Evidence of climate change effects on within-winter movements of European mallards (Anas platyrhynchos).

Ibis 152: 600-609.


We analysed within‐winter (December–February) movements of Mallard using the EURING Data Bank. Most movements were directed towards the south or southwest during all three winter months. Distances covered increased with winter harshness and generally decreased from 1952 to 2004. Mallards appear to move less than other duck species during winter. Long‐distance movements of Mallards seem to be related to cold weather, birds only moving long distances in large numbers during the very coldest winters. Movements are not restricted during midwinter, but occur throughout the winter. The decreasing within‐winter movement over time (1952–2004) could be explained by decreasing reporting probabilities and/or warmer winters in recent decades. However, the first is only true if the decrease in reporting probability increases with distance moved, for which we found no indication in our study. Therefore, we suggest that the pattern found is evidence of long‐term winter warming reducing the distance of within‐winter movements in this species.


Freigegeben in S
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:48

RÖSSLER, M. (2000)

Der Lebensraum der Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis (L) in den niederösterreichischen Donau-Auen (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae).

12 Seiten © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria


Over a period of three years (1997-1999) I studied habitat requirements of the European pond turtle in the  National Park "Donau-Auen" in the Austrian state of Lower Austria. Two side arms of the Danube inhabited by Emys orbicularis are characterized. Juvenile European pond turtles preferred shallower, more vegetated areas than adults.Sixty-eight percent of all sighted basking turtles (n = 303 sightings) were observed on tree trunks,23 % on the embankment, and 10 % on floating  leaves  of aquatic  macrophytes. Nesting sites are xerothermic, sandy meadows up to  800  m away from water bodies. Temperature  regimes, predation rates and vegetation cover of nest sites are described and  related to the vertical distribution of the nests at a sun-exposed embankment.

Volltext (PDF)

Freigegeben in R
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:35

ROBIN, K., GRAF, R. F. & VOGEL, M. (2012)

Der Kormoran.

Wildbiologie - Biologie einheimischer Wildtiere 1/64. 16 Seiten.
Hrsg.: Wildtier Schweiz, Winterthurerstrasse 92, CH-8006 Zürich.


Als fischfressender Wasservogel, der an heimischen Gewässern in Scharen überwintert und seit 10 Jahren in der Schweiz brütet, löst der Kormoran Kontroversen aus. Während ihn der Naturschutzbund Deutschland NABU zum Vogel des Jahres 2010 erklärt hatte, sehen fischnutzende Kreise in ihm eine echte Gefahr für Fangertrag und aquatische Artenvielfalt. In den letzten rund 30 Jahren haben sich in ganz Europa zahlreiche Spezialisten damit befasst, Biologie, Bestandesentwicklung, Massnahmen zur Bestandeskontrolle, Raumnutzung und Migrationsverhalten des Kormorans zu erforschen. Auch in der Schweiz sind verschiedene Projekte zu dieser spannenden Art durchgeführt worden. Dieser Artikel geht einerseits auf die Biologie der Art ein und legt andererseits Erkenntnisse aus regionaler und europäischer Perspektive vor. Offensichtlich kann die Bestandesentwicklung des Kormorans und seine Wirkung auf die Mitwelt nur verstanden werden, wenn stets bewusst bleibt, dass die Art sich in einem grossräumigen System zwischen Russland und Nordafrika bewegt.



Freigegeben in R
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:33

RIGHETTI, A. (1986)


Biologie einheimischer Wildarten 1/27. 12 Seiten
Hrsg.: Wildtier Schweiz, Winterthurerstrasse 92, CH-8006 Zürich.



Freigegeben in R
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:21


Ornithologischer Bildatlas der Brutvögel Europas.

2 Bände. Band 1 336 Seiten, Band 2 395 Seiten.
Natur Verlag / Weltbild Verlag, Augsburg. ISBN3-89440-007-2.

Mit hunderten von Fotografien von europäischen Brutvögeln, außerdem unterrichten Verbreitungskarten über das Vorkommen und die Brutgebiete der in Europa brütenden Vogelarten. Tabellarische Übersichten fassen zur schnellen Information alle wichtigen Daten aus der Beschreibung-wie Größe, Gewicht, Stimme, Brutzeit, Anzahl der Eier, Eifarbe und-größe, Brutdauer und Nestlingszeit-übersichtlich zusammen.

Freigegeben in P
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:14

LEHMANN, E. von & SÄGESSER, H. (1986)

Capreolus capreolus Linnaeus, 1758 - Reh.

In: NIETHAMMER, J. & KRAPP, F., Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas Band 2/II (Paarhufer): 233-268.
AULA-Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden.


Freigegeben in L

Extirpation and reintroduction of the Corsican red deer Cervus elaphus corsicanus in Corsica.

Oryx Vol. 41 (4): 488-494, ISSN 0030-6053. Fauna and Flora International. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605307012069


The Endangered Corsican red deer Cervus elaphus corsicanus was extirpated from Corsica in the early 1970s, at which time the Sardinian population fell to <250 individuals. The Sardinian authorities agreed to protect this subspecies and to secure its reintroduction in Corsica, a natural choice, considering ethological and historical descriptions. Since the beginning of 1985, when the first deer destined for captive breeding and eventual reintroduction arrived in Corsica, the population increased from 13 Sardinian founders to 106 captive animals under constant monitoring in three enclosures (Quenza, Casabianda and Ania di Fium'Orbu). The sites of Quenza, Chisà and Santo Pietro di Venaco were selected by the Regional Nature Park of Corsica for the reintroduction into the wild that began in 1998. Currently the size of the whole Corsican population is c. 250 individuals. These deer are still closely monitored and studied, both in enclosures and in the wild, to secure the long-term conservation of this subspecies. The Corsican and Sardinian populations together now total slightly >1,000, and the subspecies could therefore be downgraded to Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.

Freigegeben in K
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:40

KACZENSKY, P. (2000)

Der Braunbär.

Wildbiologie in der Schweiz 1/40a. 24 Seiten.
Hrsg.: Wildtier Schweiz. Winterthurerstrasse 92, CH-8006 Zürich

 Ganzer Artikel (PDF)



Freigegeben in K
Donnerstag, 07 März 2013 10:44

HEINROTH, O. & M. (1927)

Die Vögel Mitteleuropas, Band 2: Eulen, Tauben, Raubvögel, Ruderfüßer, Sturmvögel, Reiher-Storchgruppe.

IV., 160 S., mit 26 Farbtafeln und 63 schwarz-weißen Tafeln.

Hrsg. von der Staatlichen Stelle für Naturdenkmalpflege in Preußen. Hugo Bermühler Verlag. Berlin-Lichtenfelde.


Freigegeben in H

The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds - their Distribution and Abundance.

T. & A.D. Poyser, London.ISBN 0-85661-091-7.

Über den Atlas:

The first comprehensive EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds, or European Ornithological Atlas (EOA) edited by Ward Hagemeijer and Mike Blair, was published in 1997. The atlas is the first major initiative of the EBCC (itself created through the merging of the European Ornithological Atlas Committee and the IBCC), and integrates 25 years of effort by thousands of volunteer field ornithologists, data analysts and writers in more than 40 countries.

The final product is an impressive and voluminous book with more than 900 pages of maps of distribution for 495 European bird species, accompanying text and information on the population size estimates for key countries where it is present. The area covered includes all of Europe, including Madeira, the Azores, Iceland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and Transcaucasia) although not Turkey or Cyprus. The atlas demonstrates what can be achieved through broadscale international cooperation and has been and remains an essential tool for scientists and conservationists interested in studying the patterns of distribution and abundance of Europe’s birds.

EBCC Atlas on the Web

EBBA1 is easily accessible to a wide audience, all distribution maps can now also be viewed through the internet. In this recent initiative, the original 50km x 50km basic spatial units in the atlas were converted to Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial references (e.g. latitude, longitude), in order to be able to display the species distribution maps on a website with different backgrounds as explained below.


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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx