MIXED-SPECIES EXHIBITS WITH CARNIVORANS III.Mixed-species exhibits with Cats (Felidae) and Hyenas (Hyaenidae). Volltext Introduction: Within the narrower meaning of the mixed-species exhibits this document deals with nine species of cats and one species of hyenas.In the list below you can…
MIXED-SPECIES EXHIBITS WITH CARNIVORANS VIII.Mixed-species exhibits with Weasels and relatives (Mustelidae) and Skunks (Mephitidae). Volltext Introduction: As many articles and other publications deal with the subject of general advantages and disadvantages of the mixed-species exhibits, instead of this, here I…
MIXED-SPECIES EXHIBITS WITH CARNIVORANS I.Mixed-species exhibits with Bears (Ursidae). Volltext Introduction (partim): This  document purposefully focuses on creating a list of mixed-species  exhibits with family Ursidae,  for  further  and  detailed  information  it  is  worth contacting  the institutions  mentioned  below.  Only …
The  Conservation  Biology of Tortoises. Occasional Papers  of the  IUCN  Species  Survival Commission  (SSC) No. 5. 204 Seiten.Published by IUCN,  Gland,  Switzerland. ISBN  2-88032-986-8. Aus der Einleitung: This contribution to the Occasional Papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission  (SSC) …
Conservation of the pink pigeon in Mauritius. Re-introduction News 19 (November 2000): 10-12. ISSN 1560-3709. Introduction The  Pink  Pigeon Columba  mayeri is  endemic to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Its has been rare for nearly a century…
Reiseführer Natur: Südliches Afrika. 240 Seiten, 1 Übersichtskarte, 26 Karten und Grafiken178 Farb- und 71 s/w-FotosBLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München. ISBN 3-405-14511-2. Umschlagtext: Reiselust heute - das heißt Lust auf unberührte Natur, auf bizzare und außergewöhnliche Landschaften, interessante Vegetation, vielfältige Tierwelt. Die…
International Giant Otter Studbook Husbandry and Management Information and Guidelines (Husbandry and Management of the Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis). 2nd Edition). EAZA, Amsterdam. 276 Seiten. Einleitung (Auszug): A broad overview of husbandry and management information is included. It expands upon…
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