambach
Zoo Duisburg, Tierpark Rheine, Zoologisch-botanischer Garten Stuttgart, Zoo Wuppertal, Deutsches Primatenzentrum Göttingen


Hinweise für Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Verhalten der Tiere und dem Charakter der Haltungsbedingungen lassen sich für folgende Verhaltensweisen herausstellen:
Agonistisches Verhalten war seltener bei Gruppen mit weniger differenzierter Horizontal-vertikal-Strukturierung des Geheges und weniger vielfältig nutzbarer Materialqualität der Raumausstattung. Insbesondere die dominanzanzeigenden Verhaltensweisen VERDRÄNGEN und AUSWEICHEN traten jedoch unter den gleichen Bedingungen häufiger auf. Tendenziell nahmen die Tiere bei differenzierterer Horizontal-vertikal-Strukturierung der Gehege größere interindividuelle Distanzen ein. Unter den gleichen Bedingungen waren die räumlichen Beziehungsmuster differenzierter. Die interindividuellen Distanzen wurden nicht zwischen allen Tieren maximiert. Die Distanzen der adulten Männchen zu den Gruppenmitgliedern waren größer als die Durchschnittsdistanzen innerhalb ihrer Gruppen. Die interindividuellen Distanzen der Männchen waren größer bei differenzierterer Horizontal-vertikal-Strukturierung der Gehege. Die interindividuellen Distanzen in den Männchen-Männchen-Dyaden erwiesen sich als die größten innerhalb der Gruppen und waren bei differenzierterer Horizontal-vertikal-Strukturierung der Gehege größer.
RUHEN/INAKTIV nahm einen größeren Zeitanteil bei Gruppen mit weniger vielfältig nutzbarer Materialqualität der Raumausstattung bzw. weniger differenzierter demographischer Gruppenstruktur ein.
LOKOMOTION nahm den größten Zeitanteil bei Gruppen mit differenzierterer Horizontal-vertikal-Strukturierung der Gehege ein.
FUTTERBEZOGENES VERHALTEN nahm den geringsten Zeitanteil bei der Gruppe mit der besten Materialqualität der Raumausstattung ein.
WATCHDOG trat mit Ausnahmen bei den Zoogruppen häufiger auf als bei den Gruppen ohne Publikum.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 14:17

SUPERINA, M. (2010)

Biologie und Haltung von Gürteltieren (Dasypodidae).

Dr. Dissertation

Universität Zürich, Klinik für Andrologie und Gynäkologie (Direktor ad Interim: Prof. Dr. Ueli Braun),
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Ewald Isenbügel, Abteilung für Zoo-, Heim- und Wildtiere und Zoo Zürich
Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen weiteren Zoos

247 Seiten, 37 Tabellen, Anhang (Fragebogen), umfangreiche Bibliographie.

Volltext (PDF)


Die   vorliegende Arbeit beurteilt die derzeitige Praxis der Haltung von Gürteltieren in Menschenobhut.

Der einführende Teil der Dissertation basiert auf der Literatur, Gesprächen mit Forschern  und  eigenen  Beobachtungen.  Er  gibt  Auskunft  über  die  Evolution,  die  Taxonomie  und  die  Biologie  der 21  heute  bekannten  Gürteltier-Arten sowie über verschiedene Aspekte der Haltung in Menschenobhut. Es werden Informationen  zur  adäquaten  Gehegegrösse und  -einrichtung, zur  Ernährung  und Reproduktion in Menschenobhut vermittelt. Besonderen Wert wird auf die veterinärmedizinischen  Aspekte der Gürteltier-Haltung  gelegt:  Tabellen  zur Hämatologie  und  Blutchemie,  Hinweise  zum  Handling  und  zu  geeigneten  Blutentnahmetechniken sowie eine Zusammenstellung  der häufigsten Erkrankungen   und   deren  Therapien sollen dem Zootierarzt bei   der Untersuchung und Behandlung von Gürteltieren behilflich sein.

Auf  die  Einführung  folgen  die  Resultate  einer  Umfrage,  mit  welcher  die  aktuellen  Haltungsbedingungen  von  Gürteltieren  in  Menschenobhut  erfasst wurden.  Mittels  eines  Fragebogens  wurden  Auskünfte  eingeholt  über  die gehaltenen  Arten,  Gehegegrössen,  Fütterung,  Reproduktion,  Ethologie  und  die   aufgetretenen   Erkrankungen  und  Todesursachen.  Die  Analyse   der Umfrage zeigt, dass grosse Defizite in der Haltung von Gürteltieren bestehen, welche  sich  negativ  auf  die Reproduktionsleistung und  die  Gesundheit  der  Tiere auswirken oder Fehlverhalten auslösen können. Aufgrund der geringen Datenmenge  ist jedoch keine gesicherte  Aussage  darüber möglich,  welche  Faktoren für die Auslösung der Stereotypien bzw. für die  mangelnden Zuchterfolge verantwortlich sind. 

In der Diskussion wird versucht, die Ursache der in der Hälfte der Haltungen festgestellten Fehlverhalten zu erörtern.  Vorschläge  zum  behavioral  enrichment,  zur  Verbesserung  der  Haltung  und  Fütterung  und  Ideen  zur  Präsentation  sollen  einen  Beitrag  zur  Steigerung  der  Publikumsattraktivität  von Gürteltieren in Zoologischen Gärten leisten. Ein  Vergleich  der  heute  üblichen  Haltungsformen  mit  den  Auflagen  der  Schweizer  Gesetzgebung  und  den  Richtlinien  des  Schweizer  Tierschutzes.


This thesis analyses the current conditions of armadillos in captivity.

The  introduction  is  based  on  literature,  conversations  with  scientists  and  personal observations. It informs about evolution, taxonomy and biology of the 21  known  species  of  armadillos  and  the  different  aspects  of  the  care  and  maintenance   in   captivity   and   contains   information   about   the   adequate  enclosure  size  and  its  equipment,  the  nutrition  and  reproduction  of  captive  armadillos.  Comments  on  their  handling  and  on  suitable  blood  sampling  techniques, hematological parameters and a compilation of the most common diseases  and  their  therapies  should  help  the  zoo  veterinarian  when  taking care of armadillos.

This first part is followed by the results of a survey made in zoological gardens that  keep  armadillos. The  zoos  were   asked   for  information  about maintenance,  nutrition,  reproduction, ethology  as  well  as  the  diagnosed  pathologies  and  causes  of  death  of  their  armadillos. The  analysis  of  this survey   demonstrates  that   there  are  serious  deficits  in  the   care   and  maintenance   of   armadillos  which  have  a  negative   influence  on  their reproduction and health and cause stereotypes. Because of the poor data we can’t put a finger to the factors responsible for the stereotypes and the lack of reproductive success. The  possible  reasons  for  the  appearance  of stereotypes  in  50%  of  the  zoos are  discussed.  A  few  recommendations for  the  behavioral  enrichment,  the improvement of the maintenance and nutrition and ideas for their presentation to the visitor are meant to increase the attractiveness of armadillo exhibits.

A  comparison  of  the  usual  conditions  in which  armadillos are  kept  with  the  Swiss   legislation   and   the   guidelines   of  the   Swiss   Society   of   Animals’  Protection  shows  clearly  that  it  is  not  justifiable  to  keep  armadillos  under  the current  conditions.  The  animals  are  held  in  too  small  exhibits  with  poor  distraction,  fed  inappropriately  and  suffer  from  pathologies  related  to  their  maintenance in captivity. Only a few zoos have breeding programs, and those are rarely successful. The  maintenance  of  armadillos  can  only  be acceptable  if  efforts  are  made  to improve their living conditions and to elaborate diets according to the need of each  species.  To  reach  this  goal  it is recommended  to  intensify  the  field studies and the investigation on captive armadillos.  



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 08:55

EXNER, C. (1995)

Ethologische und hygienische Untersuchungen über die Haltungsbedingungen von Raubkatzen in zoologischen Gärten.

Dr. med. vet. Dissertation

164 Seiten

Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin, Freie Universität Berlin
Neun Zoos in Deutschland


The aim of the present study was to obtain informations which help to define guidelines to improve the environmental conditions in enclosures for cats of prey. In order to assess the animales"welfare im their environment the hygienic, ethological and breeding aspects, as well as the death rate and the occurrence of diseases were studied. During 15 months nine zoos in the Federal Republic of Germany were visited. Data of the environmental conditions in 35 enclosures, where 266 animals (21 species) were kept, were collected. During five visits, each one for a period of three days, the following data were reported: relative humidity, temperature inside and outside of every stable, C02, ammonia, lung passing dust, concentration of airborn microorganism and their compound, ventilation of the air inside of every pen, light intensity and temperature of surfaces. To decide, if cats of prey are able to cope whith their surrounding environment, the behaviour of 33 lions, 30 tigers, 31 leopards and 20 cheethas was observed for a period of 10 days per animal. For each day the time was subdivided in two hlocks of ten minutes and five blocks of one minute. The enclosures' physical characteristics were recorded. The breeding records of all cats present in the zoos and the data of pathology since 1981 were collected. There was a large variation in indoor temperature relative humidity, concentration of airborn ammonia and microorganisms during the year. In vitrines (cages with a front glas and an average volume of 31mü) the temperature was higher and the relative humidity lower than in the othersystems (p < 0,01). The data depended on the seasons and ranged between 22.2 and 25.6 øC and 33.3 to 46.6% relative humidity. In stables for only a single species with an average volume of 116mü the parameters were between 11.8 and 21.8 øC and 51,5 to 63.8 % relative humidity. The large buildings for cats of prey ( 3257mü) worked as an intermediate. In enclosures for tropical cats the data of relative humidity were not significantly higher than in the pens of the animals of the other climatic zones. In 55 to 78% of the cases the measured ammonia concentration was between 0 and 5 ppm. The area per animal, the temperature inside the stables and the amount of time, in which the animals left the houses, correlated negatively with the concentration of the disadvantage gas. The intensity of artificial light ranged on average from 18 to 1600 Ix and for daylight from 16 to 6892 Ix. In buildings reachable for visitors cages were brighter than those which were not (p e 0,01). The ascertained concentrations of airborn microorganism distinguished between the different housing systems and ranged between 7177.3 and 15834.2 KBE/mü. The concentration correlated negativly with the temperature outside of the buildings, while the amount of each compound, especially the gram positive cocci and rods, was influenced by the microclimate of the stables. The gram negative germs covered only 4.5 to 7.5%. Therefore the gram positive microorganisms were predominant. The further specification showed a wide range of different germs. Staphylococcus xylosus and lentus were the main cocci of the genus Staphyloccus. In the group of the Micrococcaceae Micrococcusa varians and luteus were dominant. 31% of the gram positve rods was classified as Rhodococcus equi. In the group of fungi members Penicillium and Aspergillusspecies were represented preferantiably. The part of the primary pathogen germs was low and amounted totaly below 1%. The analysis of the enclosures "physical characteristics showed that not all possibilities of design and construction were used in the best way. In only 48 2% of the outdoor cages the bottom was built with natural materials. In 20% of the indoor pens with concrete and tiles the ground was also covered with litter or sand. Mostly the development of the third dimension was mostly made available by boards; supplementary trees and artificial hills were insert. In only 20% of the indoorand 19% of the outdoor pens the structure of the room was assessed to be very good. In 22.5%(indoor) and 9.4% (outdoor) of the cases this rating was poor. The comparison between the ethograrms of the different species (lion, tiger, leopard, cheetha) showed a speciesspecific distribution of the observed parameters. Lions showed a longer resting period and they were more inactive than the other cats (p < 0 01 ). Cheethas and leopards did not sleep as long as the other big cats. Giving the opportunity all cats prefered higher resting places, but leopards used them more frequently (p < 0 01). This species prefered also concealments (holes, trees) for its resting period. Comparing the moving activities the males of the big cats walked for a longer period than the female ones (p < 0.05) . Leopards showed stereotypies more often than the others (63 3% of the active period) (p < 0 01), male leopards moved longer in astereotypic way than the females (male: 67 9 min; female: 34.9 min) (p < 0 05). Enclosures also influenced this behaviour. In pens below 200 mý animals showed stereotypies for longer periods than in larger ones (44 6 min /6 9 min) (p < 0 01). Most of the animals (85%) descented from breeding programs. There were no differences in successful breeding among the different species or zoos. But cats living in an area larger than 50 mý per animal gave birth to more cubs ( 8.4 cubs) than those in a smaller one (5.5 cubs) The type of building, in which he animals were kept, influenced the number of born and grown up animals. In the large buildings for cats of prey less animals were born (5.2) and grown up (3.0) than in houses for only one species (10.6 born and 7.3 juveniles) (p < 0.01). The noted data of the breeding records showed that 57% of the dead cubs were killed by their mother or father. This quota of the young animals died by occlusion comprised 24% of pathological data of the subadults. Not all the animals were available for pathological examination. Further analysis of the pathological data showed that infectious diseases were common for both groups -young and adult. Pneumonia followed by bronchopneumonia were the main respiratory problems - pulmonary diseases ranked on the third place as reason of death. In comparison with cats of the other regions cats from the tropic showed more often infections and pulmonary diseases.The ability of animals to adapt to different environmental conditions is limited. Therefore it is necessary to understand the animals" needs in order to offer good animal housing. As a kind of help to build adequate environments for cats of prey a catalogue of recommendations respectively demands for the housing were given.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:11

BMELF (Hrsg. 1997)

Gutachten über Mindestanforderungen an die Haltung von Reptilien vom 10. Januar 1997.

73 Seiten

Verfasser: Sachverständigengruppe Gutachten über die tierschutzgerechte Haltung von Terrarientieren (BLAHAK, S. , BRÜCHER, H., ENGELMANN, W.-E., GRÜNWALDT, P.-H., PAULER, I., RADES, W., RIEBE, M. & WICKER, R.)

Hrsg. Bundesministerium für Ernährung Landwirtschaft und Forsten. Bonn.

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