Diet of the Chilean Tinamou (Nothoprocta perdicaria) in central-south Chile.



... We analysed the contents of crops and stomachs obtained from 79 birds captured in different agricultural areas, years, and seasons in the Ñuble Province, south central Chile. ... Diet consisted mainly of wild plant seeds. The consumption of animal material was scarce and consisted of one insect and crustacean species. During the summer, the seeds of the Poaceae family were most common ... The Chilean Tinamou in Ñuble appears to be essentially a granivorous species with invertebrates being consumed in a variable proportion depending of the season.


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On the coral-feeding habit of the sea star Peltaster placenta.

Marine Biodiversity 49: 2009–2012.


The predatory activity of the asteroid Peltaster placenta (Müller and Troschel, 1842) on the black coral Parantipathes larix (Esper, 1790) is here described for the first time based on video footage obtained during a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) survey conducted in the Pontine Archipelago (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). Feeding is carried out on the living coenenchyme of the basal axis and pinnules of the antipatharian and is confirmed by the occurrence of its cnidocysts in the sea star gut content. The chitinous skeletal parts of the black coral are left intact as bare tissue, which helps to relate colonies to the predation event. Among all black coral species present in the research area, P. placenta was observed grazing exclusively on P. larix, similarly to other goniasterids known to be deep-sea corallivores with a marked selectivity for their prey. The predatory behaviour of P. placenta was previously unknown. The extent of its feeding traces suggests a significant influence on benthic trophic relationships and, ultimately, on the functioning, structure and health status of deep Mediterranean black coral forests.


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Feeding preferences of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus, Lowe 1834) larvae reared in semi-intensive conditions: A contribution addressing the domestication of this species.

Aquaculture 289 (2009): 289–296.


Despite research efforts addressing artificial propagation, dusky grouper aquaculture still relies onexperimental trials owing to the low survival rates of larvae and juveniles, thus rendering mass rearing difficult to attain. Although some authors suggested that the preys offered to the early larval stages represent the major problem facing the rearing of all grouper species, very little information is available in literature on larval development and the behaviour of dusky grouper. The objective of this study was to investigate the trophic preferences of larval stages of the dusky grouper by rearing using a semi-intensive technology. Larvae were reared in pilot scale mesocosms (60 m3) from 3 to 35 days post hatching. The rearing system was supplied with wild zooplankton collected in a natural coastal lagoon in order to augment the chances of satisfying the larvae's feeding requirements; the feeding preferences were analyzed during ontogenesis. The relationship between mouth gape and dimensions of preys, considered as 3-D objects, was investigated to identify possible critical factor. The results of this study suggested a sequence of suitable food items from the beginning of exogenous feeding until day 35 post hatching. In particular, dusky grouper larvae actively select copepod nauplii in the size range between 2 and 12 mm in TL, and Artemia salina nauplii for TL larger than 9 mm. The rearing approach applied seemed to be promising. Indeed, while previous rearing trials of dusky grouper failed within ten days or finished at 30 days post hatching with a lower percent of survivors, this paper reports the best survival rate reported for this species (10%±7.0 survivors at 35 days post hatching). Finally, mouth width was observed to be the limiting factor in the selection of prey, while the smallest prey size plays a critical role in determining ingestion. Our results contribute to clarifying some aspects of the larval ecology of this species, furnishing some suggestions for its cultivation.


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Donnerstag, 18 Juni 2020 14:09

GRIMM, R. (1969)

Blauböckchen (Cephalophus monticola [Thunberg,1798]; Cephalophmae, Bovidae) als Insektenfresser.

Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 35: 357-359.


Im Mageninhalt von Blauböckchen (Cephalophus monticola) aus freier Wildbahn stellte der Verfasser eine große Menge angedauter Ameisen der Art Paltothyreus tarsatus fest. Eine quantitative Untersuchung ergab, dass die Ameisen einen Anteil von 11,2% am Trockengewicht des Mageninhalts ausmachten. Da P. tarsatus überwiegend solitär lebt,muss angenommen werden, dass Cephalophus monticola die Ameisen nicht zufällig, sondern bewußt aufnimmt, womit er sich in die Reihe der carnivoren Antilopen einordnet.


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Maintenance and breeding of duikers Cephalophus spp. at Gladys Porter Zoo, Brownsville.

International Zoo Yearb. 20: 93-98.


Der Gladys Porter Zoo hielt damals eine der größten Ducker-Kollektionen bestehend aus 30 Tieren in 6 Arten (C. jentinki, C. Sylvicultor, C. niger, D. dorsalis, C. zebra und P. maxwelli). Es wird über die Haltung und Zucht dieser Tiere berichtet, insbesondere über den erhöhten Kupferbedarf des Zebraduckers.


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Freitag, 06 März 2020 11:02

DITTRICH, L. (2007)

Zootierhaltung - Tiere in menschlicher Obhut: Grundlagen.

478 Seiten, mit s/w-Abbildungen.
Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt /Main. ISBN13:  078-3-8171-1813-7.


