Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 21:21

SCHÜRER, U. (1994)

Freiflughalle für Kolibris im Zoologischen Gartens Wuppertal.

Der Zoologische Garten (N.F.) 64 (3): 113-123. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena. ISSN: 0044-5169

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 13:22


Neue Anlagen für Tüpfelhyänen und Rothunde sowie Volieren für Greifvögel und Eulen im Tierpark Berlin.

Der Zoolog. Garten, Band 77, Heft 3; 129-133.


A description of new enclosures for spotted hyaenas and red dholes is given. Together with this carnivore section new aviaries for caracaras and tropical owls were opened in the Tierpark Berlin.   


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Freitag, 18 Januar 2013 10:18

SCHMIDT, C. R. (1967)

The Africa house at Zurich Zoo.

Int. Zoo Yearb. 7: 62-66.

Ähnlicher Artikel:

Schmidt. C. R. (1971)
Das Afrika-Haus im Züricher Zoo.
Anthos : Zeitschrift für Landschaftsarchitektur 10(3): 10-13

Volltext (PDF)

haltung 10 5 11 7 9 rhino zrh grundriss
Grundriss des Afrikahauses in Zürich


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Mittwoch, 16 Januar 2013 10:24

KAUFFELS, T. (2010)

Begehbare Freiflugvoliere für Störche, Ibisse und Enten im Opel-Zoo Kronberg.

Zool. Gart. N.F. 79: 26-37.

Grundfläche 1450 m², bis 12.5 m hoch, , Rauminhalt 13'800 m³, Netzfläche 3'000 m² Maschenweite des Edelstahlnetzes 40 mm.


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Mittwoch, 16 Januar 2013 09:39

PAGEL, T. (1997)

Das "Eulen-Kloster" im Zoologischen Garten Kölm und seine Bewohner. Zeitschrift de Kölner Zoos 40, Heft 4: 131-142

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Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 07:36

SCHÜRER, U. (1996)

Neue Elefantenanlage im Zoologischen Garten Wuppertal

Zool. Garten (N. F.) 66 (5): 269-283. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena. ISSN: 0044-5169

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Dienstag, 15 Januar 2013 16:37

JOHANN, A. (2011)

Die neue Bärenanlage im NaturZoo Rheine - Planung, Konzept und Erfahrungen. Zool. Garten NF 80: 1-28.

Freigegeben in J
Donnerstag, 14 Juni 2018 16:28

BAUMANN, A. & WEHRLE, M. (2011)

Das Zusammenleben von Bär und Wolf in einer neuen Gemeinschaftsanlage - Beschrieb über 1 ½ Jahre.

Zool. Garten NF 80: 93-105.


Over 200 years after the great Goldau rockslide, mighty rocks still lay strewn where they fell. In 1925, in the rockslide area, Nature and Animal Park Goldau was founded. The compound plays a significant role in showing domestic and European animals. Deer, wolves, bears, lynxes, birds of prey and domesticated animals – approximately 700 animals and 100 animal species – live in a natural habitat of some 34 hectares. Visitors can watch the animals all year round. Rest areas, tours, discovery stations, and – due to the extensive free running zones where people can feed sika deer, mouflon, and other cloven-hoofed animals – beckon people to stay. In 2009, a fascinating enclosure for bears and wolves went operational, and, two years after the opening, has withstood the test of endurance. Only the bears had to be stopped in front of the caves’ trench. Vegetation is very good thanks to the planting having been done long before the opening. Nothing has to be refitted. 700 groups can be accompanied to tour the compound annually).



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Dienstag, 15 Januar 2013 07:32

KAUFFELS, T. (2008)

Neue Giraffenhaltung im Opel-Zoo Kronberg.

Eröffnung der "Afrika Savanne" zum 50 jährigen Bestehen des Trägervereins "Georg von Opel - Freigehege für Tierforschung e.V."

Der Zoologische Garten 77, Heft 4:191-206.


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Three years of experience running the Masoala Rainforest ecosystem at Zurich Zoo, Switzerland.

International Zoo Yearbook, 41: 203-216.

ISSN (Print) 0074-9664 ISSN (Online) 1748 -1090 DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-1090.2007.00012.x.


Masoala Rainforest is an 11'000 m2 greenhouse ecosystem within Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, inaugurated in July 2003. This exhibit acts as an ambassador for the Masoala National Park, Madagascar, with the aim of displaying an authentic representation of Masoala National Park and thus raising awareness of the threatened animal and plant biodiversity of Madagascar, and especially the Masoala Peninsula. As of November 2006, the artificial Masoala Rainforest ecosystem harbours 478 plant, six mammal, 22 bird, seven reptile, two amphibian, three fish and more than 50 invertebrate species. All animals are free roaming within the ecosystem and the sound integration of a conservation initiative into the concept of the exhibit created a tremendous response in the national as well as international press, resulting in a substantial increase in visitor numbers. In this paper, we present Zoo Zurich's experience after 3 years, of running a complex artificial ecosystem.



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© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx