Donnerstag, 18 Oktober 2018 09:30

ERLICH DE YOFFE, A. et al., ed. (1984)

Los zorros.

Fauna Argentina 52.

Brosch., 32 Seiten mit Farbfotos, Strichzeichnungen und Verbreitungskarten.
Centro Editor de América Latina, Buenos Aires.



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The origins of the enigmatic Falkland Islands wolf.

Nat. Commun. 2013;4:1552. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2570.


The origins of the extinct Falkland Islands wolf (FIW), Dusicyon australis, have remained a mystery since it was first recorded by Europeans in the seventeenth century. It is the only terrestrial mammal on the Falkland Islands (also known as the Malvinas Islands), which lie ~460 km from Argentina, leading to suggestions of either human-mediated transport or overwater dispersal. Previous studies used ancient DNA from museum specimens to suggest that the FIW diverged from its closest living relative, the South American maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) around 7 Ma, and colonized the islands ~330 ka by unknown means. Here we retrieve ancient DNA from subfossils of an extinct mainland relative, Dusicyon avus, and reveal the FIW lineage became isolated only 16 ka (8-31 ka), during the last glacial phase. Submarine terraces, formed on the Argentine coastal shelf by low sea-stands during this period, suggest that the FIW colonized via a narrow, shallow marine strait, potentially while it was frozen over.$

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:32

DMOCH, R. (2009)

EEP Husbandry Guidelines for Bush Dogs (Speothos venaticus).

5  Seiten. Hrsg. Zoo Frankfurt für EAZA, Amsterdam.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 13:53


Verhaltensbeobachtungen an Goldschakalen (Canis aureus) im Zoo Osnabrück mit dem Schwerpunkt auf soziale Interaktionen und Paarungsbereitschaft.

Bachelor of Science-Arbeit

75 Seiten

Erstprüfer: PD. Dr. Udo Gansloßer, Zoologisches Institut und Museum Universität Greifswald
Zweitprüfer: apl. Prof. Dr. G. Purschke, Fachbereich Zoologie, Universität Osnabrück
Zoo Osnabrück


Nowadays the roles of zoological gardens are mainly the Conservation and the coordinated breeding programs of threatened species as well as raising awareness for the vulnerability of nature resulting in a better understanding and conservation of Ecosystems. This thesis deals with several behavioural observations on golden jackals (Canis aureus) in the zoo-logical garden of Osnabrück with emphasis on social interactions and the reproductive be-haviour. The aim is to understand these two very important social aspects and the special needs of these animals to improve breeding and their wellbeing in captivity. It is based on Wandrey’s “Contribution to the study of social behaviour in captive golden jackals (Canis aureus)” from 1975. This is one of very few studies which were written to understand the social behaviour of golden jackals held in captivity. Therefore actual observations are a necessity to comprehend the behaviour of jackals in captivity. A group of three jackals consisting of two females (born in captivity) and one male (wild born) were observed for four hours a day on 41 observation days. A focus observation method was used and the collected data was statistically analysed by using the Friedman Test on the social interac-tions and the Wilcoxon Test to analyze the preferences of the reproductive mate of the male jackal. Significant differences in the social behaviour as well as in the preferences for the reproductive partner were observed including the first recorded copulation in captivity of these individuals.



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Historical and current range of the Near Threatened maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus in South America

ORYX 45 (2): 296-301. ISSN o030-6053. DOI: 10.1017/S0030605310000372


The Near Threatened maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus is a South American endemic canid occurring mainly in grassland-dominated regions. We compiled and mapped recent and historical data to compare the species’ present and historical distributions and propose hypotheses for range shifts. There has been recent range expansion in eastern Brazil associated with the deforestation of the Atlantic Forest and conversion of habitat to grasslands for cattle range. The northern, north-eastern and eastern sectors of the species’ range have not yet experienced significant modifications, and the species persists in central Brazil, northern and eastern Bolivia, and south-eastern Peru. The largest range contractions have occurred at the species’ southern limits but maned wolves are still present in north-eastern, central and eastern Argentina, and there are a few records of the species' occurence from Uruguay and north-eastern and southern Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Historically the species occupied nearly all of Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay and south to at least the 38th parallel in Argentina. The probable causes of the southern range loss are intense anthropogenic pressure combined with limiting abiotic factors such as temperature and humidity. We highlight the need to revise the view of how habitat modifications are influencing the range of C. brachyurus so as to improve and coordinate range-wide conservation strategies.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:55

KELLER, R. (1973)

Einige Beobachtungen zum Verhalten des Dekkan-Rothundes (Cuon alpinus dukhunensis SYKES) im Kanha-Nationalpark.

Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 118: 129-135.



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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:13

DO LINH SAN, E. (2006)

Der Rotfuchs.

Biologie einheimischer Wildarten 1/8a. 20 Seiten.
Hrsg.: Wildtier Schweiz. Winterthurerstrasse 92, CH-8006 Zürich


Es besteht wohl kein Zweifel, dass der Rotfuchs jedermann bekannt ist. Gründe dafür gibt es verschiedene: Erstens besitzt dieses Wildtier eine enorme Anpassungsfähigkeit und ein hohes Fortpflanzungspotential, was ihm – bisweilen mit Hilfe des Menschen – ermöglicht hat, einen grossen Teil der Erdkugel zu besiedeln. Zweitens, und wahrscheinlich auch daraus folgend, erscheint dieses Raubtier seit der Antike in vielen Fabeln und Märchen, wo es gewöhnlich Schlauheit und Überlebenskunst verkörpert. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat der Fuchs aber auch als Hauptüberträger der Tollwut und als Hauptwirt des Kleinen Fuchsbandwurmes für Schlagzeilen gesorgt und nicht zuletzt als neuer, heimlicher Mitbewohner des Menschen in vielen Städten die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen. Gleichzeitig hat sich auch die Wissenschaft intensiv mit dem Fuchs beschäftigt. Der vor­liegende Artikel fasst deshalb den heutigen Wissensstand über diesen Meister der Anpassung zusammen, mit Schwerpunkt auf die Erkenntnisse schweizerischer Forschungsarbeiten.




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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 14:00

BUELER, L. E. (1974)

Wild dogs of the world.

274 Seiten, mit Verbreitungskarten und s/w-Fotos
Verlag Constable, London. ISBN-10: 0812815688; ISBN-13: 978-0812815689.


Did you now that there are red foxes encamped on the very outskirts of New York and London? That in South America there is a wild dog, built something like an overweight dachshund, that dives and swims under water? That the raccoon dog of the Far East actually hibernates in winter? Or that a wolf native to Brazil can climb steep slopes with ease, but has trouble going downhill because its hind legs are longer than its front legs? These are only a few of the fascinating animals whose life-styles are on view in "Wild Dogs of the World," the first work to cover the entire family of dogs (Canidae) since 1890. Each species is treated in a separate chapter, with information on its general appearance, anatomical structure, eating habits, living conditions, behavior patterns, social structures, and family life. Photographs of the wild dogs, most shown in their natural habitats, will enhance the value of this book to the specialist and dog-lover alike. In addition to extensive chapters on familiar wild dogs like the gray wolf, red fox, jackal, and coyote, this book presents what is known to date about such exotic species as the small-eared dog and maned wolf of South America, the Semyen fox and the bat-eared fox of Africa, and the dhole and the raccoon dog of Asia. The chapter on the domestic dog includes a history of domestication and a discussion of the ways in which our pets differ from their wild relative. The author, Lois E. Bueller has pursued her interest in animals through Europe, Africa, and the Far East. A former Woodrow Wilson Fellow she how lives with her husband and children in Baton Rouge, where she teaches at Louisiana State University.

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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx