Biological data on Holaspis guentheri laevis Werner, 1895 obtained from vivarium keeping.

Podarcis 2(3): 72-80.



Two types of vivaria are described for Holaspis guentheri laevis, one an approximation of the natural habitat and the other a more spartan design. In both the lizards do well, though we prefer the former design.

Courtship lasts 5-8 minutes and involves a flankbite and the male clasping the female with his hind legs. For oviposition the lizards must be provided with a humid substrate on which pieces of bark are deposited, preferably in a partly closed container, the substrate if possible being around 30°C. Oviposition of the clutch of two occurs at night. At oviposition eggs measure 6.8x12.0±0.8 mm and weigh 0.33 g. These eggs develop to 9.8x18.8 mm and 1.08 g. At 29°C incubation takes 55-57 days. Juveniles measure (HB+T) 22+33 mm and weigh 0.24 g, and resemble their parents, though less intensely coloured. In contrast to the adults' ventral colour the juveniles are ventrally pitch-black. At a head-body length of approx. 27 mm, the change into adult coloration begins, and is completed when the animal reaches 35 mm in length. Sexual maturity is reached after 1.5-2 years.

The proximal fusion of the third and fourth finger in Holaspis is hypothesised to dampen the impact after gliding flights.


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Mittwoch, 12 Januar 2022 10:51

GEBHART, J. (2015)

Beobachtungen an Mauereidechsen auf der Insel Elba.


Es wird über Beobachtungen an Mauereidechsen während eines einwöchigen Aufenthalts auf Elba berichtet. Vom Strand bis auf den Gipfel des Monte Capanne bewohnen die Mauereidechsen jeglichen Lebensraum. Nur in Dörfern und Städten sind sie auch in geeigneten Habitaten selten anzutreffen. Grund dafür dürften die allgegenwärtigen Katzen sein. Die Fluchtdistanz war für Mauereidechsen relativ hoch, selbst an Stellen, die von Menschen stark frequentiert werden, wie zum Beispiel Parks, Parkplätze und der Gipfel des Monte Capanne. Interessant war zu beobachten, dass in dichten Eichenwäldern, wo die Sonne nicht auf den Boden schien, die Tiere bis in etwa zwei Meter Höhe an Baumstämmen saßen um sich zu sonnen.


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Dienstag, 11 Januar 2022 22:50

GEBHART, J. (2011)

Die Ruineneidechsen (Podarcis siculus tyrrhenicus) der Insel Giglio.

Elaphe 2-2011: 51-55. Mit 19 Farbforos und einer Landkarte.


Der Artike l enthält Angaben zur Herpetofauna Giglios und berichtet über eine eintägige Exkursion mit Schwerpunkt auf der Beobachtung und Dokumentation der Ruineneidechsen.


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Outcomes and lessons from a quarter of a century of Sand lizard Lacerta agilis reintroductions in southern England.

Int. Zoo Yearb. 51: 87-96.

Volltext (PDF)


Despite occurring widely across Europe and Asia, the Sand lizard Lacerta agilis is threatened in the north-western part of its range and had disappeared from much of its former habitat in England and Wales prior to concerted conservation action. A breeding population established at Marwell Zoo, UK, contributed to the re-establishment of 26 populations of Sand lizards at heathland and coastal dune sites across southern England as part of a wider multi-stakeholder response to reverse the decline of the species. Knowledge about the biology of Sand lizards was accrued during the process, which helped to refine the management of the breeding population that was maintained in a naturalistic setting within the indigenous range of the species. These successes were underpinned by coordinated collaborative actions and long-term institutional commitments against a backdrop of considerable change in the statutory framework governing Sand lizard conservation. The management of this project was not without cost or risk, including protection of valuable founder stock, incomplete knowledge about the health and disease status of Sand lizards, intrinsic constraints of limited founder representation, and the challenges of monitoring this elusive species post release.


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Distribution and conservation of Dalmatolacerta oxycephala (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Distribucija i zaštita Dalmatolacerta oxycephala (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini.

Hyla 2014 (2): 20-33. ISSN: 1848-2007


The sharp snouted rock lizard, Dalmatolacerta oxycephala, is an endemic lizard of the Balkan Peninsula with 70% of its range found in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The herpetological literature surprisingly yields scarce localized data. In this paper we summarize most, if not all, records found in literature, data from museum collections, our own field surveys and records of field researchers with reliable knowledge of D. oxycephala. All literature and new data are plotted and an updated distribution map for Croatia and B&H is given. The sharp snouted rock lizard occurs continuously over the southern areas of the region with new records increasing the known distribution towards the north and into the high mountainous regions. The species occupies a very wide set of habitats, from rocky shrubs at sea level (on islands) up to rocky mountain cliffs and gorges at 1400 m a.s.l. Overall seasonal activity was highest from April to June with strong affiliation to warm and dry habitats. The species has a large range, it is still very abundant and there is no direct evidence of population decline, therefore its IUCN regional status for Croatia should remain least concerned (LC) and near threatened (NT) for B&H.

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 09:27


Wiederentdeckung einer ausgestorben geglaubten Population der Baleareneidechse, Podarcis lilfordi (GÜNTHER, 1874) auf der Illa de Ses Mones (Balearen, Menorca, Spanien) in Sympatrie mit der Ruineneidechse, Podarcis siculus (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810).

Die Eidechse, 21 (3): 65-74.


Es wird über die Wiederentdeckung einer Population der Baleareneidechse (Podarcis lilfordi) auf der im Hafen von Port d`Addaia gelegenen Insel Illa de Ses Mones berichtet, von der man annahm, sie sei in den 1990er-Jahren durch die eingeschleppte Ruineneidechse (Podarcis siculus) verdrängt worden. Neben Informationen zur Illa des Ses Mones wird zum ersten Mal über ein sympatrisches Vorkommen von P. lilfordi und P. siculus berichtet und die hier lebenden Eidechsen erstmalig beschrieben und abgebildet. Weiterhin wird auf die in der Literatur häufige Verwechslung der Insel Illot d'en Carbó mit der Illa des Ses Mones hingewiesen und schließlich die taxonomische Stellung der wiederentdeckten Podarcis lilfordi von der Illa de Ses Mones diskutiert.

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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx