Samstag, 29 Mai 2021 08:22

TIJSKENS J. (1968)

Preliminary notes on the F1 bongo antelope x sitatunga hybrids Taurotragus eurycerus x Tragelaphus spekei at Antwerp Zoo.

Int. Zoo Yb. 8: 137-139.


In June 1960 Antwerp Zoo rceived a male Bongo antelope. "Nabeli", from Epulu in the Congo. The only other Bongo antelope in captivity at that time was a female, "Karen", at Cleveland Zoo ... It was then decided to try and cross the male Bongo antelope with a female sitatunga. The nearly 3 year old male Bongo was put with a group of some 12 female sitatungs for about 6 months. As soon as the male showed sexual interest in the females, the Bongo and 2 sitatungas were separated from the main herd ... Births occured on 4 September 1964 giving a gestation period of 309 days.  ... the second young was born on 4 February 1965 by caesarian section ...


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Samstag, 29 Mai 2021 08:20

GIPPOLITI, S. (2016)

Third case of a Bongo x Sitatunga hybrid.

GNUSLETTER 33 (1):12


The only so far reported case of hybridization between Tragelaphus eurycerus and Tragelaphus spekii resulted in two fertile females at Antwerp Zoo. The two Bongo x Sitatunga hybrids born at Antwerp were both females. One of these ‘Bongsi’ produced an healthy foal when mated with a sitatunga male. The coexistence of several different species in a large enclosure at the Fasano Safari Park (Brindisi, southern Italy) resulted in the unexpected birth of a female Bongo x Sitatunga F1 in 2012.As in Antwerp, even the Fasano Bongsi  has horns. While in general appearance it resemble more the paternal species, its locomotion and shyness resemble those typical of sitatunga.I was not able to know the exact birth date of the bongsi. It is healthy at the date of writing and horns are longer (December 2015). As no sitatunga or bongo individuals are actually present in the Safari park, no breeding from this bongsi is expected.


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Flagship but only locally: bongo Tragelaphus eurycerus taxonomic history and its effects on current conservation policy.

GAZELLA 44: 65-76.


A review of historical literature plus the examination of zoos and museum specimens and available photos from internet source revealed the hidden diversity of the bongo antelopes, presently Tragelaphus eurycerus. While the Kenya montane form isaaci has received most conservation support in recent years, the present review highlights the species status of the little-known Upper Guinean nominal taxon. Waiting for a through taxonomic revision of the whole complex especially in the central forest block, the Central-Eastern bongos are better considered as members of a distinct species Tragelaphus albovirgatus Du Chaillu, 1861, provisionally considered to include a number of ‘subspecies’. The conservation status of T. albovirgatus and especially of T. eurycerus need further investigations even considering that, excepted for the Kenyan taxon isaaci, their survival may depends exclusively on in situ conservation activities.

Volltext (PDF)


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Samstag, 29 Februar 2020 09:49

BRANDT, B. (2020)

Über die ersten Bongos in Paris.

BULETTE Berlin 7: 215-219.


Es wird über die Ersteinfuhr eines (Westlichen) Bongos in einen europäischen Zoologischen Garten berichtet, die 1927 durch die Menagerie des Jardin des Plantes, Paris, erfolgte. Ferner über die zweite Einfuhr eines Bongos nach Paris, der 1939 im Zoo de Vincennes gehalten wurde. Die Tiere werden fotografisch dokumentiert.


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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx