Ten years of herpetodiversity research in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, central Vietnam. In: VO VAN TRI, NGUYEN TIEN DAT, DANG NGOC KIEN & PHAM THI HAI YEN (Hrsg.): Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park and Cologne…
New discoveries of amphibians and reptiles from Vietnam. Bonn zoological Bulletin 57 (2): 137 – 147. Abstract: We provide a list of 21 new amphibian and reptilian species and subspecies discoveries from Vietnam, includ-ing one new snake genus, published after…
Selected mixed-species exhibits of mammals without primates involved. Primate Report 64, Selected mixed-species exhibits in zoological gardens: 72-84. Hrsg. Ziegler, T., Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH, Göttingen.   Download (PDF)   ziegler-biblio
Selected mixed-species exhibits of primates in German zoological gardens. Primate Report 64, Selected mixed-species exhibits in zoological gardens: 7-71. Hrsg. Ziegler, T., Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH, Göttingen. Link zum Report
Keeping and breeding of threatened endemic Malagasy freshwater fishes at Cologne Zoo (Germany): a contribution towards the advancement of a conservation breeding network. Haltung und Nachzucht bedrohter endemischer Süßwasserfische aus Madagaskar im Kölner Zoo: ein Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung eines Erhaltungszuchtnetzwerks.…
Captive breeding and larval morphology of Tylototriton shanjing Nussbaum, Brodie & Yang, 1995, with an updated key of the genus Tylototriton (Amphibia: Salamandridae). Zool. Garten N.F. 77 (Heft 4): 246-260. Tylototriton shanjing wurde erst in jüngerer Zeit als eigenständige Art…
A comparative study of crocodile lizards (Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl, 1930) from Vietnam and China. Raffl. Bull. Zool. 56(1): 181 – 187. Abstract: Preliminary morphological comparisons between Chinese and Vietnamese Shinisaurus representatives showed no significant differences that would justify a separate…
Review of the amphibian and reptile diversity of Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park and adjacent areas, central Truong Son, Vietnam. Herpetologica Bonnensis, II: 247-262. Abstract: The authors provide an updated review of the herpetofauna of the Phong Nha-Ke…
First F2 Breeding of the Quince Monitor Lizard Varanus melinus Böhme & Ziegler, 1997 at the Cologne Zoo Aquarium. Biawak, 4(3), pp. 82-92 © 2010 by International Varanid Interest Group Abstract: We report the first breeding of the quince monitor…
A review of the subgenus Euprepiosaurus of Varanus (Squamata: Varanidae): morphological and molecular phylogeny, distribution and zoogeography, with an identification key for the members of the V. indicus and the V. prasinus species groups. Zootaxa 1472: 1–28ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)ISSN…
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