Squirrels of the World. The John HOPKINS University Press, Baltimore. Geb., 472 Seiten, 276 Farbphotos, 285 Verbreitungskarten, 2 Grafiken, 28 Bildtafeln.ISBN-13: 978-1421404691 ISBN-10: 1421404699 Verlagstext: Squirrels of the World, written by scientists with more than 100 years of collective experience…
African Elephant Status Report 2016 - An update from the African Elephant Database. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission No. 60IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. vi + 309pp.; ISBN13: 978-2-8317-1813-2. Aus dem Executive Summary: This is the fifth printed African…
Comparative analyses of longevity and senescence reveal variable survival benefits of living in zoos across mammals. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 36361 (2016)doi:10.1038/srep36361. http://www.nature.com/articles/srep36361#supplementary-information Abstract: While it is commonly believed that animals live longer in zoos than in the wild,…
Conservation breeding of the Philippine crocodile: Social behaviour investigations at the public exhibit of the Cologne Zoo. Masterarbeit 57 Seiten. Zoologisches Institut Universität KölnBetreuung: T. ZieglerKölner Zoo Abstract: This study presents an overview on the past and current conservation measures…
Preliminary notes on the F1 bongo antelope x sitatunga hybrids Taurotragus eurycerus x Tragelaphus spekei at Antwerp Zoo. Int. Zoo Yb. 8: 137-139. Auszug: In June 1960 Antwerp Zoo rceived a male Bongo antelope. "Nabeli", from Epulu in the Congo.…
A review of  the systematics of the genus Bradypodion (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae), with the description of two new genera. Zootaxa 1363: 23–38. ISSN1175-5334 (online edition)  Abstract: The taxonomic history and composition of the genus Bradypodion as construed by Klaver & Böhme…
Distribution and Characteristics of African Dry Forests and Woodlands: 11-42. In: CHIDUMAYO, E.N. & GUMBO, D.J. (Eds., 2010) The Dry Forests and Woodlands of Africa - Managing for Products and Services. EarthScan Ltd., Londom / Washington D.C. ISBN 978-1-84971-131-9. Introduction:…
Birth of common shovelnose rays (Glaucostegus typus) under captive conditions. Zoo Biology 33, (4) Juli/August 2014: 357–359. DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21145. Abstract: The common shovelnose ray (Glaucostegus typus) is a poorly studied species of the Rhinobatidae family that occurs throughout the Indo-West…
Tiere untereinander – Formen sozialen Verhaltens. 150 Seiten, 8 Bildtafeln, 69 Strichzeichnungen, 184 Literaturangaben, Register 2. Auflage. Parey Verlag, Berlin und Hamburg. ISBN-10: 348960136X ISBN-13: 9783489601364. Inhalt: I. Einleitung II. PaarungsverhaltenIII. Familie und GruppeIV. KampfV. Analyse sozialer ZusammenarbeitVI. Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen…
Differential responses on individual- and population-level to a fungal pathogen: Bd infection in the midwife toad Alytes obstetricans. 125 Seiten.2011 PhD Thesis, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science. Volltext Zusammenfassung Infektionskrankheiten werden zu einer immer stärkeren Bedrohung der Biodiversität, und …
© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx