Montag, 18 September 2023 07:37


Feeding habits of Scorpaena notata (Scorpaenidae) from eastern Adriatic Sea.

Cybium 2021, 45(3): 217-224 .



The feeding habits of the small red scorpionfish, Scorpaena notata Rafinesque, 1810 from the eastern Adriatic Sea, were investigated with respect to fish size, season, and sampling location. Stomach contents of 798 specimens, of 6.0-20.5 cm total length (TL), collected by commercial bottom trawls from January to December 2013, were analysed. The percentage of empty stomachs varied significantly with season (from 36.6% maximum in winter to 14.5% in spring). Prey items belonged to four major taxonomic groups: Molluscs (Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Cephalopoda), Polychaetes, Crustaceans (Stomatopoda, Decapoda Natantia, Decapoda Reptantia, Mysidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda), Teleosteans and Algae remains. Reptantia decapods were the most important prey (%IRI = 72) followed by Natantia decapods (%IRI = 18) while the other prey groups were only occasionally ingested. The small red scorpionfish is thus a crustacean feeder, preying mainly on decapods. Fish size was the most important factor influencing diet composition. Small individuals (< 11 cm TL) fed primarily on small crustaceans (amphipods, mysids and isopods), whereas large-sized specimens consumed larger prey, such as decapods (reptant and natant) and teleosts. Diet composition showed little seasonal variation; reptant decapods were the most important prey in all seasons. There was high dietary similarity between sampling locations.


Freigegeben in S

Diet and Activity of the Bear Cuscus, Ailurops ursinus, in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

J. Mammalogy 80 (3): 905-912.


We studied the daily time budget and feeding activity of the bear cuscus, Ailurops ursinus, in the Tangkoko-Duasudara Nature Reserve, North Sulawesei, Indonesia. Bear cuscuses spent 63.4% of their time resting, and feeding accounted for only 5.6% of their activities. Bear cuscuses fed on 31 species of plants, including 26 identified trees and lianas from 17 fasmilies and 5 unidentified mitletoes. Dietary preference was influenced by availability of young leaves, and bear cuscueses maximized the amount of young leaves in the diet.


Freigegeben in D

Food habits of the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in southeast Poland.

J. of Vertebrate Biology, 71(21061):21061.1-7 (2021).


We studied diet and prey preferences of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) inhabiting south-east Poland, based on kills found during GPS-GSM telemetry and opportunistic winter tracking. Among 64 lynx kills were roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) (91%), red deer (Cervus elaphus) (3%) and brown hare (Lepus europaeus) (6%). From the ungulate community, lynx selected roe deer (D = 0.845) and avoided all other ungulates. We recorded one case of surplus and two cases of parallel killing. Lynx visited the same killed roe deer on average for 2.3 days, and for up to six days when surplus or parallel killing occurred. High numbers of the roe deer in south-east Poland supports the persistence of the lynx, but we urge managers to take under consideration food requirements of the lynx when planning game management.


Freigegeben in M

Wild in Gehegen.

186 Seiten, farbig illustriert. Schüling Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86523-052-2.


Regionale, nationale und internationale Vorgaben bestimmen die öffentliche und private Tierhaltung. Die vorliegende Neuauflage des Klassikers von Hans-Heinrich M. Hatlapa und Dr. Heinrich III Prinz Reuss entspricht dem heutigen Kenntnisstand einer tiergerechten Haltung von Wildtieren in Gehegen. Es gibt dem Leser einen umfassenden Einblick in Biologie, Haltungsbedingungen und -techniken von Wildtieren in menschlicher Obhut. Bewußt werden theoretische Kenntnisvermittlungen in den Hintergrund gestellt, denn - wie sein Vorgänger - ist dieses Buch ein Praxisbuch, erarbeitet als Nachschlagewerk für den Praktiker. Inhalt: Tierarten - Haltung - Ernährung - Krankheiten - Fang und Immobilisation - Tötung von Wirbeltieren - Umweltpädagogik - Rechtliche Bestimmungen


Freigegeben in P
Freitag, 10 Dezember 2021 09:55

GIMMEL, A. E. R. (2016)

Vitamin blood concentration and vitamin supplementation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in European facilities.

University of Zurich, Vetsuisse-Fakultät.


Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Informationen zur Vitaminversorgung von grossen Tümmlern (Tursiops truncatus) in europäischen Institutionen zu sammeln und Vitamingehalte im Blut von gesunden Tieren zu bestimmen. Diese wurden dann mit bereits vorhandenen Blutwerten von wildlebenden Delfinen verglichen. Die Lagerung und das Auftauen von Fisch, sowie die Vitaminversorgung, wurden mittels eines Fragebogens erhoben, welcher an 25 europäische Institutionen geschickt wurde. In 10 Institutionen wurde von 57 Delfinen Blut genommen und zu einem Referenzlabor geschickt für die Vitaminanalysen. Retinol, Thiaminpyrophosphat, Cobalamin, Calcidiol und Tocopherol wurden analysiert. Die gemessenen Vitaminblutwerte wurden dann mit der Vitaminversorgung, dem Auftauverfahren und bereits vorhandenen Blutwerten von wild lebenden Delfinen verglichen. Die Daten wurden mittels einer ANOVA und einem linearen Model statistisch ausgewertet. Das 95% Konfidenzintervall für Retinol im Blut betrug 0.048 - 0.059 mg/l und für Tocopherol 17.95 - 20.76 mg/l. Diese waren 27% beziehungsweise 53% höher als diejenigen, die in wildlebenden Tieren gemessen wurden. Die Calcidiolwerte (143.9 - 174.7 ng/ml) waren tiefer in den untersuchten Tieren als in den wildlebenden Delfinen. Thiaminpyrophosphat - und Cobalaminwerte waren zwischen 0.42- 0.55 mg/l beziehungsweise 175.55 - 275.22 pg/ml. Dafür waren keine Referenzwerte vorhanden. Eine Überversorgung von Vitamin A und Vitamin E in grossen Tümmlern in Europa liegt nahe.


The objective of the present study was to collect information on vitamin supplementation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and to provide vitamin blood concentrations of healthy animals in European facilities. These results were compared with preexisting blood concentrations of free-ranging dolphins. Fish-handling techniques and vitamin supplementation were evaluated by a questionnaire sent to 25 European facilities. Blood samples from 57 dolphins living in 10 facilities were taken and analysed in a reference laboratory. Analysis for retinol, thiamine pyrophosphate, cobalamin, calcidiol and tocopherol occurred. These concentrations were then correlated with vitamin supplementation, fish handling techniques and pre-existing blood concentrations of free-ranging dolphins. The data was subjected to a standard ANOVA and a linear model analysis. The 95% confidence interval for retinol blood concentrations was 0.048 - 0.059 mg/l and for tocopherol 17.95 - 20.76 mg/l. These concentrations were 27% and 53%, respectively, higher than those found in free-ranging animals. In contrast, calcidiol concentrations (143.9 -174.7 ng/ml) in dolphins in human care were lower than in free-ranging animals. Regarding thiamine pyrophosphate and cobalamin, concentrations ranged between 0.42 - 0.55 mg/l and 175.55 - 275.22 pg/ml respectively, no reference values were found. These findings suggest an over-supplementation of retinol and tocopherol in bottlenose dolphins in European facilities.


Freigegeben in G
Donnerstag, 22 April 2021 07:23

VENCES, M. & KNIEL, C. (1998)

Mikrophage und myrmecophage Ernährungsspezialisierung bei madagassischen Giftfröschen der Gattung Mantella.

SALAMANDRA, Rheinbach, 34(3): 245-254.


Eine Analyse des Mageninhalts von 15 Exemplaren (vier Arten) der Gattung Mantella (Anura: Ranidae: Mantellinae) zeigte eine mikrophage und myrmecophage Spezialisierung dieser Frösche. Von 774 identifizierten Beutetieren waren 74% Ameisen, 94% hatten Gesamtlängen von 1-4 mm, und keines war größer als 5 mm. Die Ergebnisse experimenteller Beutewahlversuche waren weniger eindeutig. Im Vergleich zu aposematischen Dendrobatiden (Dendrobates histrionicus, D. leucomelas, Phyllobates bicolor) zeigten Mantella-Arten eine deutlich schwächere Bevorzugung kleiner Beute, obwohl die mittlere Länge der Beutetiere, die von einer zusammengefassten Gruppe aller untersuchten Mantella-Arten gefressen wurden, signifikant geringer als die einer Vergleichsgruppe anderer Anuren der Gattungen Rana, Bufo, Mantidactylus, Colostethus und Heterixalus war. Möglicherweise ist die Mikrophagie von Mantella weniger durch ein eingeschränktes Beutewahlspektrum als durch das tagsüber stattfindende, aktive Umherstreifen bei der Nahrungssuche bedingt. Nach der verfügbaren Literatur sind alle Anuren, die bekanntermaßen Hautalkaloide enthalten, mikrophag; die meisten sind spezialisierte Ameisenfresser. Dies weist darauf hin, dass der Ursprung der Alkaloide bei Froschlurchen generell in einer Aufnahme über Arthropoden-Nahrung (Ameisen), wie sie für Dendrobatiden kürzlich nachgewiesen wurde, liegen könnte.


Freigegeben in V

Blood Values of Adult Captive Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) Fed Either Supplemented Beef or Whole Rabbit Carcasses.

Zoo Biology 30: 1–13.

