Taurotragus oryx. MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 689, pp. 1–5, 3 figs.Published 5 July 2002 by the American Society of Mammalogists Download: http://www.science.smith.edu/msi/pdf/689_Taurotragus_oryx.pdf   pappas-biblio
Los mamíferos de la Argentina y la región austral de Sudamérica. 454 Seiten, 700 Farbfotos, 3 farbige Abbildungen, 108 Strichzeichnungen. 1. Editorial el Ateneo, Librerías Yenny S. A. , Buenos Aires. ISBN 950-02-8536-3.  Verlagstext: "Tambien puede adquirirlo llamando a nuestro…
European Studbook for Douroucouli 2007-2010, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra & Aotus azarai boliviensis. Current until 31.12.10. 107 Seiten. Marwell Wildlife, Winchester. Inhalt: The Studbook provides a full overview of the living population, births, deaths and transfers over period 2007-2010, and also…
Present Situation and Future Perspective of Buffalo Production in Asia. J. Anim Plant Sci. 22 (Sup 3): 2012. “Proceedings of 6th Asian Buffalo Congress held on 27-30 Oct. 2009 at Lahore Pakistan Abstract: Buffalo, a triple purpose animal, provides milk,…
Towards a uniform nomenclature for ground squirrels: the status of the Holarctic chipmunks. Mammalia 2016; 80(3): 241–251. Abstract: The chipmunks are a Holarctic group of ground squirrels currently allocated to the genus Tamias within the tribe Marmotini (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Cranial,…
A newly recognized family from the Horn of Africa, the Heterocephalidae (Rodentia: Ctenohystrica). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172 (4): 942-963. Abstract: The Ctenohystrica is one of the three major lineages of rodents and contains diverse forms related to…
The Man-Eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures. MacMillan & Co. Ltd., London. 339 Seiten, mit Landkarte und s/w-Fotos. https://archive.org/details/maneaterstsavoa00pattgoog/page/n20/mode/2up Inhalt: 14 Kapitel des Buchs befassen sich mit den beiden menschenfressenden  Löwen "Ghost" und Darkness", die während des Baus…
Reptilien Südafrikas. Übersetzung ins Deutsche: H. Mücke. 128 Seiten, 239 Farbbilder. 5 Zeichnungen. Landbuch-Verlag GmbH, Hannover. ISBN 3-7842-0374-4. Ein reich bebilderter Führer zu mehr als 90 südafrikanischen Reptilienarten; mit fundierten Ratschlägen für die Reptilienhaltung. patterson-biblio
Male tolerance and male-male bonds in a multilevel primate society. PNAS, Published online before print, September 8, 2014. doi:10.1073/pnas.1405811111. Abstract: Male relationships in most species of mammals generally are characterized by intense intrasexual competition, with little bonding among unrelated individuals.…
Infant handling by female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) at Affenberg Salem: testing functional and evolutionary hypotheses. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39: 133–145. https://doi.org/10.1007/s002650050275. Arbeit durchgeführt im Affenberg Salem Abstract: Assisting the genetic parents in the rearing of young, a widespread…
© Peter Dollinger, Zoo Office Bern hyperworx