Die Haltung und Pflege von Wildtieren steht heute auf einem gesicherten FundamentJahrzehntelange Erfahrungen in den Zoologischen Gärten, gesammelt aber auch von Tierliebhabern, vor allem jedoch die Ergebnisse mehrerer naturwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen lieferten die Voraussetzung, Wildtieren artgemäße Haltungsbedingungen zu schaffen. Für Tierhalter und Tierpfleger bedeutet dies jedoch, über eine kaum nochüberschaubare Fülle von einschlägigen Informationen und Daten verfügen zu müssen. Im vorliegenden Band haben in der Haltung von Wildtieren erfahrene Spezialisten wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen und erfolgreiche Autoren einen Abriss des Wissens zusammengestellt, das die Grundlage der Wildtierhaltung bildet. Das Buch hat gleichermaßen den Charakter eines Lehrbuches wie eines Nachschlagewerkes und ist leicht verständlich geschrieben. Zahlreiche instruktive Zeichnungen erläuterndie beschriebenen Zusammenhänge. Diese neubearbeitete und auf sechs Bände erweiterte Auflage von "Wildtiere in Menschenhand" ist vor allem für Zootierpfleger und Mitarbeiter von Tierparks geschrieben. Erkenntnisse über Pflege, Ernährung, Verhalten Zoologischen Gärten werden aufbereitet und so für den Tierpfleger zugänglich gemacht. Das Werk ist aber auch für Hobby-Tierhalter, Biologen und Veterinärmediziner von Interesse.


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Notes on Nest and Chicks of the Guianan Red Cotinga (Phoenicircus carnifex) in Amazonas, Brazil.

The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127(3):521–523.


The Guianan Red Cotinga (Phoenicircus carnifex) is a poorly known member of the family Cotingidae, and information concerning its biology, ecology, and natural history are scarce. We provide the first description of the nest and young of the Guianan Red Cotinga and provide additional natural history data on its diet and habitat preferences.


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Mittwoch, 06 November 2019 21:10

KAISER, C. (2014)

The role of copper and vitamin A-deficiencies leading to neurological signs in captive cheerahs (Acinonyx jubatus) and lions (Panthera leo) in the United Arab Emirates.

Vet. med. Diss.
Vetsuisse-Fakultät Universität Zürich, Institut für Tierernährung, Leitung: Prof. Dr. Annette Liesegang

Originally published by KAISER, C., WERNERY, U., KINNE, J., MARKER, L. & LIESEGANG, A. (2014) at: Food and Nutrition Sciences, 5(20):1978-1990. DOI:


Neurological signs like ataxia and hind limb paresis have often been reported in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), lions (Panthera leo) and snow leopards (Panthera uncia). As a cause, copper and Vitamin A deficiencies have been discussed. Many cases were seen in cheetahs and lions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) within the last years. The aim of this study was to find correlations between nutrition, serum, and tissue levels, focusing on copper and Vitamin A. Blood and tissue samples of affected and unaffected animals were analyzed at the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory in Dubai, UAE. Animals were split into three different groups (A, B and C) according to their diets. Minerals were determined in serum, tissue, food and water samples, and serum was additionally analyzed for Vitamin A and E. Liver, kidney and spinal cord samples were taken for histopathological investigations. Mean serum copper and liver copper levels of animals fed pure chicken muscle meat without supplements were significantly lower (0.41 ± 0.71 ￿M/L; 2.16 ± 0.95 ppm wet weight) than in animals fed a whole carcass prey diet (12.16 ± 3.42 ￿M/L; 16.01 ± 17.51 ppm wet weight) (p < 0.05). Serum Vitamin A and E levels were highest in animals fed whole carcass prey diets (1.85 ± 0.68; 27.31 ± 5.69 ￿M/L). Liver zinc concentrations were highest in animals fed pure chicken meat only (43.75 ± 16.48 ppm wet weight). In histopathology, demyelination of the spinal cord was found in all of the affected animals and most commonly when fed a diet based on poultry without supplements.


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Freitag, 30 November 2018 14:50


Pollination of Ravenala madagascariensis and Parkia madagascariensis by Eulemur macaco in Madagascar.


Primates are known to be important in dispersal of seeds of tropical rainforest trees, but their role in pollination is very poorly documented. Although the 'traveller's palm' Ravenala madagascariensis is widespread, only a single well-documented report exists for its pollination by Malagasy prosimians. Black lemurs, Eulemur macaco, exploit nectaries of Parkia as well as Ravenala systematically at the massifs of Ambato and Lokobe, and almost certainly contribute substantially to their pollination, confirming a proposal first made by Sussman and Raven [Science 1978;200: 731-736].

Folia Primatol. (Basel). 69(5):252-259.

PMID: 9751827; DOI: 10.1159/000021634



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Keeping and breeding the rescued Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) in captivity.

Zoo Biol. 2017 Dec;36(6):387-396. doi: 10.1002/zoo.21388. Epub 2017 Nov 17.


The Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822) is a Critically Endangered species. Given that this species lacks effective policies for in situ conservation and prevention of poaching in the wild, ex situ conservation and a captive breeding program are urgently needed to save this species from extinction. However, techniques for the maintenance and captive breeding of pangolins have not been well developed. In June 2010, we established the Pangolin Research Base for Artificial Rescue and Conservation Breeding of South China Normal University (PRB-SCNU). To date, a total of 34 Sunda pangolin cubs have been born at PRB-SCNU, 26 of which were captive bred, indicating great progress in keeping and breeding the Sunda pangolin. The techniques for maintenance-including housing, transitioning to an artificial diet, husbandry, and captive breeding-are described in this paper. The purpose of this manuscript is to share our successful experiences and techniques in the maintenance, management, and captive breeding of Sunda pangolins, and to provide guidance and a reference for the captive care and management of Sunda pangolins and other pangolin species.



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