This study evaluated nutrient intake and relevant blood parameters of 14 captive cheetahs, randomly assigned to a meat-only diet (supplemented beef, SB) or a whole prey diet (whole rabbit, WR) for 4 weeks each. Despite a higher food intake, daily metabolizable energy intake was lower when fed WR (308 kJBW1) compared with SB (347 kJBW1) (P50.002). The ratio of protein to fat was markedly lower for WR (2.3:1) compared with SB (8.8:1), which was reflected in higher serum urea levels when fed SB (P50.033), and a tendency for elevated cholesterol levels when fed WR (P50.055). Taurine intake of cheetahs fed WR was low (0.06% on DM basis); however, analytical error during taurine analysis cannot be ruled out. Feeding WR resulted in a well-balanced mineral intake, in contrast to SB. The latter provided a low calcium:phosphorus ratio (1:2.3), thereby increasing the risk of metabolic bone disease. The high zinc content of SB (200mg/kg DM), compared with WR (94mg/kg DM), was reflected in higher serum zinc concentrations (P50.011). Feeding WR resulted in an increase in serum vitamin A (P50.011). Therefore, the risk of hypervitaminosis A in captive cheetahs when fed WR exclusively on a long-term basis should be evaluated. Our findings suggest that neither diet is likely to provide appropriate nutrition to captive cheetahs when fed exclusively.


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Mittwoch, 10 Februar 2021 09:30

VASEY, N. (2000)

Niche separation in Varecia variegata rubra and Eulemur fulvus albifrons: I. Interspecific patterns.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology 112 (3): 411-431<411::AID-AJPA10>3.0.CO;2-R


Niche separation was documented in a year‐long study of Varecia variegata rubra and Eulemur fulvus albifrons on the Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar. Feeding trees were measured, and diet, forest height, and forest site were recorded at 5‐min time points on focal animals. For time point data, multivariate and bivariate analysis of frequencies was employed to examine how niche dimensions vary between species according to sex, season, and reproductive stage. V. v. rubra feeds in larger trees than E. f. albifrons. V. v. rubra has a diet consisting mainly of fruit, whereas E. f. albifrons has a more varied diet. V. v. rubra ranges mainly above 15 m in tree crowns, whereas E. f. albifrons ranges mainly below 15 m in a wide array of forest sites. Both species are largely frugivorous, but they harvest fruit in different‐sized trees, in different quantities, and in different forest strata. Niche partitioning varies in tandem with seasonal shifts in climate and food availability and with reproductive stages. Seasonal shifts in forest site and forest height use are largely attributed to species‐specific tactics for behavioral thermoregulation and predator avoidance. The diet of E. f. albifrons is diverse whether examined by season or reproductive stage. However, females of both species diversify their diets with more low‐fiber protein than males during gestation, lactation, and the hot seasons. This pattern is most pronounced for V. v. rubra females and may be directly attributed to high energetic investment in reproduction. These results suggest that niche partitioning may be driven more by the energetic requirements of reproductive females than males.


Freigegeben in V

Biogeographical and Topographical Variation in the Prey of the Black Eagle in the Cape Province, South Africa.

Ostrich 62: 59-72.


Prey remains collected at or near Black Eagle Aquila verreauxii nest sites in the Cape Province, South Africa, were analysed according to frequency of occurrence of prey species in the samples. A total of 5748 prey individuals, collected from 73 sites, was analysed according to three biome groups and four nest site types. The Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis is the dominant prey species, but the eagles' diet spectrum varies according to its availability. Indices of species richness and diversity of the prey are inversely correlated with the proportion of the prey contributed by P. capensis, which in turn is determined by topography and vegetation. Biome has a greater influence on the indices than has nest site type. The age structure of the P. capensis prey remains closely reflects the juvenile:sub-adult:adult ratios in the biomes and at the nest site types. Medium-sized (approx. 1-4,5 kg) prey is usually taken. Juvenile domestic small-stock (lambs and goat kids) comprised only 3,4% of the overall total.


Freigegeben in B

The food consumption of Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

Aquatic Mammals 17 (2): 76-87.


This study concerns the food consumption of 1 male and 2 female Southern elephant seals at Marineland, Antibes, France. The females' food intake increased for about 3 years after which it stabilized at around 3'400 kg/year. The male's annual intake  reached a peak of 11'600 kg during his 6th year after which it dropped and stabilized at around 8'000 kg/year. Although the animals were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, the food intake fluctuated seasonally. The annual periods with low food intake correspond with the breeding (after maturity) and moulting seasons in both sexes. After each moult, the animals increased their food consumption to replenish their energy reserves. In relation to their body weight, the animals ate less than the rough estimate normally used for animals in the wild. This could be because, at Marineland, the air and water temperatures are higher, the diet has a higher energy contents and less energy is needed for feeding than in the wild.


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