Sonntag, 16 April 2023 09:32

TODD, F. S. (1979)

Waterfowl - Ducks, Geese & Swans of the World.

399 Seiten, durchgehend mit Farbfotos  illustriert. Sea World Press, San Diego

Inhalt (Ausgabe 1996, 490 Seiten, Verlag Hancock House):

This comprehensive volume covers the natural history of each of over 160 members of the ducks, geese, swans and screamers of the world. Beautifully illustrated and authoritative, this remarkable book is destined to become the ultimate reference work on the waterfowl of the world. The eighteen chapters deal with every aspect of waterfowl biology, including habitat, distribution, plumage, migration, feeding, courtship, predators and mortality. A separate appendix includes weights of virtually every species and subspecies of waterfowl. Concise full-colour range maps accompany each species account. More than 750 beautifully reproduced photographs represent a lifetime of intensive research and field study by the author. This definitive volume on the Anseriformes will prove invaluable to anyone interested in the natural history of the waterfowl -- weather teacher, student, naturalist, bird watcher, conservationist, aviculturist or ornithologist.


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Donnerstag, 23 März 2023 09:09


Status der Mandarinente Aix galericulata in der Schweiz.

Ornithol. Beob. 94: 53-63.



Der erste Brutnachweis freilebender Manadarinenten in der Schweiz erfolgte 1958 in Basel. Dort entwickelte sich eine kleine stationäre Population, die von entflogenen Vögeln aus dem Tierpark Lange Erlen stammt. Seit 1974 brütet die Mandarinente auch regelmäßig in der Gegend um Solothurn, wo heute der der größte Bestand lebt. Ab 1981 erfolgten vereinzelt auch Bruten anderswo im schweizerischen Mittelland, fast ausschließlich unter 500 m. ü. M. Drei Typen von Bruthabitaten können unterschieden werden: Parkanlagen, Waldweiher und Laubwälder in der Nähe von Flüßen und Seeufern. Die Schweizerische Pupulation wird heute auf etwa 200 Individuen geschätzt, wovon etwa 10-15 Brutpaare. Genauere Angaben fehlen bisland, da die Mandarinente als exotische Art vor 1994 von den Feldornithologen zu wenig beobachtet wurde.


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Mittwoch, 20 November 2019 08:57

HEARN, R. (2015)

The troubled Baer’s Pochard Aythya baeri: cause for a little optimism?

BirdingASIA 24 (2015): 78–83

Volltext (PDF)


This  article  updates progress made since 2013 with conservationplanning and  action, and looks forward to thecritical issues that need to be addressed in the next1–2 years.The most important development has been thepreparation of a Single Species Action Plan (SSAP)for Baer’s Pochard and the establishment of a TaskForce under the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) to oversee its implementation.


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Extraordinary cranial specialization in a new genus of extinct duck (Aves: Anseriformes) from Kauai, Hawaiian Islands.

Zootaxa 2296: 47–67 (2009)


Talpanas lippa is described as a new genus and species of waterfowl from Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, that is unlike any other known member of the order. It is characterized by a short, stout tarsometatarsus and a braincase that is shallow and wide relative to its length with very small orbits. In comparison with extant species, the optic foramen of Talpanas is remarkably small whereas the maxillo-mandibular foramen, which is the exit point of the trigeminal nerve, is grossly enlarged. Relative to skull length and foramen magnum area, the maxillo-mandibular foramen is one order of magnitude larger in cross-sectional area than that of extant Anseriformes. We conclude that Talpanas had reduced visual abilities, as reflected externally by its small orbits and optic foramen, and a grossly hypertrophied trigeminal foramen. Taken together, this suggests that Talpanas may have been more heavily reliant upon somatosensory (tactile) cues for foraging than any living species of bird. Pectoral elements are unknown, but the evident lack of keen eyesight suggests that the species was flightless, as were many other insular waterfowl.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 18:44

KELLER, V. (1999)

Kolbenenten sind im Kommen - Ein farbenprächtiger Gast aus Spanien erobert unsere Seen.

ORNIS 1999 (6): 34-37.


Von Südwedsteuropa her breitet sich die Kolbenente (Netta rufina) immer weiter nach Osten aus. Ihr Gesamtbestand hat allerdings nicht zugenommen, nur die Verteilung hat geändert. Was lockt die Kolbenente aus den warmen Überwinterungsgebieten in Spanien an unsere kalten Seen?

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:03

SUTER, W. (2005)

Die Schellente - Unermüdlich auf Tauchgang.

Ornis 2005 (1): 14-16


Ungefähr 10'000 Schellenten verbringen den Winter in der Schweiz und Umgebung, vor allem auf dem Bodensee, auf dem Untersee/Rhein und auf dem Genfersee. Die Schellente unterscheidet sich in vielen Merkmalen von anderen Tauchenten. Etwa 60 % des Tages verbringt sie unter Wasser - unermüdlich auf der Suche nach Nahrung. Mitte März ist sie bereits wieder auf dem Zug in ihre Brutgebiete in der Taiga.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 10:02

YOUNG, H. G. (2005)

Madagascan Dabbling Ducks: Madagascar Teal (Anas bernieri), Meller's Duck (Anas melleri)

- Guidelines on their husbandry, biology and conservation.

EAZA, Amsterdam.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:20

SCOTT, P. (1961)

Das Wassergeflügel der Welt - Ein farbiger Bestimmungsschlüssel.

96 Seiten, 23 Farbtafeln.
Übersetzt und bearbeitet von H. G. Klös. Paul Parey Verlag, Hamburg und Berlin.

Titel der Originalausgabe: A Coloured Key to the Waterfowl of the World.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 06:55



Sonderheft 1989 der Schweizerischen Vogelwarte Sempach. 36 Seiten.

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Evidence of climate change effects on within-winter movements of European mallards (Anas platyrhynchos).

Ibis 152: 600-609.


We analysed within‐winter (December–February) movements of Mallard using the EURING Data Bank. Most movements were directed towards the south or southwest during all three winter months. Distances covered increased with winter harshness and generally decreased from 1952 to 2004. Mallards appear to move less than other duck species during winter. Long‐distance movements of Mallards seem to be related to cold weather, birds only moving long distances in large numbers during the very coldest winters. Movements are not restricted during midwinter, but occur throughout the winter. The decreasing within‐winter movement over time (1952–2004) could be explained by decreasing reporting probabilities and/or warmer winters in recent decades. However, the first is only true if the decrease in reporting probability increases with distance moved, for which we found no indication in our study. Therefore, we suggest that the pattern found is evidence of long‐term winter warming reducing the distance of within‐winter movements in this species.


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